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Everything posted by ian2b

  1. No problems David, If you want to add any pics in the future then just send them across. :tup:
  2. Looks like there is love in the air :hug:. And before you say it "yes i am jealous" NOT :nono:
  3. Tidy his bedroom - If his bedroom is anything like the back of the 101 ambi when he is living in it then there is no chance of his room ever being tidy. Or it could be down to his dad that its in such a state in the 101. :rofl:
  4. David Ives Landrover pictures. http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i272/ian2b/dcp_1551.jpg[/img] http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i272/ian2b/dcp_1552.jpg[/img] http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i272/ian2b/dcp_1554.jpg[/img] http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i272/ian2b/dcp_1553.jpg[/img] http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i272/ian2b/dcp_1555.jpg[/img]
  5. good work bodge saves me doing it, cheers
  6. Welcome to the forum Gareth hope you enjoy yourself.
  7. OH MY GOD THERE GOES THE NEIGHBOUR HOOD - High Paul best you behave or we will have to tie you up AGAIN. http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i272/ian2b/100_3247paul.jpg[/img] http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i272/ian2b/100_3862PAUL.jpg[/img] http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i272/ian2b/100_3599paul.jpg[/img] "NO CHILDREN WERE HARMED IN THE TAKING OFF THESE PICTURES" :rofl:
  8. For advise on Landrover's you could join the EMLRA (Ex Military Land Rover Association) forum http://forum.emlra.org/
  9. Should be ready for Paul to drive when he is old enough for Roadsure insurance (at 25) so got 14 years to finish it John. :whistle:
  10. Must admit I cant take credit for this design as it was another HMVF member that suggested it, I just added my details and put the web address at the bottom but I do like the design and think it will suit the vehicles.
  11. Hi Fred, What I am going to do if we haven't got anything by the show season is print this off and display it in my MV's.
  12. I blame the picture myself :whistle:
  13. If you do get any flags or banners done Jack/Mark then do let us know as our group would be happy to fly the flag and display the banner at the shows we attend. Or get Mark to get one done and he can fly it at our Bunker Show when he comes :tup:
  14. Neil is that a real badge on the front ? because when you zoom in it looks like a guy wearing sunglasses with a tash and wearing a pith type helmet :-D
  15. Welcome to the forum David. Please do share any service info you have and any pictures of your Landie as its always nice to see a new vehicle on here.
  16. Thanks for sharing the vehicle pics Roland they look great.
  17. Flags - Another good idea. What next an HMVF show :banana:
  18. Hi Simon, Maybe you can get together with John and make a whole vehicle. John's recently recoverd Mog. http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i272/ian2b/JohnsMog.jpg[/img]
  19. Have a problem with that link , Mark An Error Has Occurred! The topic or board you are looking for appears to be either missing or off limits to you.
  20. Me and my big mouth, I think its best done by someone who has already been there and has a better idea of sorting this type of trip out :tup:
  21. Sounds good Neil but dont forget you will have to look after the baby :whistle:
  22. The only other option Richard is to find someone with some ground and put a trailer on it. http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i272/ian2b/100_5533.jpg[/img]
  23. FOR THE DAY, Richard what a let down, you should drag them old boys out and make them camp over - can get some blankets for them if they fill cold. :rofl: Don't let the Dover Team down. :tup:
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