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Everything posted by Snapper

  1. You'll be looking for one of those on eBay now Steve!!! Really lovely stuff. Thanks for sharing them Pete! MB
  2. I agree with all this. Write an article for the website. It will reach plenty of people. Keep writing - you'll find your best ideas come at the most inconvenient moments. I learned from a formal course at IPC Magazines and then did the rest myself. My rules are simple: Be economic with your wording. But you must get everything down. Don't worry about it - just make notes. Try and find a few sentences that you can gel the rest around. Ignore repetition. Take my word for it, it is not easy. Ignore the Microsoft Word green squiggle. Let it flow and worry about tidying up afterwards. MB
  3. Thanks folks. I'm grateful to you all, because I've managed to evade eBay for a few years (a mate bought any toys I wanted for me). But the Iltis has to go and all I've had is timewasters and scammers on Milweb (which is no fault of it - just reality). I don't suppose it will hold off the west africans pretending to be Irish or from Jersey who want to send their "shipper" to pick the vehicle up sight unseen. It's a learning curve. MB
  4. Cheeky sod. Trust you NOT (sensible Mod edit) to be practical. I can see you having to do more duties in the clubhouse if this sort of nonsense continues. You can be demoted (I've read the small print and know a good lawyer). Now, are you going to be sensible? :nono:
  5. Greetings brains trust, I've decided to step out of the ark and try and sell my Iltis on eBay. Lee will be shocked, because I've actually managed to open an account without crashing the BT network. Anyway - I'd appreciate some tips on the best way to phrase the advert. So, please let me know what to and what NOT to do.... Ta MB
  6. vote separately for each???
  7. You could have fun with a KV2. But please.....no Tigers...zzzzz. Jack's paying. MB
  8. Decent of you, Keith. I hope someone is able to take up your kind offer. See you at Beltring. MB
  9. Which is how, at the Battle of Mobile Bay, we get the classic quote from the Union admiral David Glasgow Farragut..."Damn The Torpedoes" - which is also an album title by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. ..if you go to Ciutadella in Menorca, there is a monument to him there by the lighthouse. I cannot explain the link. MB
  10. Great fun.... Tell us more. Welcome to the happy world of HMVF. You have come to the right place! cheers! MB
  11. Nice work, Mark. I recognise a few of those motors! Emjoy yourself on the forum and keep the snaps coming.
  12. I think this is the ongoing battlefield big story. Completely forgot to go there the last time I was out at the end of April, but they are guarding the place very strongly from the grave robbing b4st4rds who leech around these sites. Worth keeping watch on....The Glasgow Uni people seem to be at many of the most important sites. MB
  13. It's a torpedo boat of some sort. Russian, obviously.......
  14. The one lost at Duxford springs to mind. Was it pilot error? Got to be careful on the web!
  15. Happy birthday Catweazle. I hope Touchwood didn't forget to get you a present. Don't eat too many banana skins.... MB
  16. There are legends and lies - but there must be some true stories aswell. What a dream to find such a thing....other people on the forum will know far more about this than the likes of moi.
  17. I can't add to the details, but these are really interesting snaps. I'd like to see the others when you have the time....do you negatives ????? or do you just have the prints???? These are great - bloody shame, though.
  18. I favour a house. Proper bed. Power for laptops and camera batteries...and a decent shower. Nothing against camping - but I likes me comforts.
  19. I definitely want to go - haven't worked out the details of how or who with...I don't have a WW2 vehicle (currently or maybe never). I fancy going for my 50th birthday.....CMV will presumably want some coverage. But presumption is not always the wisest route to enlightenment. MB
  20. Jack - you must come and join your troops.....there is plenty of fun to be had. Don't be dissuaded.
  21. I think it will be a miracle if the Dorset Dangler even turns up. But I am ready to be wrong on this.....We need our leader at the photoshoot (someone has to hold the ladder).
  22. Are you related to the Great MacGonagle? If I'm not getting it up then Lee must be selling his own kind of Viagra. I thought it was unleaded, too.
  23. My son James, who shall remain nameless, is an Air Cadet in Sarfffend. I collected him in the Iltis once and while I waited two female cadets came out, one of whom was, shall we say (carefully - given the watershed) stunning. "I'll have to make friends with whoever gets in that" she said...Queue arrival of said yoof. I tell him of this conversation in my best "go on my son!" voice. What did he say? "Please don't pick me up in this, it's embarrassing". Still, he doesn't carry knives or use crack.................................yet.
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