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Posts posted by paulob1

  1. had the minor pectoral muscle moved from my chest to my arm to connect it to my weakened bicep to make it work. hopefully this is the penultimate operation, 5 so far, to fix my arm as best it can be after the stupid lady who pulled in front of me when on my motorbike,nearly killed me.


    I am lucky to be alive.....makes me even happier than normal...


    bad news is I have had an allergic reaction to something,pos the anaesthetic or the dressing and am now covered, whole body, in a very very itchy rash......



    GET YOU NOW, so in your picture you are slightly forward of the casualty, or slightly behind..that's what I did not understand. saw a truck on M3 on thursday afternoon exactly like this, had gone too close to the edge and slipped over, still upright but very precarious...

  3. not totally following you here, is the scammel there to just stop it falling over or to recover it, how does it move it onto the single track road as shown if it is alongside...dont understand...why would you not use the scammel to pull the truck forwards ensuring that the truck is secured sideways so that it will not fall over...must be missing something here...

  4. I love the stalwart,it is just so right, so unusual and so british...

    I also have a passion for zil 131's, rugged simple reliable abusable and downright fun...


    I have a passion for most anything military vehicle wise, especially if it has 6 or more wheels.


    what vehicles do you love.,..

  5. Quite a trip to undertake in a new truck, let alone one bought at an auction!


    Glad it worked out well in the end and thanks for taking the time to post it here.


    I did a similar trip with a 1974 star from poland, same problem I had a puncture. my fault I hit a kerb as I was not used to the truck and was driving it for the first time at night in road works and caught the kerb on a narrow section...the tyre failed some 100 miles later...I had all the right gear to replace the wheel and did so..but what a journey after that...

  6. I was on crusader 80, we were communication centre defence, connected to 7 signals. We had a great time, we had a couple of Para (spetznatz troops) regiments after our com centers, we got hit 3 or four times in the night but never lost a man.


    We relocated to a hill on the Bielefeld cant remember exactly where, we had the call that the hill had been taken and we were clear to move, i took half my platoon and the 84mm. When we arrived we found umpires everywhere and a german troop of 6wheeled armoured vehicles, we hit them with the 84mm and took them all out. As we debugged to the entrance of the hill 8 marders came down the track all line astern and we hit each one with the 84 and took them out. All monitored by the umpires.


    As we retreated to collect our comcen, a troop of tanks were on their way in to re take the hill, the umpires made it clear we had done the job for them...was a good time.


    But nothing like the real thing the boys have to do and put up with in todays scenarios...

  7. imagine ihat on british railways. It would be passing through 3 stations at once, going that slow how many vehicles would be on bricks with no wheels by journeys end


    you cynic you...

  8. PRC 349 battery chargers, is the 14v battery charger seen on the withams web site the same ones to charge the ni cads on the clansman 349's...


    I am just looking at how I can charge the batteries without the chargers and thinking of connecting up a 12v power supply, as I dont have any 12 volt ni cad chargers...although i do have 12 volt chargers but they are for lead acid and other battery types...

  9. modern remoulds are very very good and rarely fasil as they used to in the past...but they are not that much cheaper than say a set of big horns from maxxis which are the best tyres i have ever had in the snow and great in the mud and only cost 320 for a full set on 15 inch rims

  10. yes plain stupid, they were loading up the stuck wheel driving it further into the ground, even though they had a slight upward pull, clearing some of the mud would have helped but simply pulling from the other side would have levelled out the truck lifting the stuck wheel more and unloading it allowing the suspension to move upwards and release the wheel...rather than driving it further into the mud...will post a video of the work we have to do unsticking our zils today, they are very very stuck....

  11. Try again, 275kms is 172 miles, 105 litres is 23 gallons.


    172/23=7.48mpg, about what I would expect.


    oh yes stupid me I didn't convert to miles, so 8mpg as i though before, ah well not great but not as bad as my petrol trucks...


    motorway mostly, and doing flat out mostly and lightly loaded about 4/5 tons

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