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Everything posted by Pzkpfw-e

  1. We couldn't even preserve a single one of our Battleships, even one of the Queen Elizabeths! Well, at least afloat, there's still the Prince of Wales & Repulse.
  2. If it's in-situ, I'd say it's been bought from a Pikey camp!
  3. Getting out on the bike, hopefully with a few clubmates. Wedding? Bah Humbug!:yawn:
  4. Thought this may be of interest, just shows how much work's needed to get a vehicle that's in reasonably good condition back in running order! http://arsenalen.se/en/renov37mhi.aspx The recovery of the vehicle used as the parts donor is here. http://arsenalen.se/en/hamtresa.aspx
  5. Fantastic! What museum would go to such lengths to get such a "mundane" machine into display condition?,let alone running from such an unpromising base! The bit about the tyres coming away from the rims, shows that there's always a reason for what appear to be un-needed bits!
  6. Great to see it's not only motorised kit that gets an airing on these boards.
  7. Wiki gives the following co-ords for it. 31° 11′ 48.41″ N, 27° 33′ 5.23″ E Also says it was subsequently used by the US 9th Airforce.
  8. http://canmore.rcahms.gov.uk/en/site/240905/digital_images/kirkcudbright+training+area/?&sort_typ=archnum&sort_ord=asc&show=all A variety of targets, Comets, Cents and Conqueror & a Tortoise, plus other stuff. Conq & Tortoise still there? I'd have thought that such rarities would have been recovered by now.
  9. http://www.lerenfort.fsnet.co.uk/page11N.htm http://libellule.heavy.jp/site/vehicules/tigerII-FKL.html (French text) There's also the Porsche-turreted version famous from these photos. Figures in this month's CMV, along with Bov's two examples & their history ("Henschell turreted variant covered in first link)
  10. Aluminium is a highly reactive metal, hence the immediate formation of an oxide layer on exposure to air. Dipping it and steel into Sodium Hydroxide causes and battery effect (As I remember from my youth, putting a pencil sharpener, alloy body, steel blade into the stuff. The alloy corrodes very rapidly, with bubbles of Hydrogen coming off) I don't know if cola works these days, it used to contain Phosphoric acid (hence the ability to shine up old pennies!).
  11. Edit: As Jack said, for legal reasons he doesn't want this news being discussed on the Forums. Best Wishes, Joel
  12. http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=pl&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.muzeum.kolobrzeg.pl%2Findex.php%3Foption%3Dcom_content%26view%3Darticle%26id%3D423%3Aczolg%26catid%3D1%3Aaktualnoci%26Itemid%3D5 Panzer IV unearthed in Poland.
  13. The petrol tin & tool box holders look far better than Ikeia's furniture!
  14. None of the Kubinka "Tigers" are runners, certainly in recent decades, let alone years. They do have running Panther G & Panzer IVG. The Tiger II at the Schweizerisches Militärmuseum, Full in Switzerland is being restored to running condition and Saumur's example is back in running condition. Remember that these beasts were temperamental, to say the least, even when new, let alone after 60+ years, as the trials & tribulations of the Tank Museum getting the Tiger 1 to run. One assumes it's got very few km on the clock, since it trundled out of the factory at Kassel, in February '43 and most of them whilst it was "Under new management". The Tiger II in Kubinka broke down for the first time, after only 60 miles, http://www.battlefield.ru/en/articles/282-was-tiger-really-king.html So, chances of either of Bov's KTs being returned to running order? 0
  15. The "Henschel" turreted version came from Shrivenham and yes, they took out its guts (Reports of it being engineless in the 1990s). I have a vague memory that the silly buggers junked them not long before the idea that perhaps Bov would like it (back?). The V2 donated its engine to get the Tiger 1 running? I'd guess there's no realistic chance of getting either running, especially with the costs of getting & keeping the Tiger 1 trundling around. There's only so much rattling of the collection box that any museum can do. We'll have to wait for Wheatcroft to do his magic with 50 tons of bits and a bit of gaffer tape.
  16. I have a memory of a post about the value of a chassis like this, bought for £100. The consensus was he'd got it at under scrap value, but it'd need "a bit of work" to restore it!
  17. From http://www.cartula.ro/forum/tancuri-revolutie-1989-t6264.html&st=20 Scroll down to "Razeer " Vizualizati Profilul 31 Dec 2010, 11:51 A Chance for someone to acquire a lot of big armour?
  18. Can't see the ad myself, perhaps it's been laughed off the site already!
  19. I don't know about the Yanks, but some of us Limeys know about it! One thing to be aware of, is that many of the vehicles are "restorations", being but chassis dragged out of the Ardennes and bodywork fabricated to fit. The accuracy of some isn't that good.
  20. And in The Daily Telegraph. Every photo caption says a Dornier 17, but is it or a 215?
  21. It looks absolutely superb! You must be chuffed to bits to see how it's so nearly ready! Bet you can't wait to start her up and drive out!
  22. http://www.network54.com/Forum/330333/message/1263749934/damas+museum+pics Some real gems in here! Renault UE, Panhard 178, Pak38, Lefh18, R35 & improvised armoured lorries.
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