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Rick W

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Everything posted by Rick W

  1. Its pre WW2 and its got an engine so it belongs here. No prizes for nationality, but can anyone tell me what type of craft it is, a rough date, for bonus points what its name is?
  2. Another pic, with what looks to me like 88's being towed.
  3. The media in Australia have been giving extensive coverage to excavations to uncover a mass grave of 170 Australians involved in the ill-fated attack at Fromelles. Here are the links http://news.ninemsn.com.au/article.aspx?id=569731 “Still images from the excavation of a suspected World War I burial site in Fromelles , France are now available on the Department of Defence website at www.defence.gov.au/media/download or http://www.defence.gov.au/media/download/2008/May/index.htm The Australian Army, under the auspices of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, and in conjunction with British and French Governments, is undertaking the limited excavation of the site in Fromelles. This work is being carried out by a team from the Glasgow University Archaeology Research Division (GUARD) over the period 26 May to 14 June 2008. The excavation should prove once and for all whether the remains of up to 400 fallen Australian and British soldiers lay beneath the soil of a small field adjacent to Pheasant Wood. Non-invasive surveys and archival research suggest the soldiers were buried at the site by German Forces following the Battle of Fromelles which took place over 19-20 July 1916, however a limited excavation is required to establish the existence or otherwise of any remains.” Fromelles was one of the more tragic AIF battles. The objective of the attack was never clear, British staff work was poor and after the abject failure of the initial attacks, final waves were ordered in against the objections of senior AIF officers and were of course shot to pieces by the now fully alert German defences. A sad tale (I was never quite sure why they just didn’t stop, the Brits could hardly have shot an entire battalion) that poisoned relations between AIF and British staff officers. Courtesy Militarch
  4. Happy Birthday Weazley one!
  5. Is that a Seep in that lot??
  6. Nice idea, I like it, definitely St Trinians, will reveal the film tomorrow unless someone gets it first!
  7. The Morris engine of mine hadnt been run for about a similar length of time. After taking the head off, cleaning out the cylinder bores and valves, removing 2 dead mice and fitting a new head gasket there was nothing wrong with it.
  8. Dont know where this is..
  9. The force is strong in this one..... This should be fairly easy, the C8.
  10. It wouldnt be No1 of the Secret Service made in 1977 would it...?:whistle:
  11. Have you ever seen any second hande or NOS wheels and tracks come up for sale at all?
  12. Can someone tell me what the availability for UC spares is, what about things like wheels and tracks etc, are there any dealers? Whats the difference between UC and a Bren carrier?
  13. Im trying out our Skoda Tdi on veg oil today, according to some forums its runs fine on it. Veg oil, a bit of caustic soda (drain cleaner), a bit of methanol, a bit of heat, leave it to separate for half an hour and youre ready to go.
  14. Nice set of pics, Ive not seen that desert quad and 25 pounder before.
  15. Another thought, could it be for production of anaesthetic?
  16. Oh yes, Chesterton Coachworks, just north of Oxford, contact details to follow.
  17. :shocked:Blimey....far too easy...
  18. Ransomes had a lot to do with agri machinery, very well known company in East Anglia, probably most famous for this tracked beastie.. Potted history with this link. http://www.greenmountpress.com.au/cottongrower/issues/231jfcot02/231tractortales.htm
  19. Note the German army lorry behind the half track. Not sure of the country in this next photo, thinking it could be Italy rather than France.
  20. What makes the Republic to be military?
  21. Been a while since we had one of these. Can anyone give me country of origin, manufacturer/s, any info....?
  22. Looking at the one pic with the Pak on the back, Im not sure that is a Morris. The back tub looks very like an MW, but the front of the vehicle doesnt, any suggestions please?
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