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Everything posted by Chrisg

  1. Here's another one Peter D James Ltd Peter D. James Limited 772 Hagley Road West Oldbury West Midlands B68 Telephone:0845 0999 500Fax:0845 2233 020 http://www.peterjamesinsurance.co.uk/
  2. Didn't even attempt to go to work today Couldn't get out of the close & the thought of sitting all morning on the A23 convinced me not to go
  3. He's flogging antiques again :rofl:
  4. Nice to meet everyone and put some faces to names Jack didn't look to bad for 65 or has he aged again? :-D
  5. It's taken a long time to notice :-D
  6. She's still trying to get the diesel oil out of his overalls
  7. :rofl::rofl::rofl: It'll never be the same again. I might have to watch TV
  8. It'll need more than eight cans of lager
  9. Chrisg


    If Jack had a number 2 or 3 cut style wouldn't matter This could be arranged!!!! You show him the brake switch arrangement on the Stalwart - and I'll start the engine when you nod the head!! Neil We could be in sooooooo much trouble at the plains w/e (if Jack turns up) :rofl::rofl::rofl:
  10. Chrisg


    That's one fan then :rofl:
  11. I've always found that biccies don't travel well :coffee:
  12. Heres another link http://www.monkton-farleigh.co.uk/sc_tunnelquarry42.htm Shows a lay out of the mine. Apparently the railway line were removed when it ceased to be used for munitions storage I was bored at work!
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