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paul connor

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Posts posted by paul connor

  1. Ill have a check on that one Cliv.


    many thanks, i just hate bloody drum brakes! always have!


    Ill borrow some clamps.... got a complain from the port authority for driving the Pig about testing the brakes! the place is huge and no one to be seen! like driving on an airport runway! miserable sods



    I have a weekend off in 2 weeks i shall spend working on the brakes as the rest of the pig is ready.. i have repair kits for much of the system.. so fingers crossed its something easy.



  2. The brake pedal was fine and the braking was level when pulling to a stop.


    It is only after i have replaced the master cylinder that it has developed unlevelled stopping and excessive brake pedal movement?


    When the engine is off, the pedal does feel firm, and does not have much travel, how i have always known it.


    When you start the engine the pedal travel is much greater, and the vehicle struggles to stop.


    Bleeding seems not to cure this, i have not adjusted the drums as i assumed that if they were fine before you would not need adjust them again?



  3. Right, I have had enough of the B***dy Humber! *kicks side of Pig*



    Brakes have never been great! discovered a leak on the Master Cylinder.. on the push rod, So I did a seal repair kit... Leaked.. Replaced master cylinder...


    Leaked.. Replaced all washers...cured!


    But now i have very poor brakes! pulls to the left ! and Have bled them 3 times today, always has air in? but i cant find a leak or indeed work out why?


    It had better brake ability with a shot master cylinder! I have brake pedal travel to the floor nearly...


    If you watch the header tank for a while it bubbles...


    would indicate air in the system? but we have bled and bled!


    what would this suggest? a Shot Hydrovac? as with the engine off the brake pedal is normal and has good resistance and travel...


    Can some one help, come over or tell me what the hell is wrong?


    Am I overlooking something?


    HELP ME! before i drive it into the sea!




  4. Was indeed a nice weekend!


    nice to see new and old faces!


    And nice to meet Ginger and Co. who are joining us at War and Peace!


    Well, here are a few pics...


    Why has everyone missed the Rare! and Oldest Humber Pig! that was there!


    here is My merry group on front of the fine Humber:)



    width=640 height=480http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q199/LFK_bucket/mod2.jpg[/img]


    Chris PWRR , P Connor , and Tunnellrat


    width=640 height=480http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q199/LFK_bucket/mod1.jpg[/img]


    Chris PWRR, Tunnellrat, P Connor



  5. Never an easy situation , but it gets better! im happy now, do get lonely sometimes but it eases.


    Come say hi at Overlord:) ill hae the renault modus covered in cam net! ha


    i have also discovered a place where you can bathe your worries and sadness;)


    As im 28 and stil look young!


    th Student Union! hahah, its great!

  6. I shall not be armed at the bar! well depends what the prices are like!!! hehe


    No serious, Deacts back in the car at night :police:


    look forward to it all, Jack! remind me i have a gift for Jerry in the Car! :)


    I hope my online applicattion for the show is ok! as i cant get near a post office until thursday! and thats a bit late!



  7. Ok, this is a true story!


    When I first moved to Brighton, I lived in the Seven Dials area, nice part of town ( no idea how i was allowed there)


    Life was good I lived opposite a girls college, I ate breakfast every day! as my window was on the 4th floor! enough of that! its another story all together!


    Well, one day I rose from my slumber and made my way to my Ford Mondeo, got in and drove to the Seven Dials round about. The car behind started tooting and flashing and the driver got out... not at 7:45 i thought so i got out ready for the usual road side grief!


    Only to be greeted with " all your fuel is pissing out" low and behold! my tank was empting itself over the road!


    I jumped in the car and sped round the block and put the car at an angle on the kerb! on inspection there was a hole in the tank! about 10mm! drilled!


    What the hell? was my first impression?


    Then i noticed another car parked in an odd position! his car had also been drilled and the Fire brigade had to wash his fuel away and make safe!


    Turns out, some people will drill your tanks! bung them up and keep leaching off you over time!!!


    I could not believe this! being younger and just out the forces I had a cunning plan!


    I fibre glassed the tank hole and made good, finished it with some nice white putty in a large blob... 6 wires coming from this, 2 up under the centre of the car, 2 into an led that winked red / green and the others into the putty! and 2 toggle switches to top the nice little look off, all powered by a A cell battery near the exhaust!


    So when the fuel scum came to visit my car looked like a "mad max" film set extra!


    Never was hassled again!


    two others were! so they must have seen it! Topped with the 579 EOD sticker in the rear should have got the idea!



    haha :angel:

  8. Welcome back mate! me and Andy did wonder what had happened!


    I have gone through the same thing! split and in a house share!


    But leaves more MV time! come to overlord!

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