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Everything posted by griff66

  1. i hope it has less of the atmospherics of this years!
  2. always makes me laugh that some people get surprised how forums work !
  3. roll on snow isuzu trooper, mud and snow tyres waiting!!!!
  4. great photo and classic example why uniforms just look wrong on how we say fuller figure!:cool2:
  5. forum members should have waited till the boss( rex) !!!!!!!!!!! got to love that post!
  6. all sounds good and now any complaints of toilets showers etc we know where the buck stops!
  7. well if u list the countries u meant we can check the box office takings!
  8. agreed the old bond films were right for there times, these newer ones are pitched just right for the current world!
  9. all any of us can do is give the new relocated show a go , if fuel etc can be justified and comment from there:wow:
  10. glad u got it sorted i know those sort of snags can be a right pain!
  11. mark update on show venue now isle of arran!! see u there:D
  12. fifty a month dam good for dry and secure storage
  13. opening weekend in usa skyfall broke box office records !
  14. well for a start google brdm 2 manuals first hit i got was for a cd of manuals user handbook for a tenner. try also russian military trucks website
  15. as an aside tell whoever to get the tannoy sorted out crackling load of rubbish!!!
  16. when i went there was families with kids as young as 3 ish so probably ok for ten year old.
  17. warming them up for possible independence :cool2:
  18. the figures on things like fuel that was being delivered to front line amazing.
  19. saw it enjoyed movie worth the admission price
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