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Posts posted by Enigma

  1. If John is in the HMVF clubhouse then the beers (and the buns) are on him to celebrate!! :):)


    Now if only we could get those dancing girls back from Enigma!!


    I deny everything but I did hear from a reliable source the girls will visit to the clubhouse soon. :-D

  2. Over the last couple of days I have been using the Personal mail and have a weird problem...


    anythingiwritecomesoutlikethis...for some reason the space bar is ignored, first time it happened I put new batteries in my keyboard but no change. I have had to resort to writing my PM's in word then copy and paste into the message.


    Anyone else had this problem?



    I did a test by going to PM on your profile (didn't send it).


    I didn't see any problem.

  3. Sonds like something used by a Spreng commando.

    The kind of guys who blew up church towers in my area at wars end.

    So something engineers explosives.


    Zerstören translates indeed to demolish.

    Körper translates to body literally but better to somethinl like a small container, vessel etc.


    So, demolition container.

  4. To the broad public, anything Tiger related is the most interesting and would possible attract more visitors.

    Though one could hope that online computer games like world of tanks and war thunder, could spark an interest in the other rare vehicles in the museum, and then fuel the need for these to be restored to running condition.


    Would be good to see more interest in different kind of tanks and vehicles.

  5. Thanks for the comments!


    Today I went (with our Mom) to 's-Hertogenbosch for the commemorations of its liberation.

    When I was at A&E I was surprised (even shocked) many Brits never heard about that battle.

    The entire 53rd Welsh division fought there, even Sherman and Churchill flame thrower tanks were involved and the run up to it many infantry men were transported in Kangaroo's.


    Anyway, today there were 4 Veterans from the 53rd division present. I know all for but especially Owen Butcher is special to me because I consider him a friend. He was batallion sniper and today he told me he was trained by the Lovat Scouts. He wanted to show me the Lovat capbadge he had since then but it was in his other jacket.



    from left to right ; Frank Yates, Owen Butcher, Peter Davies and Bruce Coombes.

  6. Just another WW2 monument to most, not to me.


    For years I placed flowers there on our remembrance dag (May4th) in name of a veteran who was there (Ray Surrey).


    He is gone but I won't forget. (Rest in peace my friend.)

    Today its 72 years ago it happened

    So this afternoon I went to the monument alone and did a small ceremony reciting the "we will remember" poem.



  7. Update: Coil is fine, Electronic Ignition fine. Teeny little problem with one HT lead to number 4 plug though. :red: It had worked itself against number 3 plug, and, er, melted. Still got some new 7mm Copper HT lead coming , so happy half hour making up new leads.


    Sounds like it will be up and running soon.

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