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Everything posted by rambo1969

  1. That looks like a good day out, but clashes wth chatham, decisions decisions....
  2. Ive been thinking of putting saab seats in my 110, but don't want to lose the storage space under the seats. Read somewhere that a guy used pins to hold the seats in, just remove pins and lift seat out. Going to look into it.
  3. I just email back my ex girlfriends bank details...............................:shocked:
  4. You naughty boy!!! if that happens, who will deliver my presents!!
  5. Out of interest, how much you guys paying for petrol and diesel enigma?
  6. Hear hear helipops!! I to remember the days of the MVT looking down on non ww2 stuff, affected thier membership, IMO. Agree with lee as well(shock horror!), I saw loads of landies at w+p this year towing stuff about, myself included. Must admit though, if I owned a rare/ww2 piece of kit, I don't think I would be towing anyone out of the mud. I however, be happy to give them a push!
  7. Not aimed at you tony, what I meant was stories in the paper of people falling for it. Read a story a few months back of some middle aged woman falling for one and ended up sending some african fraudster about £50000!!!!:shocked:
  8. Must admit, ive not looked at many dutch l/w's, is that roll bar and seats standard?
  9. What amazes me is that people still fall for them, at least one story a week of someone getting conned.
  10. Over the years, the twick off roaders have done some stirling work with the off road course and the americas field. I'm sure there are a few of us who remember when the off road course was a free for all, and dangerous as well. This year at w+p they did a brilliant job towing people to thier pitches. Limit the number of jeeps/land rovers? I sort of understand that, but if this did happen the site would be half empty!:shocked:
  11. Just wrapped my 1st 2 presents.
  12. I wonder if they are going to build an off road corse for the tank rides.
  13. Sadly, it's happening everywhere, not just w+p. they target boot sales as well. We must be vigilant at all shows we attend. I would like to see show organisers putting signs up warning people, and extra security. From my experience of driving londons buses, if you do catch a pickpocket, be very careful, they normally work in groups, and will stab you as soon as look at you.
  14. And you was camping in that weather?? Enigma my old chum, your mad!!!!!!:-D
  15. I'm still entiltled to an opinion though lee. I recieved an e mail back from rex, will publish it on here if the mod's say it's ok. Your right about the toilet issue lee, been done to death. I will attend the new site, once ive been a member of IMPS for 2 yrs, I just won't pay to get in. I know some may find this hard to believe, but I do wish the new site/show every success.
  16. Mark, me old mucker, I hear what your saying about the toilets, but, and theres always a but................ Let say overlord has 10000 visitors and 1000 mv's, and has 100 toilets. Then logic would say, w+p with 100,000 visitors and 4000 mv's needs 1000 toilets. I don't think the problem at w+p is the cleaning of the toilets, it's just that there is not enough for the size of the show. However, now that rex is in charge of the toilets directly, that may change. On the subject of the new site being smaller, on ww2 site greg has said that the space that they have at the new site is more than they had at the hop farm One of the problems at the hop farm was people taking more space than they needed. I was camped next to a guy one year who had roped of a pitch the size of a football field!! He kept saying his friends were joining him, but they never turned up!
  17. I would visit your local car paint place and have a chat with them. My local car paint place mixed the duck egg blue for my engine and its worn very well.
  18. I know during the war different units painted 'un official' markings on thier mv's, maybe the same applied post war?
  19. I was going to say a caravan storage place as well, or maybe even a camp/caravan site, out of season they are normally quiet and would need the extra income. Or even a local transport company.
  20. Agree with most of that mark. Must admit, ive never had a problem with the showers, always been spot on. The toilets, whilst I agree to a point about people making them dirty, I think the biggest problem with the toilets is there are not enough and they don't get cleaned enough. Take as an example your house toilet. I live with my sister and my niece, so 3 of us use the toilet, but it still gets cleaned at least twice a week as accidents do happen:nut: When I go to shows such as the IMPS show/overlord/bunker bash/essex mvt show, the toilets are far superiour to W+P, and it's the same mv owners attending these shows. By getting our own toilet at W+P, I feel it plays into thier hands. Your right about finding a camp site for £30 for a week, but, a camp site is not earning money from our vehciles being there. I would like to state that ive always enjoyed W+P, and every member of the W+P team I have spoke to has always been friendly/helpful and polite. It's just the little things that can make a difference. What gripes me is the fact that other shows don't charge mv owners and still put on a good show with excellent facilities. Anyway, no ones mentioned the most important thigs about the new site, where the nearest pub/tesco's/fish and chip shop!!
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