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Posts posted by Enigma


    Strangely I have tried the same experiment with an IR gun to measure temp on quite a few Military Vehicles and discovered that when the trucks are camo pattern they tend to take on the average temperature of the darkest color in the pattern. Will dig out photos of the test if anybody is interested.


    Cheers Phil


    Do post them, sounds interesting.

  2. No worries Richard -


    The story was about to break anyway.


    I am looking forward to getting the Matilda to as many shows as I can next year.


    It will be great to show an iconic WWII British piece of armour.




    I look forward to seeing it up-close!!

  3. I thought you would know who I meant ....... where is he, sweeping the shed out ready for Matilda's arrival? ;)


    He told me and my brother a long time ago and told me not to disclose to anyone. I am pleased he trusted us to keep quiet.

    Haven't told anyone as instructed, not even my mates.


    So I won't say any more here until he spills the beans himself.

  4. way too many other projects on the go this year to muck about with the churchill.

    i've got 5 ww2 british armoured vehicles to do and we're only in april :)


    Too many projects, not enough time.

    Just win the lottery and hire some help.

  5. See what you can do with some paper and string?!


    Very small parts...a pain to assemble!

    but the end result is pretty good.


    Next task is to try them on the model itself.

    Waiting for some materials to finish making the surface connectors.





    Wow, nicely done.

    Will you add some rust on it?

  6. Hi all

    Am having problems updating my restoration blog on the MW, everythime I try to upload a photo a thumbnail appears underneath by the time I've added half a doz pic's the page is full of duplicates, I haven'tbeen able to update progress for over a week now and wonder what has caused this to occur, it could be me pressing the wrong tit but I have no idea.




    I have seen the same on some one elses topic, no idea. Maybe a setting on the forum changed somewhere?

    What photo host do you use?

  7. Threads like this make the site what it is. all inclusive and facinating.


    Especially the Brits on the forum have had parents/Grandparents who endured so much and helped to defeat the German forces. So I thank them for being a part of the freedom I now enjoy.

  8. SEAN

    You are more than likely to be right we were lucky at the museum in the fact that we had a army trained signwriter

    who started in the army in 1944 sign writing motor bikes. His skill with a paint brush was nothing short of poetry

    l think that there are always people who take pride in the work that they do and get it right and others that could not care

    l have seen animals facing the wrong way bits left out and just the minimum amount of detail


    Having pride in your work and doing your best is the only way to go.

    I'm not the best helmet painter but do the best I can.

    I did however reverse a marking once, not my finest hour.:(

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