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Everything posted by super6

  1. Are the floor boards plain or tongued and grooved or grooved with a separate tongue?
  2. Are these for dusty environments or just a different type of filter?
  3. M275 opened in 1976 A large chunk of the former scrap yard is now the Park & Ride site
  4. How did they get the V8 in there as it looks kind of snug with the tall four?
  5. Decompressors were optional on Agri engines
  6. Looking good, these engines were always good starters, but were not used in Fordson Dextas, that's a Perkins derivative.
  7. Yes, I think it is an industrial or truck engine of 1961 vintage. Your fuel injection pump was not used on the Fordson Major, the tractor fuel lift pump was mounted directly to the block where your blank plate is attached. I do not know how interchangeable the tractor and industrial/truck engine parts are.
  8. That is were the tractor engines fuel pump is mounted, so I would say yes. Camshaft should be the same on all 4 cylinder mk 11 engines, according to my source, Vintage Tractor Special No. 10 Fordson New Major E1A 1951-64 The 8 bolt injection pump was introduced in december 1953 and not 1957 as I erroneously mentioned, my mistake, sorry. Are your casting marks F29F? I make this to be May 29 1961 but stand to be corrected
  9. I would say your engine is a mk 11 industrial version, post April 1957, as it has 6 fixings for rocker cover and 8 bolts to the fuel injection pump cover. Have you any casting codes (letters/numbers) on the other(near) side towards the front below exhaust manifold and above the dynamo? The tractor version of engine does not have the fuel pump mounted on the injection pump. A Ford Industrial Products dealer should be able to help you with regards year/age of engine. 6 cylinder versions had the injection pump driven by a short shaft, I wouldn't know whether that would be feasible or not. I should imagine getting parts for that would prove to be difficult, but not necessarily impossible as they are a popular engines for repowering Majors
  10. Does this run a torque tube to the transfer box?
  11. 1506 and 1508 not shown/used, perhaps it should read 1329 as these were 550 gallon fuel tanker. Interesting picture, no booms to refueller, although I don't know when they were/were not used. That looks like 1308 on the door, maybe an error when being marked up pre invasion, presumably the picture was taken in '44 or later?
  12. From quoted book Type 1307 = 1000 Gallons fuel tanker Type 1308 = 2000 Gallons fuel tanker Type 2400 = Petrol and oil refuellers Type 1306 = Mobile operations room
  13. @rewdcoA few questions, What is the soft iron or copper wire for (emergency) HT lead? Where does the supplementary triangular toolkit get stowed? In that triangular toolbox, when stowed, what is the item on the right, a funnel? I'm an electrician but I've never seen insulating tape in a tin, presumably this is a cloth backed bitumas type of tape? Interesting that the fixing for the large toolbox is called a pin, secured with a nut and washer! As above, great attention to detail putting that lot together, thank you for sharing with us
  14. Is this the same as you are looking for? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fordson-Thames-Flathead-V8-Rear-Engine-Support-Mounting-NEW-GENUINE/274403288051?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649
  15. Where did they carry all of this kit as looks to be quite a lot? What are the leather straps for, saddle bags/panniers?
  16. Are these a 4 speed gearbox? I have a 1947/48 Fordson Commercial Vehicles spare parts list for the 7V, the exploded view of the gearbox looks very similar to the one posted above, albeit without pto, has a blank plate/gasket shown though, and a different gearstick. Its whole part number is for the ET6 range as released in 1947, so another possible avenue for a replacement gearbox? I think the ET6 latterly became a home for the 4D engine so possibly where the adaptor plate came from originally?
  17. That is a quite staggering amount of abandoned vehicles/equipment. The Wehrmacht must have had more Morris Commercials and Bedfords on charge than anyone else in June 1940! A lot of the trucks, and presumably motorcycles, were impressed into new ownership, but what happened to the tanks/carriers? Were these repurposed as per French tanks? Herr Steptoe must have been rubbing his hands together with all that scrap metal, for their war effort! What a gift horse
  18. Villiers of some description I reckon, going by the fan/pulley shroud http://www.historywebsite.co.uk/Museum/Engineering/Villiers/Villiers9.htm
  19. Well its a Leyland, enlarging the top picture tells you that. What about either an S3.30-hp or an S4.36-hp motor?
  20. I reckon so, good view of radiator at 39 seconds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87-wO4InhOE
  21. Industrial Power Products is a part of the Ford organisation that sells power trains for oem builders to use in whatever they built. Based on standard production engines found in their more usual products. https://everythingaboutboats.org/ford-industrial-power-uk/
  22. It is Robert H Crawford of Frithville, Lincs. See here for a few pics https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1GGRV_enGB751GB751&q=robert+crawford+frithville+lincs+tank&tbm=isch&source=univ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjsyJiEvOLoAhWkZxUIHbveBvoQsAR6BAgKEAE&biw=1292&bih=665 Also other Sherman conversions if you click on images and follow links
  23. Not sure if this is going to work or even if these have been on here, but came across these the other day, somehow! https://www.facebook.com/pg/bbctheoneshow/photos/?tab=album&album_id=10154057120722696
  24. Not the same as the "tracing paper" of school days by any chance?
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