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Everything posted by Snapper

  1. Good - in UEFA away goals count double. So we win (again!) Barnes
  2. Twice this week I've had commuting nightmares because of unexploded war time bombs. One near West Ham station on Monday and now another one at Bromley By Bow this morning. The RLC are a bit busy this week.... Barnes
  3. Not everywhere. They didn't allow any work at many Great War cemeteries. But to be fair they usually gave decent burials to allied dead. However at Le Paradis I met a man who kept an RAF crew buried in his back yard without telling the Germans because they were getting nasty about Terrorfleigers. He visits them every day in the CWGC plot.
  4. Don't panic..... Things will change, it's inevitable. Gas prices, emissions, taxes, take your pick. If you love your MV you'll keep it. Governments, no matter the hue, need our money - road tax, gas duty, VAT - they will all be around. Same poo different day. Barnes
  5. I don't think the issue is illegality it's the general malady of the medals that has always caused most unhappiness in the annual discussions we have. I don't think we need necessarily to cover too much old ground. Medals will always be a big humungus NO. Rank isn't an issue, it all goes with what you portray. If you dress as a WW1 soldier you can hardly be accused of wearing things you are not entitled to anymore than you would be togged out as a roman centurion. The nearer the date the more the distaste. I don't wear uniforms, I can do generic lightweights and a green t-shirt. But no badges or anything. I sometimes wear my Dad's ID tags in memory of him and if I had a lapelled shirt to my name I might use his cloth unit slides. I'll leave them in the tin. Barnes
  6. I gather he's got them tattooed in a very special place. They go beautifully with his light admiralty grey patterned knickers for peace. He'll stick them up your Junta before you know it ( On the road to Mandalay). MB
  7. Welcome back Campbell, We had a big server crash which caused a lot of grey hairs for the mods and admin - except me, it was too late to impact on my natural charm and good looks. Please have a good look reound and re-acquaint yourself with the Clubhouse broom cupboard. There are some marigolds with your name on them. Cleaning rules are much the same since your last visit. We may make a concession and allow your cars in the ballroom. There's plenty of space. MB
  8. So its knickers to Rangoon, then?
  9. It needs two ball joints replaced and a tyre swapped round (it has been fitted on the rim back to front) - I have two spares. The headlight lenses pass in some test centres and not others - makes me cringe - it took four years for my regular tester to fail me on this point. I have replacements to fit. It's not a monumental task by any means - but I've decided I need a new plaything. M
  10. Yes, Welcome to the club. Tell us a bit about your interests and enjoy yourself in the marble halls of HMVF (mind the carpets). MB
  11. The Germans destroyed many memorials they took offence to, sometimes becasue of the eagles and sometimes because they felt like it. The great monument on the mole in Zeebrugge was blown up amonst others. I presume this is a post WW2 memorial, because it would not have survived the occupation.
  12. Go for it, give us a full rundown. Send your review to Jack and we'll get you up front..... Ta Mb
  13. Is he really coming? I've heard he's sending a lookalike. He's a bit like a dictator from a banana republic with a phalanx of lookeelikees sent out to take the bullet for him. The last one is buried under the clubhouse car park. So now you know why we had it resurfaced last year (The white lining was done by David Blunkett). If he is coming...and I for one will rejoice, I suspect some beer might be enjoyed. As usual I cannot remember that flipping Dutch beer of Joris. A______ zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  14. I'll make a conscious effort to get a lay out plan this time. Is there any mileage in suggesting an informal drinks party where we can all get together the night before? No pressure. M
  15. Yeah, creating their own mushroom cloud after too many slug ales. Maybe we need to get Frodo and Bilbo on board to start a whole new branch. We've got a gnome in our garden, he's dressed as an Arsenal player and I think the foxes pee on him. Hey ho!
  16. Thank you for that message from the grassy knoll....:-D
  17. I need to make £1300 (I had it up for £1500 on Milweb)- I prefer not to go any lower. It will need to be towed or trailered - no MOT. Because someone will have to collect it I would not expect to make the original full price. The price I want was agreed in a sale which fell through and I have a senior manager watching! :cool2::sweat::nono: She is all powerful. MB
  18. Here's a Commer cabbed Ford Thames E4 LAA at the closure of MAT Beverley. MB
  19. You should live here, mate! It costs me $120 to fill my Toyota car with unleaded. (Bring out the violins....more tearjerkers to follow!) cheers! MB
  20. You've been looking at the wrong CCTV again
  21. Interesting. Must be some bits worth having.... MB
  22. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7430622.stm This is the BBC news link to the site at Fromelles. Peter Barton spoke at my local WFA last year. I missed that night. Doh! This is a major dig and it is likely that a great number of men will be found. MB
  23. Will do my best to make an appearance sans MV.....
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