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Posts posted by paulob1

  1. Dont forget to re-polarise the Dynamo! BUT, BUT, BUT do it with the regulator disconnected!!!!


    Hmm why does this need to be done, I vaguely remember the need for it but if i am just replacing the regulator why does it need polarising again...want to get an alternator even more now...

  2. why not convert to alternator and cure the problem forever


    is it an easy conversion, are there kits, I do not like dynamos for sure and with the energy drain on the old girl, electrics wise a high output alternator would be a good deal wiser, then I would fit two batteries and be a whole deal happier...I would like something in the 90 to 100 amps range....not the paltry 30 amps from the monstrous dynamo fitted...

  3. Have a look on the "RSOLES" group up on Yahoo.com Paul - ISTR this being a regular problem and there being some suggestions to cure it.


    bought me a new one from John...will be sent to me this week, all sorted for next week, will then replace the cables


    just then need to sort out my pumps and the two tone horns and I will have me a fully working green goddess...

  4. your truck your needs, to me it goes like this...


    unleaded additives are scientifically tested and known to work, are cleaner and safer than the old lead additives in petrol.


    lead in the tank is sold by ?.... do they offer scientifically tested solutions or affidavits from people who say it worked, sorry but this is highly unlikely to be proof positive.


    however lead is a poison, used in the right places it is fine, used in engines it is dangerous and noxious so even if it worked at any level it is wrong to use it so please stop it NOW. for the sake of the planet..

  5. whilst digging round for some photo's, i came accross these.


    this one (if memory serves me correct) is the fibua training village at stanta

    its on the confidence course, where you had to climb a cargo net, run accross the roof's, go through tunnels etc, and right at the end you had to sit on the window ledge and drop down onto this sand filled stolly.


    i first looked out the window, (out of shot in the picture) then just jumped through it onto the stolly, the instructor looked at me, i said "its a confidence course, im confident"

    he just shook his head and docked our team points

    i suppose its not the correct way to do it. :blush:[ATTACH=CONFIG]39084[/ATTACH]




    I was doing the climbing frame in Sandhurst. You had to climb to the top stand up and say your name rank and number...I got up and bent down, the instructor asked me what I was doing, he nearly faitned when I did a hand stand and shouted out my details whilst standing on my hands...he didnt think it was at all funny, but I did say it was a confidence test surely...I think we both missed the point...and I was a bit of a gymnast in those days...


    I am a tad claustrophobic and doing those SEWERS/tunnels was not fun at all...I tried to do the tunnels in Vietnam but could only go into the entrance, its the first time it has ever stopped me from doing something like that but I reasoned i was twice the zize of the vietcong and therefore likely to get stuck, my worst nightmare i GUESS...

  6. My first MV was three zil 131 decontamination units...bought them just over 12 years ago and still have them all...one is a wreck, was bought as a wreck and is still a wreck, but a wreck without an engine now...

  7. whatever you do dont think a 432 will be any good in the snow, they are only good for drifts and uncontrolled spins in anything other than fresh snow, on ice they are worse than a car on slicks...they get no traction at all...on my roadway i have had my 432 on the flat spinning its tracks going no where....i had to drive incredibly slowly and she just about managed to move...


    same as in heavy mud...goes nowhere...

  8. thanks John, Am collecting one from Dave Crouch plus a couple of flat beds for my zils and ural, hopefully first week of January when I collect my Stalwart...all depends upon whether my foden 8 x 4 is ready......am having a lot of fun with the drops, it is a fully sorted machine although diff lock on the rear axles seems a bit iffy...will look into that in the warmer weather...

  9. Hi Paul..... I'll volunteer as 2nd driver, if you like..... I have a LGV2 (Class 2 HGV), licence,... and of course am used to 'hooning'* around in my Saracen.... (*hooning...-maybe NOT the right word to use....)


    anyhow, I'm a willing and experienced volunteer....:-)


    oilly thanks for that...looks like it is all going to be on hold, stolly is done but foden not so its now wait until January. Damn annoying but thats life...I did not fancy the trip in this weather at all...

  10. bar grips give me no confidence in the snow at all...scary even...but no i have to collect my foden beavertail hopefully today if the weather is workable then drive to norfolk to collect...I cant imagine that will be fun in this weather...would not take much to have me stuck, but

    the stolly is road legal, taxed and insured and could I suppose haul me out of anywhere, I will need a second driver...


    will take some piccies once she is back...and during the journey...

  11. I am off to Sammys to collect my stalwart with its newly fitted engine. She will have a new Name on the side...mine...


    anyway I will be travelling to Norfolk via the M25 and the M3 with a flat bed foden, if anyone wants anything transporting to norfolk let me know. I can carry maximum around 20 tons...truck is 12 tons..and the bed is about 30 foot long...

  12. it was the hurricane and the spitfire that helped to win the BOB...it was the pilots the big wing the radar, the British spirit, ( now lost to process and procedure) it was a host of things, no one product or person won us the BOB...it was all the factors put together...that made it possible...the English channel played its part too.....

  13. the stalwart entered service in the late 60's early 70's and was released post 90...it had both radio sets...


    driving the stalwart on the road...honestly, never drive more than 20-30 miles in one go...always stop check and have a look, then proceed if you have to...I planned on no more than 30 in one day...too damn hard and not a lot of fun...always wear ear defenders or have the intercom headphones on, you will be deaf within a 100 miles.


    I have generally never run with a commander but having someone else in the truck always helps.


    Fit a rear view camera and screen. Dont have it in your normal line of vision, too easy to keep looking at it...


    Tyre pressures are most important, wheel circumference pointless...unless you have very unevenly worn tyres its a pointless exercise..


    You can go many many miles in them but after 500 miles she will need a good check over, 1000 miles and you need to be thinking about oil changes, 3000 miles and you are into a full service...so be aware that they are a lot of work...better to haul them to where you want to play then haul them home...


    always check oils prior to run, no matter how many times you have done it before, and essential at every 20-30 mile stop....


    Always make sure she is coming up to air BEFORE driving off...if the brakes go hard stop as soon as you can, like immediately...usually more effort to go than stop in a stolly.


    Mirrors are a good point, get the best you can and keep them clean.


    If you intend to run her on the road a lot then fit a yellow beacon front and rear. fit extra side lights and rear lights...even if they are temporary ones...fit a mechanical brake light switch.


    Making sure you always have spare belts is a good idea, I have never had a belt fail and dont have a spare...will get a couple...Neil do you know the equivalent ones to buy...and from where


    always take a spare wheel and tyre with you unless you have breakdown cover, they do not run on a flat tyre.


    Get breakdown cover...


    If I was running my girls on the road a lot I would fit new driving lamps and a better interior light. No matter what people say do go off road regularly during a drive as it will unwind the shafts if only for a short time...


    wind the torsion bars down so that she sits lower on her suspension units, this levels out the tracta joints and reduces wear and the risk of failure...


    make sure your governor works and that you never drive her above 40 mph, my 623 was going like a dream at 46 mph when the rod came through the block. ouch...


    Always carry a fire extinguisher and some water to put out fires...coke a cola will do the job if its only a small fire...:blush:


    Get two very large tool boxes, fill it with all manner of odd shaped spanners and tools, carry a plentiful supply of rags and make sure you fill the area where you are working with rags before you start to work or you will lose all your nuts washers and springs under the bed of the engine never to be seen again...remember to take them out before starting the engine again.


    Final word of warning, jerk loads are the biggest stress on a stalwarts drive system, be very very careful about towing, or pulling with a stalwart, never jerk the transmission, always use smooth steady pulls.


    Well I think that is all...

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