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Everything posted by rosie

  1. Nick and Jack it says on their web page that tickets for 2013 go on sale in October!!!!!
  2. Who else is going? We are there as the 105 is used for decoration!!!! Rcubed is up there tonight, me and the cubelets will be joining him after school tomorrow.
  3. Cool! Just watched it again and he's had his hair drastically cut since then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Laughed when it made me jump as well!!!!!!
  4. Ours is number 83, thanks to John who took them
  5. A friend of ours saw our truck in the freeads one week and encouraged the cubemeister to go and take a look. We all knew that if he did go and look he would end up buying it as he loves anything large and mechanical! I have always been in awe of anyone who had anything to do with the war. Neither of us knew much about MVs really and where introduced to our local MVT group by a fellow MVer down the road. I was surprised and pleased that everyone was so welcoming and chatty. Once we discovered that the truck was a gun tractor for the 105 I told rcubed that he must get one. My boys enjoy the hobby to and in fact George (our youngest) in school this week is learning about rights and responsibilities. His teacher wrote some names on the board. Including Anne Frank and Rosie the Riveter. He didn't know about Anne but stood up and told the class about Rosie! When the teacher asked him what her slogan was he struck a pose and said 'we can do it'!!!!!!! His teacher was staggered! He then told her about his hobby! I enjoy meeting others and rcubed enjoys looking round different vehicles!
  6. Hi Nigel!!! I have been watching the thread to what the majority wanted. obviously half term would be easier for me and the children, however not sure how much holiday the cubed has left this year!!!! and of course the cost does rise in school holidays I hate to be a missery but money is a big issue this year for us this year to :-(if only we could all not work but still be able to enjoy the hobby to its full!!!!!! Would love to come on a forum trip, love meeting you guys and gals :-) will see what trip is decided on and let you know :kiss::kiss:
  7. BBMF flew towards Shoreham then back over towards Bournemouth. Another Spit just gone over. Waiting for the Vulcan due around 4ish
  8. 1 definite and may be 2 more spitfires flew over our garden just now. We are cutting a tree down and our garden is on the flight path of the Bournemouth and Shoreham air shows!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. I will get a photo of ours for you then
  10. Weyhey I'm back in here!!!!!!
  11. Awww thanks for the replies. It was a good send off for grandma yesterday. Tears and laughter and lots of memories!! Apparently 15 years is crystal, so far I've had flowers, 90% dark chocolate and a bottle of brandy. Guess the crystal earrings will be coming soon.....................
  12. Hi Clare and Ian. Hope you're having a lovely time. We won't be at club night as we're off to the IOW on Tuesday, but see you guys real soon xx
  13. Thanks Tony That's both my grandmas departed this year
  14. Not tonight Josephine!!! Sadly I am in Buckinghamshire tonight as its my dear grandmas funeral tomorrow morning so sending time with my dad and family. But I'm sure we will make up for it over the weekend!!!
  15. 15 years ago I married the love of my life. We have actually been together for over 20 years but it's our wedding anniversary today. We've had our moments for sure but we got through them, we are best friends and (as far as I know!!!) have no secrets. When I met Richard I realised I was a petrol head and he was pleased to know I didn't mind getting dirty (steady Degsy!!!) and I appreciated the work done to vehicles to get them up and running and keeping them in that state! Of course we have our 2 boys but our 'other' family, which includes you lot, have added to our happy times together and we are blessed to have met a lot of you on here. Any way, just wanted to say I love you Mr Cubed, more than I did yesterday but not as much as I will tomorrow. Right pass the bucket....................
  16. A spitfire just flew over Hayling Island. Came from the south heading inland.
  17. You are right there dad!!!!!!!! :cheesy:
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