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Posts posted by paulob1

  1. I have had the rack welded specially for the MTLB, will be doing a few more modifications to ease loading and securing, want to have two brackets made that basically hold the thing fixed to the rack without chains but maybe using a couple of bolts and brackets...will sort it...right now we have welded two flats for the tracks with an upright tht stps it from slipping side to side and it works a treat, it has less than 1 inch slip either side, and even locked onto the bed solid with four chains doubled up it still slips. So so far it has worked exactly as i planned just want to make the loading job easier without using the chains.or maybe just one chain at the back..

  2. the drops is a brilliant vehicle, its only real fault is the push air connectors which are in continual un push...I used to think 50 mph was too slow but when she rolls down a hill fully laden at 55 I recognise that 50 is enough...scary indeed...


    you should have come and have a chat...


    Oh I have a bus too, an Optare thingy...lovely air suspension auto box, superb driver...







  3. Yes in the 110 Wolf. Tried to buy some lunch, but the only burger stall had problems with their cooker being stuck on a low gas setting. After waiting 15 mins to see no visible sign of their sausages getting at all brown just gave up & found a nice warm pub in the New Forest.


    damn it would have been good to have a chat...they did sort their cooker out...nice burgers...

  4. AM BASKING, they did it to say thanks, I think, for coming such a longish way and making the effort, etc...there were some very nice trucks there..

  5. I went to show my face at the Bournemouth Air museum to chat about museums so i took along the DAF with MTLB...we won the best military vehicle of the show,...thanks guys...

  6. I have just spent a small fortune, three tank fulls of 300 litres of diesel for the daf, one tank full of petrol for the zil 175 litres, my credit card is busted and I will not be able to afford to go anywhere by car for at least three months, Lief here I come


    Can you fir electric motors to the daf the zils the stalwarts and the urals etc..maybe even teh fv432...hmm



    mY FH77 IS NOW IN FULL OPERATIONAL ORDER. and apart from a few minor faults will soon be prefect...just need my crane control and the rams changing over and i will have a very very nice gun...


    now i want a big bang...

  8. classed as firearms, so they cannot sell them, they have been given the once over by the MOD as there were a lot of rumours about selling goods that were not properly deactivated etc...I think selling them separately would mean they are just ornaments...I know its a pain but once you get used to Withams they are not that bad and they have a hell of a task...shame there isnt a second option though. Would make them a bit keener on pricing and help...

  9. tis pretty obvious when you think about it but not so obvious when you are just trying to help someone out, if the truck rears you are loading it up incorrectly. if it stays level different matter mostly..

  10. Probably a lot of truth in what you say about a subframe not being fitted. In the vidieo you can see the vehicle start to rise and then lower as the winch is let out a couple of times

    if a snatch block had been in the system it would easilly have reared of the floor.

    But i will stick to what i said if you have a vehicle winching out the back and it is holding to the piont where it starts to rear, tethering the front will cause it to bend at some piont. I used to own a scammell crusader fitted with an eight inch box subframe that bent just above the rear axle bump stop trying this method. Although i got away with a lot of times before that on various vehicles So my advise is dont do it


    hmm we had a stuck ural on slab common, it took my stalwart, doubt you can bend her chassis, the zil 131, they are very flexible chassis and two unimogs, we lined them all up and away we pulled and out she came...cant think how we could have done that differently at the time but...we had no pulleys, the winch on the ural is about 6-7 tons, with a pulley it may have come out on her own, my stalwart was stuck in almost exactly the same place, she had bellied out, thats because I have lowered the suspension bars by about 3 inches to improve on road reliability in the tracta joints/shafts..anyway my winch is just 5 tons on a straight pull she would not budge but using a 6 ton (4 times safety) pulley she came out relatively easily...my faithe in her winch has been restored, I will be making sure stolly 1 and 2 never go out without a pulley block again thats for sure...

