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Posts posted by Enigma

  1. I'll happily sell it to you Olaf :-D In fact I intend putting it on the market because my damaged back is now making it increasingly difficult to use the Weasel. I'll be sad to see it go but needs must.


    Considering how nice it looks we probably can't afford it. :-(

  2. So they have 8 days to come up with excuses? (Or am i too cynical after so many non-existent Spitfires, Lancasters, Merlin engines, USAAF vehicle depots?)




    "Don't hit me with them negative waves so early in the morning. Think the bridge (train) will be there and it will be there. It's a mother, beautiful bridge (train) , and it's gonna be there. Ok?" :-D

  3. It's smaller, but I have to say I'm liking the atmosphere better. Everyone seems a bit more laid back and easier going. It's more like a holiday.


    I agree, Also it seems more vehicles driving around after closing hours which I missed the last few years.


    The toilets near us were very clean and I made a point of greeting the Gurkha cleaner each time in English or in their way (Namaste).


    I also agree those 100% neo-nazi stands should not be there, especially selling "repro" Zyklon B tins. But that went on during Rex's reign too.

    It did seem a few times exhibitors didn't want to participate in arena events at times.


    TOP TIP;, A speaker system in the field to reminf exhibitors to come to the arena would be good, some people just forget the time.


    WW1 seemed to be missing and the last few years less re-enactors. Some stallholders didn't come back of had smaller pitches. Didn't see 1 Sherman (didn't see the entire area),and missed a lot of great vehicles from the past.

    More MV attendance means more income for the traders, more to buy for the public/MV owners, more interest from re-enacters, more income for the owner, well you know what I mean.


    Still as sad before; I'd advice the new owner to join the forum and adress some of the issues and to hear the positives. If he can win back the re-enacters, MV owners and traders who stopped it would be a positive, guess MONEY is a main concern?


    The weather was also a contributing factor in my view to my positive feeling as well as the friend whom I met.


    So I had a great time.


    So 20 tons of very high and wide vehicles all driven by teenagers, working far too many hours, some of who haven’t passed their car test yet (you can drive from 16 yrs old) and all of whom appear always to be talking on their mobile phones holding them to their ears permanently. I had to wait at a junction last week for 5 tractors with trailers to pass me in convoy as I guess they moved onto their next job, 4 were talking on the phone and I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve had to follow one where the driver has not checked his mirrors once and has been talking on the phone for mile after mile.


    That's if you are lucky, at least they are more or less looking at the road ahead.

    Its even more dangerous when they are looking at the screen because of their mortal fear they didn't read a message within 1 minute of posting.....:angry

  5. On Facebook Mark (Snapper) noted his M1 helmet looked good but wasn't practicle when using a camera.

    In WW2 the same thing was noted so the T-14 helmet was developed. It used parts from 2 postwar helmets to make a medievel looking hinged visor helmet. The outside was pinted with a fine structure paint.

    I decided to make one and installed a modified liner with new webbing. Damn that was a difficult project....











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