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Everything posted by ArtistsRifles

  1. Wow - no idea what that is - but it certainly looks weird!!!!!!!!!!!! The pattern of the camo and the type/width of wheel hint at it being from the late '40's/early '50's from what I recall of other threads.... More than that wild guess I'll leave to the experts here!!
  2. ArtistsRifles


    Must have been a nice drive with todays weather - I'm very envious here!!!! Glad you enjoyed the trip and that people still show an interest!!!!
  3. In that case, you might want to consider saving any of your own that you spill from now on! Steve Be a bit pointless these days - far too many drugs in there and not enough alcohol!!!! Definitely not enough alcohol.......
  4. but that's no excuses for not keeping then tip-top! :wink: :lol: This is oh-so-true... But then - if someone wasn't prepared to put the hours and the blood (*) into maintaining their chosen vehicle as close to an A1 state as possible they likely wouldn't have bought it in the firstplace (this does not include the "rich-kid" fraternity who got something bought by mum and dad and have no idea what the word Maintenance means) (*) Dunno if it's just me - but any mechanical project I've ever worked on has always resulted in a considerable number of cuts/gashes and attendant loss of the red stuff!! - being a JW now this is probably not a wise move :oops:
  5. How about this: http://www.lucas-tvs.com/products/f700.html
  6. Looks like getting an MOT exempt vehicle was a wise move then!!!
  7. Rang the War and Peace people uptoday and got the booking for the Stalwart changed to my name! Left me £25 lighter in the wallet area as the previous owner was a member of IMVP so had free entry Anyways - looks like we'll be in the America's field too so if you see a Mk 2 Stalwart with the reg mark of RCD 233 G come and say hello!! I'm aiming to get there on the Wednesday evening after work (all being well) and will have a tent - civvy I'm afraid for now - to basha down in till the weekend!
  8. Will do. Return visit won't be till mid August 2007 though!!!!! I'm looking forwards to seeing the King Tiger in the Salle Allemand and the engine for one in the Salle des Moteurs. One thing struck me - they say there's is the only working King Tiger - I thought that the one in the Russian Museum was a runner too, as were all their Tiger family?????
  9. OK Folks - back again (waits for the chorus of groans....)!! Had a great time - weather was perfect once we got there although the first half of the drive down was pretty awful being done at night in thick mist, rain and winds Still - much wine consumption and absorbtion of the suns rays soon reduced this to a minute memory. Even had wine tasting sessions and cave tours!!!! Whilst there I saw adverts and signs to: Musee des Blindes (Panzer Musee) at Saumur "An up to date focal point for the study of the history of 20th century conflict recounting the evolution of armoured vehicles and armaments" " The world largest collection: more than 200 tanks and artillery peices from 16 different countries that are set in realistic scenarios" "A museum that brings history alive though its collection of armoured vehicles that have been restored into working order and video clips that continuously illustrate how they were employed" Web address: http://www.musee-des-blindes.asso.fr Alas with all the planned items of the rally I never had a chance to get to this museum and have a look/take photo's - buit apparently we are going back for two weeks next year so this will be on the list of To Do items!! Has any one else been there and is it as good as it sounds????[/list:u]
  10. ArtistsRifles


    If she was located nearer home I'd have done it - and taken the risk the coporate security manager would have ordered it removed from site as soon as they saw her (or one of the leftwing loonies reported it) taking up at least 4 parking bays!! I reckon it's a worthwhile thing to do!!!!
  11. John, Just signed up for the above quoted cover on my Alvis Stalwart - for peace of mind (or otherwise...) can you confirm the method of recovery if the vehicle cannot be repaired at roadside would be on a flatbed and not suspended tow as the 6x6 Alvis range (Saladin, Saracen, Stalwart & Salamander) cannot be towed, flat or suspended for anything other than very short distances. Thanks!!!!
  12. Off for a weeks R&R with the caravan down in the Loire valley folks - when I get back it'll be a step closer to getting little Maude home "See" you all in a weeks time!!!!!
  13. Keep an eye on the site and see if the stock status changes :idea: If it does - let us know!!!!!
  14. Do you mean these by any chance: http://www.britishmilitarysurplus.co.uk/ishop/1069/shopscr52.html
  15. Not to mention if they run off at the wrong time there'll be a bit of a mess to clean up!!! :cry: :cry: :cry:
  16. Seem to recall reading in one of the other threads that John Pearson went - he mentioned the field being too wet for the steam guys to be allowed on and that the tractor pulling the lowloader his Valentine was on had to be pushed by hand?????
  17. Technically only 6 - practically there's 8 'cos there's 2 spares in the back
  18. Oooooooooooooo!!!!! That looks NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Think it would look a lot better placed beside a Stalwart though!!!
  19. You're lucky - they are quoting £175 each for mine!!!
  20. No image in the post Chris - what happened????
  21. Was there on Saturday - planning to stay overnight - but the wife got other ideas due to wind & rain and given what was planned expense-wise the next day it seemed politic to keep her happy!). However I echo Chris's sentiments!!!! I had a great time there - some very nice vehicles on display and enjoyed my time talking to the various owners and crews. I must admit to feeling a bit of a square peg in a round hole at times being sans vehicle - but next time should see Maude there too Then all John and Lee need to do is find some one with a Salamander to complete the set for the group!!
  22. Did you mean "what" - or "why"?? If it's why then thats easy - the very first time we ever looked at one the wife mk 1's first comment was "it's all mouldy". Hanging up in the HQ of my old regiment back in the seventies was a caricature sketch of the regiments then cap-badge of Mars and Minerva done by a former member of the Regt back in the 1920's entitled "Mouldy Maude". That image has always stuck in my mind and as soon as the wife mk 1 said that - it popped straight up again!! So the big girl will henceforth be called Maude If it's "what" then thats also easy she's a Mk 2 FV622, hull number STALII/629, Army No 19 ET 90 that was with 10 (Field) Sqdn R.E for most of her service life. Most unusually none of the swim gear was ever stripped by the MOD/Army so she's virtually as delivered in that respect! Good question - still trying to find a storage location for her locally so till I do she's staying at her current home in East Sussex. I was talking to Stuart at Kelvedon on Sat about her and he thought she might just fit the gate at Coal House Fort after all and suggested bringing her up at the next open day (which, due to pre-booked holidays means the 25th June for us). Fingers crossed she will fit - or that an undercover storage point will turn up - I'm still looking hard.
  23. Well folks - handed over 6,000 of the folding readies today and now the big girl is mine, all mine <cue manic laughter>!!!!!!!! So - meet Maude folks:
  24. Now £77 with 20 mins to go!!!!
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