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paul connor

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Posts posted by paul connor

  1. Great weekend!


    Nice people! great sights! and not so great luck!


    Upon leaving Brighton on the friday I noticed a slight noise from the landrover!

    Met ChrisG in his Champ and headed up the M23 to fleet services on the M3.

    As I pulled into the car park I noticed a "grind" noise! Odd! it got worse and at Salisbury when we arrived we took the belts off and checked the play in all the pulleys.

    We diagnosed the fault as the water pump pulley which when rotated had slight resistance and play. We thought to our selves that this would last many more miles and comfort that it was something not to serious.


    When we entered the plains and did the first road run all was well. I was enjoying splashing about in the puddles and being a child.

    On a gradiant following the Stolly "bang" odd! the noise has gone! "SH**!" pulled over and joy o joy! the fan had come off the pully and destroyed the radiator!


    Thanks very much to all the help with the WW2 wreckers towing me off! much to amusement and many many photos of the landrover with the rear in the air!


    Oh! and blew a tyre as well! great ! happy days ! Great Success!


    I have had SOO much help and so many kind jestures! Recovery! and also the new Rad,Fan and pump! which the organisers kindly helped me locate and collect!


    A great bunch of people! real team spirit and I shall be going again!


    Thank you all so much for Help and Advice! I owe many people a favour!


    After the last day over the tank range trying to sink the landrover we departed with the brakes pulling badly to the left! after a few miles this was sorted! well... it was then pulling to the right! haha


    It was just mud and gunk in the drums! so after a few hours back we arrived with a muddy landy! but after a great few days! shame i could not stay longer!


    Thank you All!





    PS. Ok now the embarrasing pictures please

  2. Can we please decide whats going on?


    The "recent replies to your posts" function is now gone from the front page?!?


    Its becoming hard work lads!


    Everyday a change

  3. The DVLA wanted to inspect my Pig when it was registered by me! before issuing a V5.

    But then! a few weeks later a V5 arrived and nothing more was said!?!


    I would bring the OT! if its just stationary in a carpark with the Pubs permission then its on private land. I think the MOD are more concerned with it on their MOD land etc


    If you have paid the trip! bring it!


    As I say your welcome in my tent or Daves... choice is yours! depends who snores more! lol

  4. Yes thats 100% true! you're better off with a commander as well! its an extra set of eyes!


    Odd thing is that you're insurance is the same after you pass! ha, so really all you gain is the H cat!


    Would love a go Neil :) be very nice! Prob only be there the Fri and Sat I expect, I have to fit a 110 gear box the sunday and fit the Tank museum in somwhere! and monday on the Pig for WP prep!

  5. Well, to be honest it was easy.


    Many thanks to Dave King for loan of Sandy the Fv432.


    Hazard and theory (like i did with PCV do not apply)


    Was the DSA coming to me, and in this case meeting me at site and testing me via a layby!


    Ill explain!


    Chose a near by layby then I had to approach each end etc and turn in and out of traffic. Reverse round a corner. Controlled stop. The test is 45 mins and each time I left the layby out of site I had to turn around! and lets just say I was in no hurry with the clock ticking! but did all to book!




    Indication! as the winkers broke on the day! "should hand signal longer " hmm yes, you tried doing that with tillers?


    and Highway code! well to be honest I got that bit wrong! but 45 mins in a Fv432 and then being shown a flick book of things I know! I was a bit "wired", He knew I had a PCV and could see the wider picture!


    One question I loved "what is the national speed limit on a dual carriage way?"


    I reply "seeing I can only do 35mph with the wind behind me, is that relivent?"


    Good day and now If I want can buy bigger toys :)

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