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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. the Navy's answer was 'You'll grow into or 'it'll shrink to fit'. :-D Mind you when you are 15 years old green as grass stripping off in front of femlae stores staff, who can't stop laughing, in an unheated shed in January, you'd stick anything on!
  2. Memories of whack the govenor open on a cold morning, start it up and let it roar! Oh what's the bang! :-D
  3. The main problem is oxygen. I've seen stuff sealed in a bag with abit of dry ice. The CO2 displaces the air, then seal bag. Seems to work.
  4. They look very much like DF or tight beanm dirctional ariels. The Funny looking V shaped thing could well be a microwave experimental vehicle.
  5. Probably, the Army, Navy and Air force, that would save a fortune!! Keep the treasury happy!
  6. I was told treat an engine like a horse, warm up slowly cool down slowly. Classic lesson for me was the Dodge, at Iperes. Back up to coast at full chat about two hours in hot summer. Oil pressure at idle down to about 20lb, temprature up. Fortunatley I had the sense to allow her to idle. After three or four minutes, oil back up to 40lb Temp to normal.
  7. Well done that man! None of 'The computer says it's all right' syndrome.
  8. Add plenty of Silca gel packs. Sheelac still has many uses, including preserving metal. Stick in food seal bags with plenty of WD40 or Duck Oil poured in.
  9. I'd like to know who'd go near a bear with a hangover?
  10. Funily enough C47, 829 is mentioned speciffically in the book Air america, always assuming that is tha actual aircraft, it was common prcatice to swop tail and id codes.The aircraft was actually owned by the USAF, but bailed by A.A.
  11. Apart from a few A7V's the German's used entirlety captured British Tanks during the Great War. So the use of 'Forign' equipment in films by the Wermacht is not nesacarily automatically wrong.
  12. As for 'inacruacy' have you read Guy Gibson's own book Enemy Coast Ahead? as that was written in wartime a lot of information is left out, and names changed for security. That at least had a point, to change the history just to get a bit of sex into it, or to please the nationallity that put most money up, most films will do, that's unforgivable.
  13. :-DWelcome Charles, any chance age and experience might add a bit of common sense to this place? Mind you with a Diamond T, suppose not much chance. :cry:
  14. Will probably be all CGI. Sems to be filmmakers now if in doubt make a remake of a classic film, or maybe the US are trying to remind people .... no that thought is getting political, but... of a war they were on the winning side?
  15. The wartime one is the Chore Horse, made in Canada. Uses, they seem to have been everywhere. Mostly with signals vehicles of the Smaller type up to 15 cwt. The bigger 3 ton QL's carried either a built in generator or a larger auxilary on command vehicles. The BSA sets are mostly dated in the early 1950's, 53 seeming to be the most prolific. With the change to solid state radios they went out of use. Small but extremly heavy, the also use a rotary dynamo with a Boron rectifier, the dust is very poisionus, so another eson for them going out of use. During the war there were also battery trucks. These were loaded with a number of cells and were used as jump starters fro vehicles , or to carry replacement baterys, change the one on the vehicle then charge up later, these also had charging sets. Very versitile bit of kit.
  16. Hey seen worse. The good thing is they are tough as old boots!
  17. Yeah like Chuck Gibson flying a B 29. Going to be intresting how they cover the original code word considering modern sensibilities. :-D
  18. Your missing the cage that goes over the whole thing. You can start them off any twelve volt battery I've always started mine on the vehicle battery. It is only for a few seconds. Pushing the red button turns the armature into a motor. When started the engine runs on the magneto. The fuel out pipe from the tank has a valve on the bottom, which may stick. You can try pull starting, wouldn't recommend it.
  19. Must be the way you teach it. A good teacher makes anything intresting. Unfortunatley not the same in my case with PCV's. This could get political so best wishes.
  20. Very true about the 101 rumble. First time I heard it scared the living daylights out of me. Goes to show with Mark though, you can take the man out of the MV, but never the MV out of the man. :cool2:
  21. Welcome Norman, photos always welcome.
  22. Meet you in the bar mate. We can have a very serious discussion, two falls two submissions or a knock out! :-D
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