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Everything posted by Chrisg

  1. Chris is right its not that difficult. Get a decent half face mask. If you posted this last week you could have come round and done my trailer. Perhapse not it had to be done in one day :rofl:
  2. post war ppplease I only feel that old :rofl::rofl:
  3. :tup:: Many thanks for the good wishes I'll be in the Club house bar about 8.30
  4. I was thinking of the battery but............................
  5. Lets hope the battery's fixed in place properly for the plains week end or some one (Neil?) might accedently of course run over it :cool2:
  6. I don't know why Lee, Neil & Me have been singled out for this. I was going to say that how do we know it's realy Jack's truck not an imposter. or getting the family to push I then thought no a holder of the "Plank" & Leo Sayer look alike wouldn't sink that low. Then read the posts stating that it could be an old video ::rofl::rofl::rofl:
  7. Must be worried about catching Champitis and buying one :rofl:
  8. I'll agree with you Just dont send benny round :shake:
  9. It's not moving :rofl:Look at all the junk inside
  10. There's no voltage stabliser. They move around a bit while driving.Mine varies by about 1/4 depending weather up or down hill
  11. It a Schutze class minesweeper. the old boat was a farimile D (MTB682)
  12. They're not that difficult to work on
  13. As far as I know only if you can find anywhere an in service photo
  14. I'll have to give it a try. Tried most other things. This is on the E type not the Champ. I was in one of their stockists to day
  15. Bill Munro's book states that AEC were chosen as the design parents and AEC made a mild steel hull as a test bed for the engine,transmission & suspension
  16. Would it be any good for a cracked block thats been brazed/welded and is weeping?
  17. They're in Birmingham unfortunatly can't remember the cost paid cash at Beaulieu.
  18. Hi Simon Welcome to the friendly forum
  19. I had a pair of brake hoses made up by Stevson Motors Tel. 0121 472 1702
  20. Is this supplier know for champ bits?
  21. If CW made the sandwich " You could have washed first" If PW "nice sandwich any more?" :rofl:
  22. Welcome Didz something PW would do you nicely :-D
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