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Everything posted by oddball

  1. I will apply my brain cell to the problem
  2. Obviously just the undercoat, didn't have time to do the red top coat
  3. oddball


    I've got it!!!!!!!! Paint a big green leaf on the bonnet & pretend it's a poppy
  4. Here's a few few pics from Duxford on Saturday. Guess who this belonged to..... "LOOK OUT" Karoshi said you got a thing about crates Jack........... We decided this is what you need for the Jimmy
  5. oddball


    Got plenty of windows in my diary this week, you still trying to get it painted ready for Sunday
  6. Thought we already had one? What sort of thing you thinking of
  7. oddball


    Like I said before Jack I'd be quite happy to come down & show you.
  8. Why don't I get phone calls like that
  9. oddball


    I must admit to being a bit biased with this one but if you want to read about life in the air from the British point of view then you could do worse than "Three stripes and four brownings" by Bill Jackson who was a tail gunner with Bomber Command. It could be a bit tricky getting hold of a copy but I managed to find it here http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0919899145/102-4925022-3825703?v=glance&n=283155&s=books&v=glance Bill Jackson was the only survivor on a Stirling which crashed in Germany on a mine laying mission. One of my uncle's was the navigator.
  10. oddball


    I thought I already said that once :shock:
  11. Go on then Jack, don't keep us in suspense, are you gonna get one????????????????????????????
  12. And as we know 1/2" can make all the difference :shock: Anyway I was allowing for all the coats of paint Jack will be putting on it, when he can decide what colour of course
  13. I just thought you might be after something to get to those hard to reach parts that lesser MV's can't get to, not without getting stuck anyway
  14. No trouble, you thinking of getting a "proper" MV then Jack :wink:
  15. oddball


    Thanks Matt, I'll keep looking.
  16. oddball


    Does anyone know if they still make big poppies like they used to? I wanted a big 'un for the jeep but so far have only found the usual small ones.
  17. How exactly DO these people manage to lay shoulder to shoulder roasting themselves on a baking hot beach for two weeks & say they've had a great time???????????????
  18. I know where I'd rather be...............
  19. Is it a bucket or a cover for the pea shooter No bucket but check out the aerial Karoshi
  20. "US XV corps cross the River Seine at Mantes-Gassicourt on 20th August 1944" from "Victory in Europe" by Max Hastings
  21. This looks like a bucket but appears to be hanging from the spare wheel by a long strap.
  22. Very good thanks Jack. We happened to be in a cafe in Yeovil having breakfast this morning & a jeep drove past , was that anybody on here?
  23. Big Joe has organised a spot of R & R so I will be off air for a day or 3 Probably just as well as I see that I appear to be rising through the ranks too quickly for my liking, at this rate I will be Supreme Commander by Christmas :cry:
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