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paul connor

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Posts posted by paul connor

  1. I shall be going.. but ill be in "them hills" with the 110:)


    Oh! and Chris G! look where your going! I tooted the horn and turned on the panic alarm! but you still missed a double deck bus trying to get your attention when you drove past Brighton station in the Champ.. must be day dreaming of Skittles trophies

  2. Well. today I removed the steering unit. cut a slice through the arm with a grinder and it tapped off very easy.


    Then the joy came! the new arm I had was the wrong one! ha, its for a 4bolt unit not the 6bolt mine is! the Difference? about 1mm on the spline hole.


    So awaiting a new one for the morning! then it should be back together quite fast!


    thanks for the help everyone

  3. I cannot get the thing off...


    I have tried pullers.. hammers.. levers.. big hammers.. tears.. swearing.. throwing things at it



    It has a worn joint on the end, which you can normally knock out and repair but that will not shift as its so worn! So , Im left with the problem of getting the arm off!



    Has any one done one? Or can anyone help me witha large puller (10 tonne) or the correct landrover puller? Im now stranded in Brighton on my Drive..


    Can anyone come and help! Before I set fire to it! they are notoriously bad so I hear



  4. It will look great when its been round WP show.. the dust will make a lovely mess of that interior! ~Well I say "make" it a mess.. its already a mess! more make it grubby

  5. I have just been sent my basic history from EMLRA



    so, im curious what half of it is....




    220 07/02/90 CA005A DSDC ASHCHURCH A007692 07/02/90

    A11139 12/06/90 A3501A 4 WFR 278 21/06/90

    335 30/10/92 A0820A 27 TPT REGT RLC 9B29 17/11/92

    078 12/03/93 A0989A HQ SPT WP SC 212 13/03/93

    0824 24/02/95 A0864A HG COLL TRG GP 580/H/T/ 24/02/95

    0649 18/03/99 A5738A WARMINSTER SUPPORT UNIT 1049H/T 15/03/99

    0649 18/12/00 CQ001J BRITISH CAR AUCTIONS LTD 000 05/01/01



    Ok, ashchurch is storage.

    4 WFR? is that sherwood foresters?

    27 RLC, any one know where they were in 92?

    hq spt wp is a weapons school so the yard taxi i expect

    hq coll trg? no idea

    warminster support group? what did they do?


    action i assume is disposal.. or it was rough in that area

  6. I shall take pictures of all I can find, I didnt get his Registration plate, So I cant be sure what type he was visually. But Ill Do a war time germany type thing and round them up and question them all.

  7. There Is a lake in the park Opposite, but they were fairly sure its spider due to the hole in my leg. We do have a huge infestation of spider in Brighton. Ill try and capture some of the more novelty ones and take some pictures. I have been bitten on my knees 5 times now, The first 3 times were no problem, the healing was a little odd. but ok. the one before last was a pain and went a little crazy, but this one paralised me for a good few days~!


    I'm sure has happened when Im working on the 110, As they are all on my knees! which is odd! so im sure it not indoors! and all are the day after I have been working on the 110 i notice them.


    I have seen many an odd spider on the drive, and the drivegear of the 110. So its swim the 110 in a river i think.. to wash the buggers away! and test out my new steamcleaner with truck wash on the drive :)

  8. I would assume my vehicle has been in sandy places.. as I have blasted lots out of the chassis but again that could just be local. The 'flase widow' is a UK spider, I just seem to have had a very bad reaction to it..


    Do you have the NSN for a Spider?

  9. Well.. where do I start.


    When removing the roof lining of my landrover I think I mentioned on here I found what I thought was a 'black widow' spider. Well about a month later I gained a bite on my right knee. then two bites on my left.


    They acted like a mozzi bite. Welts and itchy then developed into a puss head and sore and weeping. Well,they all disappeared quite fast. Then I got another. On my right knee, was a little worse but healed in 5-6 days after being very pusy.


    I dont know where these bites are coming from. But I know I notice them in the mornings as itchy. I have turned my bedroom upside down and no evidence of any nasties anywhere!


    Then, I put 2+2 together and realised I always aquire these when I have been working on the Landrover! on the drive..


    Back from WP show on friday I attempted my wheel bearing and the morning after, a huge welt on my left knee.. as per before it transformed into a head and puss.


    At the Ringmer show the Saturday I woke many times in the night in pain and walking around the show site AM I realised something was wrong.


    Since then It has got worse and worse. My GP on the monday thinks I may have been bitten by a false widow and it has become infected.


    Now im bed ridden and the swelling has spread to fluid on my shin and my thigh hurts when I walk. the Knee is red and leaking all manner of nasty!


    So, it seems I have an Unwelcome little Critten in the landrover or on the Drive!!



    Lets hope the Antibiotics (3 pills every 4 hours!) fix it! as I find it very hard to rest.


    Anyone want a free False widow? free to collector? ha

  10. Hi mate, seems not a very fun day!


    The blue beacon is Illegal,Only in service vehicles can display blue, even fire engines privately owned etc have to remove them on the public roads (and yours should not have a blue one! they didnt! in NI! *shakes fist* haha)


    Your vehicle is exempt from plating and testing due to the year,carry your V112 form with you saves lots of hassle if you are pulled over.


    Shame about your plates, we have all left show grounds im sure displaying MV reg by mistake, I know I have

  11. Not to do with money, more to do with originality.


    I want my GS 110 to look like a... In service GS 110... not an FFR, not a WOLF.. If I wanted one.. makes sense to buy one?


    Covering your MV in stall finds to make more interesting takes from the "history" of a genuine vehicle.


    Surely its about history not about making ficticious? What is less interesting about a genuine 110 GS to a 110 GS made to look like an FFR with boxes and webbing flags and badges? I thought it would be about educating people about history..


    People can do as they please but it does make me cringe!

  12. I suppose having 2 landrovers I can say I'm not really guilty of making them what they are not.


    My FFR simply had one wing box, and snowblinds like the holes on the body suggested. The wing box was wired in and it was a "FFR" hence the cables and the 90amp generator.

    I resisted all stickers and other fancy items you can chuck all over them.


    I did change its guise to EOD RE, More because of my time with RE EOD. but again, nothing fancy, no painted wheel nuts.. anything "red" that should not be.. no "Marines" stickers and flags



    My new 110 GS will be just that.. a green 110 GS. with no stickers. Incorrect "madmax" style paint camo job.

    Just Green. No wing boxes.. no aerials .. no vegetable rack on the bonnet and nothing bolted on that I can see no evidence for. Only reason I ever placed things on the FFR was the original mountings had been there.


    IE rear door on the FFR for tools


    But as much as it annoys some the owner has the right to do what they like.. its just a shame at shows as you all say.. people are misled to think that its the "correct" in service specification..


    The Bowman stickers.. no excuse! haha

  13. The gap to get things round the back of your place is tight enough never trying to get armour through there! I admire the fact you got a Cheiftain round there! I have driven many a FV432 but would not like the attempt!

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