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Richard Farrant

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Everything posted by Richard Farrant

  1. I will have a stab, first is a Leyland on WD Trial, could be a Retriever or Terrier. The 5th one down, a steam wagon, possibly a Thornycroft :confused:
  2. I don't think they were used by the actual military, but by one of the establishements, probably MVEE / RARDE, etc. Note it has civilian headlights and fuel tank as well.
  3. Jack, They were on landing ships or craft, that were sunk off the coast. A fascinating museum, a lot of small exhibits inside as well, like documents and maps found in the tanks.
  4. Mike, Use that link you have, and in the top left corner there is a seach box, type in this reference, WO 194 / 1206 this will bring the entry up, you cannot see the file online, but it will give you info in order to go and view it, or get a researcher to do it.
  5. Mike, You may be interested in a FVRDE report that is available from The National Archives at Kew. Piece details: WO 194/1206 Tractor, 30 tons GS 6x4 T/croft Antar AVT1100/RV30 Dated 1967 FVRDE Report and photos, ref. no. FT/B 858
  6. Mike, It look like the wrecker has left the road and gone down in a culvert, whilst suspended towing what might be an Otter armoured car. The other armoured cars also look like GM (Canada) Otters, one seem to have a towrope on the two vehicles, whilst the other has a rope across to the top of the towed casualty, to stop it from rolling over.
  7. Crikey, with all that smoke, we were unlikely to even see the header tank :-D
  8. Mike, I take it that this about the Antar which was fitted with a AV1100? If so, Bart Vanderveen has it as 360bhp in the entry on this vehicle in his post-1945 military vehicle directory ( he is rarely wrong ). Sounds like this certain gentleman does not do his research.
  9. Is it that aluminium elbow, right in front of the camera? I would expect smoke for a while after you have had it apart, with oil used on assembly, rings disturbed, etc. and being cold needs a good warm up and a run. Actually it was no more smokey than I would expect with a cold engine, seen worse. I don't suppose you had time to take it out today?
  10. Not into S1, I bet it is some obsure pipe clip or something that cannot be seen :-D
  11. Hi CW, I saw you using a can of "Start yer B*stard" :nono:, and shouting at it don't help either :-D
  12. Will, I would say that one or more pistons are stuck in the bore. As you have a slight rock on the crankshaft, this indicates pistons. Although you may think that it cannot rust, there will be at a piston with open valves, and also internal condensation so why not take the injectors out and put a bit of diesel down each bore. Refit the injectors so nothing gets into the cylinders. Leave for a week or so, then try rocking the crank again and hopefully you will gradually be able to move it. This is best done by hand, not on the starter.
  13. I believe one was a Centaur, belonging to Dennis Roberts.
  14. Mike, Do you mean the vertical exhaust pipe? Side panels have stretched canvas covering and that is missing forward of the ex. pipe.
  15. I have questioned this photo before on another forum, the ambulance which is side on, appears to have a Bedford MW or OY bonnet. It cannot be one of the rare Bedford ML ambulances because the front wing is further forward from the bulkhead on them. The side of the body has a piece of canvas removed, hence the odd appearance.
  16. The upper shot is taken in a scrapyard in Germany in the Fifties. Can anyone spot anything odd with one of the vehicles?
  17. They look like Civil Defence type vehicles, could be Great Missenden in Bucks, as I have seen a few photos of sales there before with similar vehicles.
  18. I believe Park Royal Vehicles might have built cabs for AEC........not absolutely sure this was for Matador in particular.
  19. This auction might be as a result of the laws being impossed on French citizens, restricting ownership of ex-military vehicles. My interpretation of the advert is that it is "the entire collection of military vehicles of 2e Guerre Mondiale et Posterieurs"..........now from memory, I think they are a re-enactment group. Does anyone else know them?
  20. Hi Johnny, I think this is the plate from the side of the rear body of an AEC Matador. W.M.B. is the initials of the body builder, which in this case would likely be Weymann Motor Bodies. A lot of truck chassis's were shipped out to specialists for their bodies. Richard
  21. So you did not go to B&Q for the paint then :-D
  22. Santana built the six cyl engine by basically stretching the 2.25 engine, Land Rover were not interested apparantly, pity because it could have been successful.
  23. Do we call you Comrade Catweazlski now ? :rofl: PM on its way
  24. Jules, If you have any luck, please let me know. I have enquired with Hendon in the past re. a 1944 Humber staff car, which was definitely a Air Ministry contract and although the initial paint colour was olive drab, it had been painted in RAF blue grey at a later date. First civvy registration in or around 1953. I was keen to get the original RAF census number sadly the museum was unable to help. Even the allocation of RAF numbers to specific contracts would be getting warmer.
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