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Rick W

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Everything posted by Rick W

  1. I had a bloke in our shop the other day and he noticed the Lancaster Haynes Manuals on the shelf. He proceeded to tell me that his father-in-law was an airman who was on the raid and found his name mentioned in the book. Its a small world.
  2. Something to brighten up your cold nights. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLXyC1cuN3M
  3. The GPW that arrived has had a homemade battery tray fitted. About the only non - original part. I have a replacement battery tray from Jeeparts. How does it attach to the body/chassis? There look like what may be a couple of sheared off captive nuts in the chassis, under layers of paint. But there are no holes in the replacement battery tray to suggest thats the case. Are there hidden captive nuts in the chassis? If so do I need to drill holes in the replacement battery tray?
  4. Trying to stay warm! I need to get the batteries out of the Champ and charged up in anticipation for DVLA getting my updated V5 back to me, in anticipation of doing the MOT, in anticipation of using it on the road again! Too chilly for any gardening!
  5. Thanks both, that makes more sense, thats about what I paid for mine. The price of lead for batteries has doubled in the past 12 months.
  6. Why do the headlamps on jeeps have hinges to allow headlamp to swivel up?
  7. My thoughts exactly. I would be more than happy to volunteer to help pay with the running costs.
  8. Congratulations! A fine looking sprog! All the best for the future.
  9. Hello, from an ex Iltis owner. Nice looking vehicle from your pics. Ive got a couple of suspension arms for sale if you are ever in need!
  10. Can you not covert a 12 solar charger to 6? Surley all you would need would be some sort of inverter?
  11. For what its worth I think keep subs to HMVF and TPM seperate. Im quite happy to pay subs for the forum, met many virtual friends etc. But Ive cancelled may subs for mags over the past 12 months to tighten the purse strings. Plus I would rather read things online rather than fill up the recycling bag. Why not combine both and sub HMVF and include an online version of TPM?
  12. What about small section U channels made from steel?
  13. I blame the Chinese for a lot of things Tony. But at least we are getting cash back for scrap batteries.:-)
  14. Would it not be better to do as the WW2 re-enacting forum have done and just subscribe to the forum?
  15. Maple Leaf Up works very well with voluntary contributions as Im sure other people on here like Hanno and Mr Farrant would testify.
  16. Thanks for that Eugene, I worked out over lunch that a 511 would probably do it. Ordered one from my battery supplier, but that cost £85 odd! Where did you get one for that price?
  17. Last time I mentioned anything about making a donation to the forum I was shot down in flames as I recall. At the risk of being shot down again, I would rather make a donation through a donation button than take out subs for Pathfinder mag.Nice bit of marketing though!
  18. Trying to source a 6 volt battery from one of my battery suppliers. Is there a generic for for it ie an 063, 075 for modern cars? If not, what are the dimensions and ah I need to look for?
  19. And I quote.. Jack says: ‘’Think big. Focus. Invest in yourself, your know how, your self improvement and in life. There are some great times and opportunities to be had - grab them! Never fear failure and always remain a student – in other words, never stop learning. ACTION = RESULTS’’.
  20. Thats what Im looking for thanks.
  21. Rick W

    HMVF radio?

    A while ago, it was suggested that an HMVF online radio station be placed on here. What was the outcome? Was it a non-starter?
  22. Apart from the obvious ford stamp on the rear of the tub, were the later tubs stamped or scripted? If so, where?
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