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Posts posted by Enigma

  1. I like the seperate fields layout of the hopfarm as well as the shortcuts (from America field) to the arena.

    Never liked the one way driving system at folkstone.

    Also the evening driving and Friday evening tank ride I missed at Folkestone.


    Yes the hop fam can be very dusty and muddy but that never bothered me.

    Also the hop farm hade diferent weather? I remember less wind and the wind coming form the same direction instead of turning during rain. It did get colder at night at the hop farm in my opinion.


    Also were we were at Folkestone, on the edge of the WW2/postwar field we hardly saw any people walking by.

    Combined with the few vehicles driving around made it boring when at our pitch in Folkestone.

    I think the scale of the area combined with the open view stopped a lot of people to continue walking further. The patchy layout of the Hop farm didn't look as big which may have prompted people to walk further.

  2. And another



    I never understood the idea of cars being able to lower like that, although it will lift before driving.

    Especially low ground clearance is maybe ok in the US but in the Netherlands we have many speedbumps to get stuck on...

  3. Thank you it took a long time, in fact decades, to string together enough references to put together some coherent story of the various interests at work.


    I'm grateful to have a platform on here to share the info with other enthusiasts, it is a shame that it was not considered suitable as it stood for my club magazine to publish it. Striving for "professionalism" in magazines is all very well, but it saddens me at club level there seems to be no place for first hand research if there is too much text & not enough colour photos. :-(


    Frustrating, well at least you have a captive audience here.

  4. Im afraid it will go back into the ground were it came from with the way he stores cars, he has 300 in his collection and they are all going down hill fast which is a shame as there were some nice vehicles in the shed and the rest sitting in the open paddock.


    Those things happen all to often, what a shame.

  5. Hi all, I have been asked to find a Stuart M1 Turret for a friend that has the vehicle but no top, it was used in a timber yard for many years after the war and is now sitting in a field rusting but the has said he will restore it if I find one, personally I think it will never be done and I will end up with it I hope. Ray


    He could make a turretless Recce vehicle out of it.

  6. What is the best way to secure a vehicle that doesn't have an ignition key (or windows!)and has an easily accessible wiring loom?

    ls some kind of mechanical lock the way to go? If so, what do folks suggest?


    A partial solution I used on a Jeep is a clamp around the gearstick while in reverse parked up against a wall or such.

    IIRC you can put it in neutral through via the high/low stick though.

  7. Just a slight correction Ron, but the computer game in question is 'World of Tanks' (which is really quite good, if you like that sort of thing :) ) - they seem to have quite a healthy relationship with The Tank Museum & have also supported several other museums & armour projects around the world, I believe. There was even talk of them paying for the restoration to working condition of the Maus at Kubinka, but things have gone very quite about that since the initial announcement...





    World of tanks also sponsored las Armor and embarkation.


    It would have been nice to have the Sturmtiger at the Tank museum as well.


    Aren't the Russians planning to restore the Maus themselves?

  8. To be honest it depends on what kind of event.

    Some shows have a big drive attached to it, In the Netherlands mostly a commemorative one.

    For us storage of vehicle is a extra hassle.


    A show like W&P is for us just to impractible/expensive to drive the Dodge to and from it.


    And all those costs, extra risk and extra hours of driving to get there is high when considering we could only take it to the arena Max twice a day.

    Also breaking down in a foreign country can become a immense drama, like my friend and me experienced in Belgium some years ago. (can share if interested).


    Driving on the show ground during visitors hours is a no go (fair enough, H&S) and after hours on last W&P was a bit like in the old days with vehicles on the move. The years before no activity after 17:00.

    Takingthe Ferry is extra $$$ and the last years even worse with hours of trafficjams near Dover. Better in a Civvie car than a 75 year old vehicle.


    When I attend a show/commemoration in our vehicle or as a back up driver of a lady friend I do wear a uniform and take care not to show modern stuff and talk to people about our hobby. Her field hospital was a good display but a lot of work for a afternoon event.


    But in short, driving a few 100 miles for a static displasy or a few laps in a arena is just not practicle. So a commemorative drive is prefered to a more or less static show for us.

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