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Everything posted by TooTallMike

  1. Has anyone got any idea what the car silhouetted on the top of the hill in photo 5 is? Most likely to be English, American, German or French. It looks like a HMMWV but I doubt it...
  2. For the WLF geeks out there - there are various interesting features on these 3 trucks: - emblem on grille (photo 2) - RH headlight set out from brush guard on wing (photo 6) - hawser stowed around crane frame and spare wheels (photos 2 & 6) - fire extinguisher on rear right of cab (photo 6) - single headlight with blackout on RHS (photo 1) - spare wheel stowed on RH running board (photo 1) - missing siren (photos 1, 3, 4 & 5) - Butler side lights (all photos) anything else?
  3. And the other 3. Thanks too to Tony for getting these for me in the first place :tup:
  4. Hi guys, Here are the photos I've got. I didn't have either of the ones Tony posted so maybe there are more I don't have? Anyway there are 6 here with many thanks to the Channel Islands Occupation Society (CIOS). These are scans of grainy re-prints so I've left them as large as possible to keep the quality up. I think they're a great set of period pictures of these trucks playing a really important role. - Mike
  5. Oh well :-(. You may find you have a socket for it anyway as it's certainly Ruskie and the right period. It's presumably for a 12V supply so it might be useful for a beacon or similar. I'll hang onto it anyway just in case.
  6. That's superb! I don't suppose you got the VOSA officer's name did you? I'm sure their supervisor would be interested to hear of policy being pulled out of thin air like that.
  7. If it's on a Q because it's a bitsa, it presumably won't qualify for an age-related plate anyway. That's unless the previous owner didn't try too hard to obtain the verification.
  8. I can do you a good deal on a MUTT and it's not too far away from you... :-)
  9. I came across this website today while looking for something else. There look to be a lot of interesting photos and stories. http://www.raeme.net/toc.php?cat=rec&item=1#article
  10. Could be, same principle :-) I love it when loopholes actually work in our favour.
  11. I had the same thing halfway through the MUTT rebuild last winter when I'd got it stripped right down and thought "I can't be a£$@d to put this back together again". I seriously thought about putting it in a garage and getting on with more fun bigger stuff. I'm glad I finished it 'cos it's a proved to be a good antidote to the trucks. So basically I second - GET ON WITH IT!
  12. He should do because DVLA should base its VED status on it's declared date of manufacture, not its date of first registration or what the registration plate says. This is assuming it is 1971 of course. He should be no worse off with the Q in terms of VED or testing and he'll have an unusual number plate to boot. Incidentally contrary to popular myth, I've never had any problem getting insurance with a Q plate.
  13. Testing is VOSA, VED is DVLA. From the MoT tester's manual: "Vehicles having a Q plate registration when presented for MOT are to be treated as follows: For emission purposes only, all these types are to be considered as vehicles first used before 1st August 1975. For all other testing purposes they are to be considered as being first used on 1 st January 1971..."
  14. ps. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Ahem. Sorry. I'm sure it's lovely...
  15. Ciao! I'd leave it as a Q plate matey - it'll be tested as a 1971(?) anyway. That means visible emissions only, laxity on seatbelts, lighting etc. My F350 is on a Q and even though it is a 1983 truck it's tested as a 1971. Go figure! Plus Q's are getting rarer so you're joining another elite club 8-)
  16. How about from a landing craft instead? Been there done that... :whistle:
  17. Absolutely right. As I said, we were only musing. I wouldn't dream of being involved in removing historical artefacts without being very certain it was acceptable to do so :-)
  18. Correct that vehicles over 10 (I think) years old don't need SVA. My MUTT didn't.
  19. Neil, If your appeal is unsuccessful I may have one of the plugs you need: I bought a Russian tank driver's night vision helmet (like the one in your pic but with a set of folding NV bino's and a power pack on the back) from a Berlin Flea Market when I was on tour there and converted it to run off a cigarette lighter so I could drive our Sprinter with the lights off to terrify my passengers :evil: I think I still have the original plug! - Mike
  20. I'll scan the photos when I'm back in a couple of weeks' time and post them up here for all to see. When we went up to the cliffs to look at the old gun barrels on the rocks below we mused about using the truck to pull them back up again so they could be preserved. We thought it's be a kind of MV poetic justice to use a WLF to winch them up since that's what pushed them over all those years ago.
  21. Tillings-Stevens searchlight units? although I'd have thought they'd have been obsolete by then :dunno:
  22. I'[ve been involved in debating this particular piece of legislation for over 2 1/2 years now. What depresses me is how long it's taken people to cotton on to what the wider implications are. When this was first announced the plan was for ALL vehicles to be subject to the charge. The exemption for Historic Vehicles (as defined by DVLA) was only introduced after considerable representation on behalf of the FHBVC and other organisations. I find it very sad that people are still only just finding out about this despite all the effort that was put into drawing people's attention to it. I was particularly annoyed at the owners of smaller vehicles who said it would not affect them. I hope they're regretting their lack of interest now. Search for LEZ on here to find at least 2 previous threads on this topic.
  23. you win :-): width: 8'2" length: 28' 10" In actual fact it wasn't too bad driving a large vehicle around Jersey because oncoming traffic just dived for the kerb the moment they saw me approaching :evil:
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