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paul connor

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Posts posted by paul connor

  1. managed to break down on the m27! great! my alternator lead had come loose! caused a loss in power and drained the batteries! joy!


    but now 145am! and its not outside:)


    but! door locks! dont match the key! and i cant seem to get the locks to lock! using the slider inside? is this a fault!? how easy to repair? I always ask before i try things as you all know! and the window (slide one) does not lock one side?


    I have had a quick fiddle but being 1am! i dont want to make to much noise!

  2. Well the Pig is loaded! so lets hope that she is in one piece and not been messed with! i think my lock had been as my mate Dave could not work the key? but with a sledgehammer its removed and ready for bringing back to me:)


    lets hope my trailer has not been messed with as well! 10 days later Helen the Humber is coming back to her owner :-D

  3. Yes it would have been, but as i left with a shot hydrovac i paid return low loader fee's! so i have a paid lift! just been delayed! so tommorrow i hope she is moved! not much can be stolen! i hope! unless they break in! there should be a line of 432's and an abbott there next to it still.... i hopes all is ok :cry:

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