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Everything posted by Vulture

  1. I love the smell of ether in the morning, it, it smells like victory... or an engine being encouraged to start... :nut: :-D
  2. Thanks for the hint re the petrol. Its always useful to hear what has worked for other people. Occasionally I've been giving mine a squirt of Easy Start, which also seems to do the job.
  3. Pictures are good Of the vehicles you have had to date, which have you liked best ?
  4. A cunning plan that, having the 12v as back up ! :cool2: When did you sell your yours, and what do you have now ?
  5. Hi Brooky Thanks for your thoughts. Its seems that slow cranking with a 6volt system is the norm, and that my cranking speed is not too out of the ordinary. I didn't expect the engine to start, as like I say I hadn't pulled the choke out, adjusted the hand-throttle, or pumped the accelerator. Mine is the b1 model so I have a winch right in front of where the starting handle fits. To use the handle you have to unwind the winch.... :nut: I'm going to get some checks done on the plug leads to make sure they are not breaking down, they look pretty old it has to be said... Kind regards Vulture
  6. Thanks for your thoughts guys, I'm going to attack them later this afternoon, when the engine has some shade on it. We have gone it seems in the blink of an eye from being cold and wet to being v hot !
  7. Okay guys, here's the situation. I've sourced some new fuel hose, and a totally original in-line NOS filter (NOT) :nut:. So I now go to the existing set-up, and then realise I've never dealt with this sort of hose retaining clip before. Sooooo, here's the NOOB :n00b: question of the week, what's the best technique for getting these off ? - - - - Your help as ever appreciated Kind regards Vulture
  8. Rich Yes, I see your thinking re getting rid of the fuel line altogether... I shall chew on that suggestion. I could dispense with an in-line filter althogether, although for trouble-shooting I think they are a useful thing to have in place. Spotted an 8mm one on E-Bay tonight. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/KIT-CAR-Inline-Fuel-Filter-CHROME-GLASS-8mm-Ends-/170532144732?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item27b482065c#ht_1481wt_905 Kind regards Vulture
  9. Guys, I'm away from home with work, and want to pick up some new hose, and need some help with some info please. As some of you may recall from pictures I've posted from time to time (like the one below), the brass fuel pipe that goes from the fuel pump to the carb, has had a section taken out and a plastic in-line fuel filter fitted, right above the manifolds. The rubber is looking tired, and given the potential fire hazard I've decided not to run the truck again until I've replaced it. I'm considering various options: 1. Replace the hose and fliter with new hose(dispensing with having a filter). 2. Replace hose and get a glass fliter (fitted in same location). 3. Replace hose and get a good quality plastic filter.(fitted in same location). 4. Do either 2 or 3, but use longer pipework, and move the filter to a different (safer) location (although not sure exactly where yet). Anyway, the exam question is, what is the diameter of the pipe in mm please ? Kind regards, Vulture
  10. We are still planning to have our run on Sunday. Forecast tonight is for it to be heavily overcast tomorrow, but dry... (fingers crossed)
  11. What sort of cranking speed do you have, compared with mine ?
  12. Sorry, yes I agree with you. They look like CKD to me. I wonder what percentage of CCKWs came across to Europe that way ?
  13. Just stumbled across a link to this fascinating piece of film showing CCKWs being assembled from parts. http://www.britishpathe.com/video/army-stores/query/Army+engineers Deadline, there is one shot of the engine where I'm pretty sure the rocker cover looks shiny ! Regards to all Vulture
  14. That looks brilliant ! Love the Airfilter, it has some real 'bling' to it ! :-D :cool2::cool2::cool2::cool2: So, tell all ! How does it drive ? What is the throttle response like ? Do you have any more power ? etc etc etc
  15. :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
  16. What about the BS range ? Any thoughts here ? http://www.e-paint.co.uk/BS381%20Colourchart.asp?pType=&pFinish=
  17. Okay, the question is, where can I get this paint in the UK ? Failing that, which of these RAL codes is the closest do we think ? http://scalemodeldb.com/paintcharts/ral Vulture
  18. Awesome ! :-D Can't wait to see what you come up with next :-D Vulture
  19. Welcome along, and what a great looking vehicle ! I want one ! :-) Kind regards Vulture
  20. Dropped by the show for an hour or so yesterday morning (the need to revise for an exam getting in the way of taking my own vehicle ). The gods were smiling after the rubbish weather recently and it was dry and sunny , although perhaps a little cold. The aim of this years show is to raise money to restore the Control Tower. - - Photos can be viewed here: http://entertainment.webshots.com/album/582790117KndnBG?start=0 Kind regards to all Vulture
  21. Warrior, I'm envious of the nice dry facilities you have there !!! How long have you been working on the truck now ? Apart from stencils it looks about finished ? Vulture
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