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Everything posted by oddball

  1. You expecting snow then Jack :shock:
  2. oddball


    I suspect Jack & Karoshi are probably tinkering under the tarpaulin by now :shock: that's why it's gone quiet.
  3. Did you get any joy with them Tim?
  4. Uh! What's that? Did you say something Jack? Oh, ok I'll get you a mirror arm........................
  5. Yep, that's where it lives. I'm trying to get it to grow into a Beep but not having much luck so far..............................
  6. Wanna bet? I do it the other way around, wash it before the mot & go get it dirty again afterwards :shock:
  7. Jack's beat you to it :lol:
  8. Better get a couple for spares then Jack, looks like you're gonna need it :lol: :lol:
  9. If you've got the equipment & the facilities then spraying's best, could upset the neighbours though.
  10. Yep, ok see you there. I'll be in the..................................................
  11. You should know you can't rely on Mulligan for anything! You call the shot & I'll be in Mcdonalds car park waitin.
  12. Well, being a chap with simple tastes I think I would stick with the jeep, that or a WC52. As the best thing is going off road & some of the tracks around here are a bit of a tight squeeze so it needs something small & light.
  13. If money was no object, I'd have all of them.
  14. Jack did show me a couple, but I don't think they were right somehow.
  15. Hey Karoshi - if you want me, & the boys could hook up with you at Tot hill services on the A34 & kinda like show you the way. That goes for anyone else heading north from the badlands. As long as you don't want to be there at first sparrow cough, you know being Sunday an all..................But hey! for a bacon butty we could be heroes for a day.
  16. Ah, Jack, for cryin' out loud. That's the the stinking, most awful, stupid excuse and you're always pullin' that stinking awful stupid excuse. You don't want in this thing, you don't get in this thing. I cut you in on everything. I don't need you. Sixty feet of bridge I can get almost anywhere.
  17. Is the Pope a catholic?.............Saving my pennies as we speak.
  18. You aint the only one with a 2lb lump hammer you know............
  19. Hi Tim, Sounds to me like you have got a pretty good case against the insurers, the repairers or both. Have you tried asking advice from the AA or RAC's legal departments? I would have thought that you should be able to make the insurers pay to have the job done properly by someone else.
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