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paul connor

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Posts posted by paul connor

  1. Ok, what is needed?


    I know there are normal and turbo diesel models in the engines.. what is best in a series? without having to uprate the suspention and the brakes to cope with it all?



    Is it poss to even do the mod without having to move the grill and bits about?


    Woul I just need need the donar engine and ancills or is there more needed? does it mate to the gear box and drive train etc



    I know someone willl know more, many thanks


    Also is there any probs doing this to a 24V FFR, would I have to change to 12V?

  2. Ahh Mr Ferret! I have arrived as summoned!


    I have the kit on the shopping list! along with a full exhaust system...


    But at the minute im saving for my own flat, so that needs to come first! somewhere with parking! so the Pig and Landdy have a nice close place to me and ease to be worked on!


    Glad it works! ill let you know how i get on :)

  3. Sorry for anyone trying to get hold of me, im between moving house at teh second and I have no internet!


    But! here is the question!


    I would like to tow my Series 3 behind the Humber pig, Can i get an A frame for this? or is trailer the only option?


    I have no idea on this one! but have seen many people just towing vehicles on bars/frame



    many thanks! ill check back in prob a week! when i get net access once more:)

  4. Stop driving it!!! If that amount of teeth are damaged you will only damage more by using it!


    Look through CMV or MMI magazines for a spare Axle, you should find one for about £150.

    But make sure you get a Pig one, not a Humber 1 tonne

  5. The first fault was the ignition on and off switch faulting and cutting the engine while driving. I took apart and did a temp. repair, but as I took the majority apart, the barrel with the light switch (convoy) on has a life of its own! its based on a barrel with connection fingers around it, which is very much out of kilt now!

  6. I dont dispute that yours may have been used in an EOD capacity at some point,but not with wings on. that would have been a later addition for riot control.

    As the EOD equipment would take up the crew space, and wings are not needed in Bomb Disposal. I was not trying to offend,sorry if indeed I have.


    The stickers could br from any era, as Pig were used in many capacity and modified to deal with select roles, or possibly from a previous owner, have you checked the vehicle records?

    Or do you have any odd mount points for monitors? or evidence of the ramps for the wheelbarrow? As its worth checking when it served.

    I would say your may have been 321 logi, but then taken out of its role and the wings added for a different role. The Wheelbarrow kit weighs enough with out adding extra problems to the over stresses chassis with wings as well.

    If your avatar is to go by with th Xmas colours, its not in an EOD role there?


    Please dont take offence

  7. ahh yes! My switchboard is also faulty, I have a champ one but it does not seem to be able to mate up correctly.


    I shall find a new one at WP hopefully. Also had to do temp repairs on the wiring loom as it has so many failed connectors.


    And now left hand indicator does not flash correctly, and the light switch has its own format of convoy settings.


    but WP and some good time and care and swearing will sort it out im sure!


    Thanks Clive! nice bit of advice with connector sleeves!

  8. true, but bomb disposal 321 EOD never used flying Pigs, most owners seem to want to glamorise the nature of the vehicle. Im sure being a Mk2 it has seen some rioting, but RUC or EOD it never was. Just be proud that its aMk2! they are becoming less! and yours has all the armour still


    Slow they are mate, 30-40 max really, only the fool hardy would go over that in ideal conditions..


    yes see you there

  9. Fv1611 Mk2 humber Pig.

    early type ram bar,Rolls-Royce B60 6-cyl 4.2 litre petrol,combat weight approx 7.4 tonnes


    what else would you like to know?


    are you coming to WP? you are booked in?


    Glad the blue light has gone! now have to convince you to remove the amber one! ha

  10. I know people row and will disagree, Please Lee dont take as if I am aiming it at you! I am not!


    Im just upset that a member and a very close friend, who was just wearing lightweights and a green shirt was a torrent of abuse and threatening behavior! He was shocked and I doubt he will attend the "family" show again!

    Also he did not have head dress on! as did the offender pointing the finger!


    It has upset me to the point I'm very tempted to pull out of shows on a big scale

  11. Maybe we should all be the correct fitness level. no over weight people?

    No disabilities? how far do I have to stress? No ranks thats have not been awarded?

    Nothing worn that has not been correctly earnt by the member in question.

    Would that not kill the whole scene?

    Personal abuse and attacks are not acceptable! regardless, people should keep opinions to their selves.


    Would you walk up to Anyone in the street to stress you do not agree with something?


    I'm very upset by the lack of feelings by bigotted narrow minds

  12. Yes,I was rather disappointed that a member of our Unit was confronted by members of the public who tried to engage a fight, Im sure this was just a rare one off with drunken locals of the area. They were young so I was told. Shame!


    Also I felt let down by the "family" show spirit that a member of our unit was confronted in the bar by a member of another unit. And abused for wearing a British unifom because he has his ears pierced as well as his lip. I find this the same as abusing some one because they dont wear the correct shoes or indeed they are a different religion.

    Its rather an off putting experience towards members of other re enact groups.

    More so when some one can be "abused" in public because they dont fit in. What was more of a total anger to myself was this person was dressed in Waffen SS uniform! and calling a British citizen names and regarding him as disrespectful for his British unifom. Forgive me but does the program not state about the Axis uniforms and restrictions? In the beer tent?


    I was sure in the year 2008 people would accept others for what they are, but it seems people are extremly fast to judge and cast opinions before engaging fact and information. Our member didnt even display rank or Regiment. Just in greens. It's a shame really.. I feel that I need to make this public.


    I shall be addressing this group to the SOE.


    Other than that, it was a good show! and a great turn out. even with the poor weather.



  13. We (Past regiments) will be there in a fair strength, about 15 of us.

    First land Rovers and Pig arriving on the Thursday.


    My Brighton Section due Friday afternoon.


    Pop over and say hi,nice to see the usual faces

  14. My friend own te "bloody sunday" pig used in the film. If you look at the film it has one wing!


    As Clive said there were no Mk2's in service at the time of the event, they were Mk1 with wings. Film even shows a Bedford driving into the action with troops in!


    Shame they dont get films and the such correct

  15. Yes thanks to the great help of the plains lads! thanks for the bit.. (who do i speak to ref the lightweight and the bits you dont want before its scrapped?)


    I was amazed! as I stood back and wondered what to do.. it was lifted and ready to roll!


    thanks all! great lads!

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