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Everything posted by ian2b

  1. Good idea HMVF convey around the arena at War and Paeace and if we ask nicely maybe John Blackman can get some pics and do a right up in the CMV mag - Maybe as Mark is a Moderator and imps member he can have a nice word with Rex and get the ok for the arena. How does this sound Jack ??
  2. Great video, I'd love to get to Normandy one day maybe Jack can sort out an HMVF coach trip one year :tup:
  3. Cheers John, Now wondering if I can get a showmans licence and tow 2 trailers, can fit one out with a huge double bed and toilet/shower and have the other one as kitchen + sitting room. Then again just think of the poor bedford engine towing 7+ tons.
  4. Great looking Dodge WC63, oh well maybe one day I will get one.
  5. Hi Roland and welcome to the forum. Any pictures of the other vehicles you have owned.
  6. It looks like a Gun Slinger of the Tank world.
  7. You just can't get the staff Jack. Wake up Mark ( sack him)
  8. Pass the buck - Any news Mark ????????????????
  9. Hi, I think Jack's on the case and looking at T shirts and I think he was going to look into vehicle stickers/Data plates - Watch this space. Any news Jack. :-D
  10. Great pics Joris, I love looking at old black and white pics, very good.
  11. Link to above stolly ---- what a state http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Stalwart-Vehicle-for-sale-Ex-Amry_W0QQitemZ150090687033QQihZ005QQcategoryZ122309QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  12. I just wish I could find the peace and quiet to read a book. I am lucky if I can get through the military mags.
  13. Talking of Antar's I saw these last year. Very nice vehicles.
  14. Fancy buying another one Neil to keep Maud company.
  15. In the latest CMV its got a right up about the Household Calvalry Pageant in june. http://www.householdcavalry.co.uk/gvo1092-29938b.htm
  16. Excellent work Neil and Clive. :tup:
  17. Welcome to the forum Matty hope you enjoy it. Where in the UK are you.
  18. Made that mistake once and never again - covered the terminals with a cloth now :-D
  19. Happy Birthday LeeEnfield - 47 wow your gonna need a walking stick soon. :tup:
  20. After posting the pics of John and Lee I better watch wear I sit from now on in case they slip a pyro under my seat.
  21. I want to swap my 15 yr old daughter for your 16 yr old Bernie as it would be nice to see the carpet in my daughters room again, so much mess.
  22. I would imagine the first thing the DUKW driver did was change his pants.
  23. It would seem that someone has registered this vehicle with a higher gross weight so as to take advantage of the MOT exception. What happens when you take this vehicle to a normal MOT station and they see the weight on the new computer system will they send you onto a goods testing station as its over the normal mot testing weight ?. If you wanted a normal MOT then wouldn't you have to contact DVLA and get the weight changed on the log book to its correct weight ? Answers on a separate post please.
  24. Whereabouts in the UK are you ? Can always try these sites- http://www.'>http://www.'>http://www.'>http://www.'>http://www.'>http://www.milweb.net/classifieds/events.php?eventtype=UK%20Military%20Vehicle or http://www.imps.org.uk/events/events.php or http://www.mvt.org.uk/events.htm Hope this helps
  25. There are some good petitions on the link below like; Scrap the planned vehicle tracking and road pricing policy. Change the tax exemption laws for historic motor cars. Scrap the idea of "road pricing". 4x4 Road Tax. "Transport and infrastructure" petitions http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/list/open?cat=521
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