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Everything posted by TooTallMike

  1. I think one look at that awful slippery mud on the pink one will tell you why it was saved from a WLF double-whammy :whistle:
  2. Yeah, cheers for that Mark, and I hear you pushed our Halftrack and little Maud after the prize presentation too. It's funny, all those multi-wheel-drive vehicles needeing help like that :whistle: What a guy :angel: :-D
  3. Here's a series of shots of the boys making their way past our camp with their 'medium recovery' job. We were very impressed to see Grumpy's Milly (rear one) with it's front wheels on opposite lock pushing the rear end of the Cent sideways to clear the vehicles parked on the corner!
  4. Rex is selling the softskin stuff to focus on restoring his armour collection so why not give him a call? I saw this truck at his workshops about 8 weeks ago.
  5. Clive, I brought a box of them with me for testing but only remembered when I unpacked them again at home. Ah well! - Mike
  6. Another question along the same lines then: My Land Rover (everyday car) insurance with Endsleigh covers me for 'driving other vehicles'. I appreciate this is 3rd party only but are there restrictions as to types of vehicle is covered? For instance could I drive someone else's truck on the basis of that policy?
  7. The number I have for Army Cars is 00 31 78 62 05 888 if that's any help? (It worked last year) The MUTT's been pickling in cider vinegar pending just such a challenge so the gauntlet is laid down. :-D I'd prefer to use wartime jeeps though as they're more in keeping with the trucks :whistle: I wonder how fast you could get one to swing...
  8. M35 would require plating and testing as it is being used to tow a laden trailer and is not an exempt class of vehicle. Trailer would need testing as it is laden. As to whether your average traffic officer knows or cares about this: :dunno:
  9. I still fancy playing Jeep conkers :banana:
  10. Doesn't mean they don't have them fitted though. It'd be worth asking.
  11. Yeah, the vultures are circling round Mark's truck but don't tell him 'cos he thinks we're going to repair it :naughty: :evil: See you there!
  12. Welcome Tony! WLF owners are taking over HMVF :evil: Will you be at W&P this year? - Mike ps. I've found someone who does spring brake conversions on WLFs who you should probably have a chat with if you're still thinking of doing that to yours?
  13. I think I'll stick with RAC commercial then! What a disgrace. Do they blame you for what happened then? If so, what exactly do they say? I know it seems extreme but I'd be thinking along the lines of the Small Claims Court because as has already been mentioned and I recall from my HGV driving lessons, the driver is responsible. He can refuse a load if he thinks its unsafe. If he's accepted it, it's his responsibility (or his guv'nor's).
  14. We did a small local village show last weekend with the WLF, Spartan and Halftrack & Ben Hur. The Spartan still doesn’t have an engine or gearbox (only 5 days ‘til it loads for Beltring, what’s the rush…) so I flat towed it up with the wrecker. The show was a five minute drive from where the vehicles are kept which makes it the closest rally I’ve ever attended. It was even closer than Kenley at 10mins! On the way to the show I proudly overtook a milk float going up a steep hill. He waved me to overtake thinking I was going to zoom past, but instead we had a comedy ‘slow race’. I don’t often get to overtake things, much less when towing a tank, so it was a definite silly grin moment :banana:! The show was on Grange Park in Old Coulsdon and until Friday night it was still touch-and-go as to whether the ground would be ok. In the event the truck left some minor indentations and the other vehicles barely touched it. We set up a little display alongside the classic cars and I spent the day inside the Spartan engine bay cleaning the floors in preparation for the engine install tonight. We also re-fitted the freshly-overhauled steering cylinders. I popped my head out of the engine covers every so often so that onlookers could appreciate that Grasshopper was actually talking to another person and contrary to appearances wasn’t just having a one-sided conversation with the front end of a tank :nut:! nb. I also popped my head out occasionally under the misapprehension that the lovely young ladies wandering past wanted to be leered at by a be-hatted tall person covered in crap :naughty:. Grasshopper also needs to revise his PR viz the following overheard conversation: child – who built these? G – the army. child – why have you got them? G – well what’s your favourite toy? child – mega death-ray blaster kill-orama video game. G – well these are our toys and they’re cool. child – so how do you get into it (referring to Spartan)? G (demonstrating) – you climb up like this… and then this… being very careful not to slip and hurt yourself (slips and hurts himself - grazed shin – aw diddums :banghead:) child – what’s that man doing inside there then? (filthy man stands up, exposing knees to public gaze – children recoil in horror, mothers gasp in admiration shock) G – cleaning out all the muddy oil and water that’s in there. child – can we see it? G – (shows child watering can full of foulness and threatens to pour it over child’s head) child – wow, cool! Another convert I think! We also met a number of veterans of various campaigns including a chap who swore blind he’d driven a right hand drive halftrack in British service. We know better than to ‘correct’ someone under those circumstances but would anyone here care to comment on the veracity of this? ps. I had my knees out all day and only a couple of children were seen crying as a result.
  15. Nice purchase! So are you going to repeat this trick with 3 Millies at W&P?
  16. Result :tup: It's well worth going up there yourself just to see his trucks. Also, do ask to see his photo collection - he has some great shots of his WLFs buried up to their rear bodies in mud winching excavators and tractors. He's a proper old-school engineer and does all his own work. I met a guy at Kemble who'd been working with him recently and said he really knows his stuff when it comes to heavy winching.
  17. Another gentle reminder. Redhill is 3 weeks after W&P so you'll have had time to recover and you'll be in just the mood for a chill-out show
  18. Mark, The MUTT will be there if it's not sold by then (fingers crossed for it to go at W&P...) You'll be very welcome for the one day. Hopefully Ward Lafrance MarkHeliops will be there too assuming his truck is back together (I believe you guys met at Bromley?) Finally on the road with number plates and tax disc. This registration is really going to p*ss off the Humvee owners :evil:, especially as that was the replacement for the MUTT! Trying to train my 3-month old neice in the way of green things :whistle:
  19. I re-read the thread and saw the list. I don't have any of that stuff I'm afraid :-(. (& btw Rex doesn't buy split axle trucks as they don't fit DUKWs). I'd put an ad on Milweb asap if you haven't already. At least the insurance should pay for it Were you/are you planning to bring the truck to Beltring?
  20. Neil, When did you last try getting in a CVRT? We have a fat bloke who gets in and out and usually ends up with the rubber gasket stuck round his middle like a life belt, but he does manage it. Come over at W&P and try out our Spartan if you like! (We've also still got the Artists Rifles-marked one which will be for sale once we have time to do it :whistle:) - Mike
  21. Petrol engine :shake: :shake: :shake:
  22. It costs nothing to sign up to RAC Commercial and they cover any vehicle from 3.5 - 44 tonnes GVW. I've always considered them as my last-ditch guaranteed get-you-home solution. Their charges are as follows: Recovery up to 18 tonnes GVW: call-out inc. 1st hour: £99.95 hourly rate: £61.43 Recovery over 18 tonnes GVW: call-out inc. 1st hour: £99.95 hourly rate: £87.68 There are caveats: - all charges are exclusive of VAT. - additional charges for additional personnel, specialist lifting equipment, provision of replacement vehicles, parts etc. charged at cost plus 15% - fuel charged at cost. - call-out includes 1st hour of contractor travel time. - charges will be made for travelling time to and from the breakdown location. No premium rates for out-of-hours or weekend calls. Has anyone ever had to use them?
  23. Oh he'll be there, even if he has to be dragged with all his wheels turning the wrong way :evil:. Looks like we have a wartime REME field workshop display to add to our CVRT gearbox install :banana: :nut: Usual W&P then! Better put the kettle on...
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