  11. well it was a day of no shows for me, only managed to drive the Stalwart 1 to slab, boys absent, so just played a bit got well and truly stuck bellyied out on a track, wuicnh was stuck, had to remove plates in cab to find it was at the control block so ONCE THE WINCH HYDRAULICS WERE WORKING AND THE WINCH ATTAHCED TO A TREE WITH STROP AND SHACKLY, SHE WOULD NOT BUDGE...COMPLETELY STUCK, THEN ALONG CAME A GUY WITH A 6 TON PULLEY, HEAVY DUTY TYPE AND OUT SHE CAME WITHOUT A HITCH, SHE MUST HAVE LIFTED VERTICALLY AT LEAST 2 FOOT, SHE WAS IN A VERY DEEP PIT


    Anyway she performed faultlessly, once the rain came done it was no fun as the wipers are a bit tatty, they run out of air after 5-10 minutes and you have to wait for 30 seconds for the car air to build again, not great at all...may fit a small cab reservoir, Headlights not working and one rear side light the bulb has gone...will be sorted this week...


    engine still running sweet if tickover is a bit slow...

  12. So the Goverment recommend that car drivers stop for a breack every 2 hours. L G. V. every 4 hours, stage fiare buses under Domestic rules FIVE and HALF HOURS!!! You work it out. C.P.C. don't even go there! Well I do. Its no use to anyone, but I've gone there, oddles of money pass hands and I get it. You cannot fail!


    ooh there is a truth in their Tony but its what the 'authorities' whoever they may be, try to instil in LGV drivers...we are the professionals and we should drive like one...should add that we have to stop for 45minutes after 4.5 hours, a car driver does as he pleases and it it only a recommendation not a law...we can go to jail for Driver hour errors...ludicrous...


    we cannot drive like a car driver without a care in the world...you know this, the CPC is stupid but it is training and from training comes much good, it will change the attitudes of people and drivers...


    now, again, do I use the working hours directive rules or the drivers work hours directive...bloody confusing foolish and yes your right all about someone making money and keeping others in a job..some who should be elsewhere...

  13. I know its infuriating but all you heavy vehicle drivers know that you have a responsibility greater when driving a big vehicle, the law and the government hold you responsible for being a better driver, hence the CPC and the new rules regarding heavy vehicles...hence the tests and associated lessons to pass those tests will tell you.


    We as heavy vehicle drivers have to be the responsible party, even if we are i n the right we have to save lives by not proving we are right...and making sure we dont become part of an accident...


    They are still tw@ts and always will be but the law is heavily laden against us, get it get it heavily laden...

  14. Looking good,


    I also like the " paulwart" made me chuckle. :-D

    I'm still pondering on a name for my gal!


    I just bought the ignition kit from jolly, so will be fitting it in the next few weeks, hopefully.





    dont, send it back to jolly with your distributor and get them to fit it...its a pig to fit.

  15. you better believe it, drove stolly 1 home tonight lovely drive, the new engine and electro0nic ignition from jolly is running a treat, more power than i have ever had in a stalwart, cant wait to have paulwart sorted...her fuel pump failed and emptied the fuel tank into the engine, oops...Sammy sorting in a couple of weeks...so wont be off roading with her this weekend but will take the 623...

  16. My god, they have my dream Russian Truck.......... :wow:

    I shudder to think of the hoops that would have to be jumped through to get it over here, they make it sound oh so simple............ and expensive.......




    trucks are very simple to bring back, I drove one back and have had 6 hauled back, and trailer 2 myself, easyish...armour a bit more involved...

  17. stalwart collection...


    loaded ready to be hitched together




    hitched up and ready to go...




    5-6mpg on the loaded way home, was about 38 tons, she didn't like the big hills but drove well enough..


    uneventful return home but the electric cooling fans came on once up a very long steepish hill on full throttle and the temp started to rise a tad. sounded like Concorde was about to land..otherwise no problem...


    Think the 14.3 ton trailer was loaded close to its limit, 3 ton trailer, 9.5 ton stolly, plus all its bits a tow bar and maybe 500 kg of other bits total 13-13.5tons, the daf with the other stolly was only loaded with around 9 tons...so total of about 36-38 tons give or take a ton or two...


    ooh forgot to add 4.5m high with the extra high exhausts, so we posted 4.6m in the cab for safety, but basically we had .5 of a meter to spar under standard bridges and we did not have to negotiate low bridges until we got close to home and had a 5 mile detour to avoid a 4.2 m bridge...



  18. right here we go its just about 4 oclock, I am just about to set off with the leyland Daf and tweeks 14.3 ton tilting bed trailer...will be collecting a stolly to take to Sammys then travelling up with her on the trailer, and an empty tuck, then returning with my two stalwarts, hope to make the 6 or 7 hour journey in good time and be back here by around 4....hope all goes well..

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