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Posts posted by Enigma

  1. Steve;

    Fantastic work as always. That seat must weigh a couple of hundred pounds. It reminds of what a church pew looks like, not very comfortable on the backside for a long journey! Are you going to add some cushions?


    John G


    Happy New to your crew


    Jack may have a nice pink cushion...

  2. I thing that I have found advert where is your looking bike.


    It looks like scamm, be careful! I have lost for the similer 1400GBP!




    here is original listing on ebay!





    The price difference between the adverts looks suspicious too.

  3. I agree, but for Brit/Canadian collecting in the USA, it has to do more with spares and access I think, we have tons of US vehicles and parts available, but at the same time it is the USA, I agree I would like to see more British vehicles saved, but we can only do so much, need to get more of the younger generation interested in saving them too...but as you can see, there are still plenty of vehicles sitting gout there, that owners bought 20-40 years ago and they are sitting around.


    I can imagine in the US Brit stuff is rarer.

    But I was refering more to the UK itself and also my own country where the Commonwealth which was predominatly liberated by Commonwealth troops.

  4. going to be a good year for british tanks :)


    Considering the war effort of the Brits in WW2 its a shame so few (heavy) vehicles are still around, or even worse the apparent disinterest in the Brits themselves to portray the WW2 Briisht soldier.

    Guess US is easyer or more glamorous? (Yes I portray mainly US but also UK)

    The world would be up in arms if Sherman hulks would be scrapped, hell it wouldn't even be considered....well you know the Chgurchill's story..


    So hats of to those who show the Brits were involved in the war and honor them by restoring/driving the vehicles or portray the soldier by wearing a BD...


    Sorry, if this sounds a bit political, pedantic or just meddling.

  5. The stubs that stick out on the hinges go into corresponding holes in the hull, a bit like a safe door , cut the hinges, but you still can not get the door open, ( explosion proof ? )

    The second picture shows the 2 x tapered pegs, ( 9/16" dia. hardened ), one end picks up a flat on the torque rod for the door, and the other end picks up another flat spot on the rod and this pegs into an end cap that is attached to the hull and independent of the door. So when door is opened, a twisting effect is loaded on the 9mm rod, giving it a spring like action. The trick is when making these rods is to get the flats in the right offsets, so as to give you just enough tension, but not too much, as they are only little rods and would break, also do not grind flats too deep , as this would create a weak point as well. Cheers Andrew.



    Thanks, I get it now!

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