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Everything posted by ArtistsRifles

  1. I'm still seeing the US Army in WW2 up there Jack!!!!!!!
  2. Yep - working fine now!! Many thanks for all the hard work - it's much appreciated!! :beer: :beer: :tup:
  3. If I stop by and say hello, can i drive the stolly again :-D Ooooh - dunno about actually driving :roll: :roll: Got a funny feeling the trip to Beltring is going to be the first time I get to take her out, way things are going so I could be permanently glued to the steering wheel - with a manic (maniac???) grin etched on my face.....  :lol: :lol: :lol: See me on the day!!!!!! :lol: :lol:
  4. Odd - it's alright on my machine. System here has the resolution set to 1024 x 768.
  5. Are you staying till the weekend?? If so - make sure you stop by and say hello!!
  6. Sounds like ideal qualifications to me - welcome to the mad-house!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
  7. Thought I might have!! :-o :-o But Mad_Man reckons otherwise so I'm off the hook!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
  8. Whew!!!!!!!! Talk about a long sigh of relief!!! :beer: :beer: Thought it was some thing I'd done - or not - as the case may be!! :lol: :lol:
  9. Tried the gallery out today (if I wasn't supposed to yet then apologies...). Going into a blank album gave me the options to add pictures. The interface that came up was neat and easy to use. However, once a picture was added, there seems to be no way to add additional ones. Am I doing something incredibly dumb here or????
  10. Hopefully we'll be there Saturday too!!!! Provided the P.O. don't lose the tickets :-o (Wonder if I'll find out HOW I managed to win them???? ) - be nice to put more names to faces from the forum :lol: :lol:
  11. Crusader 80 was the last one I ever did!!! We were based at GelnHausen, home iof the US 3rd Armoured (UK spelling) just outside Frankfurt am Main. Interesting thing was - we were the opposition (blue forces) to the US guys who were orange...... Made for some interesting situations - especially when the yanks found out both who AND what we were!! :evil: :evil: :evil:
  12. Thanks Larry! Apparently there was/is a caption competion - but I'm damned if I can recall entering it!!! Oh the joys of being whacked on the head 25 odd years ago... Be interesting to see what I might have written that was so good :lol: :lol: Mean time - I got me a nice day out that I wasn't expecting :banana: :banana: :yay!: :yay!:
  13. Forum clock has lost an hour again!!!!! :tup:
  14. Stuart (Saracen Stump) just had to do his - sure he can give you chapter & verse on how to do it plus an exact count of the number of fingers in risk of imminent loss!! :shocking:
  15. I received an e-mail tonight from a Michelle Moore who is, apparently the mareting director at the Royal Powder Mills.  It seems I've won a family ticket for the events this weekend.: Now here's the part where I get as confused as hell - What competition ??? ???  I don't remember entering any competition!!! Glad as hell to have free tickets - especially to an MV event - but I assume this is a for-real letter and not some one having a laugh ???
  16. Very nice - looks awfully familiar to...... :lol: :lol:
  17. If no one here can help - YET!! - then you can always try a look at the Yahoo group dedicated to the RL: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/RSOLES/ There's a chap on there named Rhys Davies who seems to know whats what with regards to the Green Goddesses.........
  18. Some great photo's there - many, many thanks for sharing them!!!!
  19. Talk about bad karma - or something....... The W/E of July 1st/2nd is now out as Tim's busy. Weeked prior is out 'cos everyone from the Fort will be at Firepower (lucky devils) and the weekend after is out 'cos we're away with friends... Looking like she'll be coming ome in two hops right now - via the W&P show!!!! Still - I suppose it gives me more time to find a fall-back if she's too wide for the gates at Coalhouse Fort. It's "interesting how, after phoning or calling on a likely possibility for storage the conversation always seems to go on variations of: "Hi - do you store vehicles here?" or "Hi - do you have space in a barn you'd like to rent out for vehicle storage?" "Yes, we do - what do you want to store?" "An Alvis Stalwart" "What the hells that???" "A 6 wheeled army truck" "No - not interested - goodbye" Still got a couple more to try - then I hit the famous creek people seem to get stuck up sans any propulsive devices!!!!! :cry: :cry:
  20. Registration paperwork turned up today - got the ticket for the windscreen and a nice map of whats where and when. The music selection sounds good to me the nights I'm there :-) :-) Really looking forwards to this one - even though it looks like I might well be having to collect the Stalwart from East Sussex on the Wednesday night!! Plans for getting her home seem to be continually frustrated right now - I must have a hell of a lot of bad Karma catching up with me :cry: :cry:
  21. Nooo....a picture of a nice 1953 AEC Militant :-D Seriously though, you can use any of my pictures too. Regards Richard Oh YES!!!!!!!!!!! And any of the Alvis family 6x6 too!!!!!!!! If I've stuck anything up - feel free to use it!!!!
  22. No worries - I was only joking. :lol: Those beasts are a law unto themselves!!! But less of the "only TA" though - as I found (to my cost) you've as much chance of getting injured or deaded as your regular oppo!!
  23. This is looking really good Jack!!! I'd like to say a BIG thanks to all involved for the hard work thats gone into the site :lol: :lol:
  24. That sounds interesting????????
  25. I'd have said you were more than welcome!!! :lol: Although you might regret joining the mad house when the questions start piling in!! (ps - how are you on Stalwarts???) :evil: :evil:
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