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Posts posted by Enigma

  1. Enigma


    Many thanks! I think we were parked over the crossroads from you at Beltring. At this price I am happy for my daughter to keep the net one ! I will next be at my storage barn in daylight next weekend, so I will dismantle the camo one and try for a better picture inside the net one then


    Best Regards




    Hi Iain

    Glad to help.

  2. First one looks Dutch from the 50's with US items added to it (sweatband and chinstrap)

    The steel shell has a stamping on the visor, inside. What does it say.

    The liner is also Dutch used, 1970's to 80's.

    Low value, maybe 10-15 GBP


    Second one looks like a WW2 steel shell with probably a 80's paraliner.

    The steel shell also should have a number on the inside, neer the front.

    The slits in the camo cover are indeed for foliage or such. The cover is 60-70's.

    It has stampings on one of the flaps when you remove the liner.


    Value is more difficult on the 2nd one.

    Paraliners from the 80's are less wanted that with Vietnam era dates. Its dated on the webbing, remove chinstrap to see it.


    Steel shell, to determine better you need to remove the camo cover. If its smooth on the outside its less valuble than if the Original cork finish is still there.


    So...more pics please.

  3. Last September 2 UK re-enacters in the Netherlands who attended the Market Garden events (30 corps) drove a halftrack to the small village of Alem, about 35 miles west from Nijmegen. See photo.


    One was dressed in the uniform of the Royal Berkshire regiment.

    One of them was apparently retracing his fathers footsteps, so probably 30 Royal Marines.

    Can anyone bring me in contact with him regarding his visit to that village ?...

    PM please.




  4. Interesting article about trakmark, even if I don't have any practicle use for it.

    Most plastic or foam like items can belch out noxious smoke and is something to consider.


    A bit like modern "plastic" coats and jackets. Warm but can burn easily.


    That's why at new year I wear a long leather coat so stray sparks or flames won't melt onto the skin if things do go wrong.

  5. What was the problem with the Jeep ? Great that you got it sorted out, hope is was minor.



    Moisture may have had something to do with the initial problems.

    Difficult to start and skipping a cilinder the first few miles of driving.

    So new sparkplugs, rotor and leads were installed.

    The watertight stuff, its a Hotchkiss.

    Then it got even worse.


    But it turned out the rotor was damaged.

    It was new one but probably got damaged installing it.


    Another rotor and it starts right up without problems, a big relief.

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