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Everything posted by TooTallMike

  1. Finally, special mention must go to the intrepid Markheliops who drove his 432 all the way from Paddock Wood and then spent the entire weekend playing on the off-road course and giving people rides around the site :tup: Here's the only photo I took of his 432 and our Spartan (ignore the ugly mug on the left :whistle:)
  2. We also had a group of re-enactors who set up a field gun emplacement and defended the old tennis courts (which incidentally were contructed for R&R purposes by Canadian soldiers stationed at Redhill aerodrome during WW2). They also fired the gun from the top of the hill during our site convoys, but my photo of that didn't come out very well.
  3. I had a wander round with my camera on Saturday afternoon and counted around 50 MVs (not bad for a small steam show!) Here are some of them:
  4. Now some shots of our MV convoy around the site on Sunday. I was attempting to Marshall it as well as take photos so I did me best...:
  5. Sorry you couldn't make it Mark. I'll try not to rub in how much fun we had :-D Some pre-show photos 1st: this is tree moving 1940s stylie. We reckoned this trunk was about 5 tonnes. We had to move it to a different area of the site for one of the saw-benches to cut up and rather than let it dangle and swing about we thought we'd use the trailer.
  6. I'll be camping down at the show site from tomorrow so I'll look forward to seeing anyone who's coming along. If anyone gets lost or has any other problems on the way, you can give me a bell on 07747 772838. :tup:
  7. If you don't fancy paying for balancing you could just try swapping tyres around and see how the problem changes or if it goes away. Just keep an eye on the rolling circumferences on the rears and don't let them get too far apart.
  8. Sorry, didn't realise; I only work with HEAVY wreckers. :naughty: :evil:
  9. Move the truck to a different place in the driveway. Repeat until the whole driveway is the same colour. :-D Oh, and tell wife it's 'character'.
  10. Phew, I'll sleep soundly tonight now I know that... (:what:)
  11. Speaking on behalf of our team, I hope we'll make it with the Ward and something else, maybe a CVRT... Mark - you up for a convoy then? Another thought: if we were to bring the CVRT on a trailer, does anyone have anywhere secure we could store them 'til Kemble?
  12. Ok, so a 'visit' is by a logged-in member, but a 'hit' would be someone casually browsing via a search engine?
  13. ref. e-newsletter: excuse my ignorance but what's the difference between a 'hit' and a 'visit'?
  14. I only know the 6 p's: Proper Planning Prevents P*ss-Poor Performance!
  15. Well, since the big stuff obviously isn't ticking the boxes, have you considered a MUTT... :-D
  16. ...so you can transport wood in it of course :whistle:
  17. Yippee! More firewood! (it is a wooden body isn't it? :evil: :evil: :evil:)
  18. :banana: :banana: :banana: It's great having a fan club 8-). Just gotta get the dancing girls on my side now :dancinggirls: :dancinggirls:
  19. Road run out from the site on Friday night, leaving around 1900. There'll be a stop where 'refreshments' will be available. (Please drink responsibly... :beer:)
  20. I don't miss the sparks arcing across the dash of the red one when the ignition was turned on... :shake:
  21. Cheers - I hope I'm still able to work as hard when I'm 63 years old :-) - tree winching next weekend...
  22. Yup, it was a little way upstream of Richmond, Windsor etc. moored off a semi-derelict boat workshop on an island. They appeared to be trying to mate the streamlined hull of an MTB with a small block of flats. I hope the finished article will look better than the work-in-progress did
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