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Posts posted by paulob1

  1. Well I have gone over and over the figures and it looks like the old girl is being really economical...


    I have just complete 275 kms on worst case 110 litres, but it is more likely to be 100 litres...either way thats 11 to 12 plus MPG...that is not bad at all, am very very impressed...


    is this likely from all you guys who have used these trucks..

  2. Here is a poor picture of the vehicle in question. It was a DERA concept (later QinetiQ), known as the 6x6 Combat Support Vehicle. It had hybrid electric transmission, with six independant electric motors driving the wheels.


    there was a lot of interest in these types of solutions using capacitors instead of batteries to manage the power when in steath mode, ie silent running and a diesel engine to generate electricity when not. Not a lot came of it as the power requirements are still too great and the the generation capacity still difficult. Although once they have it sorted with in wheel motors and super efficient battery/capacitor technology and super efficient diesel generators then i think we will eventually see these vehicles in the market place, its really sensible,


    my idea of a great toy...take a stalwart remove the bevel boxes and replace with electric motors and bobs your uncle a very simple machine, you would have ample space to fit a 200 kw generator, plus a massive bank of batteries. you could charge the batteries to give it say 50 plus miles of range on batteries alone, and with the generator running another say 200 miles, more than a standard stalwart would do and not bad at all for a load carrier like the stolly, would be more reliable than the B81...a dream machine for me.


    Fit say 100hp motors to each station, that means with four wheels in contact you always have 400 bhp, and a total of 600 hp when all six working, no more windup, so okay on road, if one engine fails you got 5 more to run it etc..perfect...would love to do this as an engineering task...love electric power...when running on the road you would drive only two engines at the rear for maximum efficiency and only use the other engines when more power needed ie up hills etc...(electric motors are most efficient at maximum load of course)


    okay am out of cloud cuckoo land and back into the real world, I will get me a diesel stolly one day though and maybe just maybe an electric one....

  3. In theory you should be able to modify an existing 430 to Bulldog spec as it was originally designed to be carried out as a field workshop conversion. It was only when they decided to return them to Bovington for conversion that the extra opening appeared in the front hatch to improve access. Note that in a Bulldog the "pack" is now just the engine and transfer box as the gearbox sits where the original steering unit was. Apparently the gearbox has to be dropped in through the engine hatch and then pulled forward into position. Bulldogs also have their 432 final drives replaced with the lower ratio 433/434 units. They're electronically governed to 42 mph for safety and track wear reasons, I was told they managed nearly 60 mph in trials!


    And Chas yes, four forward gears, one reverse.


    yes they are bad enough at 30 mph cannot imagine doing 60...bloody scary...


    are they manual then, no semi auto box?

  4. cant help with the spec but can provide some photos that maybe of intrest ;)














    is it possible to fit this into a std 432 or is there a lot of work.


    As regards current regs, many machines dont confirm to current regs, but if it was acceptable in 1960 it is acceptable today as the rules are not backdated...


    and to be fair the 432's stop and start and steer as they always have, perfectly fine...although a foot pedal would be preferable to the levers...

  5. the net is closing in and the Foden DROPs is certainly over-width by a long way...the scammel/Leyland Daf is not and meets all normal construction Euro II regulations.


    If you get a Foden DROPS, registration is possible but it does not make it legal...VOSA could if they were being picky pull you over and take you off the road...fines could ensue and I expect that if VOSA had any money spare they may try a case in the courts one day to scare us all off, but I cannot for the life of me see why they would do it for less than a 1few hundred vehicles and the bad press would be massive...except that the safety issue will be touted and anything over width is clearly unsafe and killing millions...NOT..


    My DROPS is registered as recovery by the previous owner and I am still going to keep it as that but I am going to have it voluntarily checked for its MOT...next month, its about to go in and have its service, was going to get Clive of pro-trucks do it but with the distance and travel costs made it too expensive, shame as he has a good rep...


    Mine is getting a big winch and all the recovery lights but will not be a fully specced recovery truck really, it certainly wont have an ability to lift a vehicle for a fixed load tow...not at the moment anyway.....

  6. the 432 has been a long standing truck for the army, reliable and effective...it did what it was designed to do and allowed soldiers to keep up with a mechanised brigade...not a lot wrong with it really....in todays wars it just needs better armour protection but that is a task that can never be won...the more armour the bigger the bomb/weapon needed to defeat it thats all

  7. ooh excellent, how does she go, what do you think of it, i have a scott trac, aceptable to drive but only just, one argo cat, not great, and a hydraulic reliant engined 8 wheeler that is not great either...put me off these unsuspended things...but these with steering as well as brake steer sound really good...are they...

  8. If you were worried about the planet, you probably wouldn't run a large fleet of old diesels pumping out all their carcinogenic particulates. Hypothetically speaking of course....;)


    ah some things exist and have to remain, putting lead in your fuel intentionally is an act of planetary and humanoid violence...desist...;):-D

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