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Posts posted by paulob1

  1. Better equipment maybe,better knowledge no.There's an awful lot of trades and skills slowly dying off with time.

    modern machinery has taken over from skilled workmanship, and if you actively restore vehicles you will realise this.


    Anything can be restored if you have that skill or you can find someone who has !





    Hmm yes good point too, the skills are being lost to a degree but we understand metals, machines and engineering so much more than they did 50 years ago...we have machines that can do the work of many skilled workmen but I fully understand that in some cases we have to re-learn old skills to restore an old machine...


    But it still amazes me just what can be done by those dedicated...I know it shouldn't really but it does...the human race has always been resourceful...

  2. gosh I have some admiration for you guys. to me they are total wrecks but to you they are an opportunity...it is truly remarkable what you will take on...well done, it proves that their is life in any old dog no matter its condition...

  3. Simon sounds great, I will bring my M62 wrecker, at 22 tons for the rear winch and 10 tons for the front winch she can haul most things out, I have all the pulley blocks to rig up multiple lines. Actually the zils winch will haul a lot of weight, she recovered the M62 once when she was sunk in the bog without any front winch...just a straight line pull and out she came.


    If I can get things sorted I would bring my stolly along too, perhaps take her for a dip, she has never been swimming whilst in my hands....would be good fun to see if she swims.


    Would there be any chance of leaving the vehicles on site for any time...I may have to make two journeys...am assuming it will be a full weekend...so if I came up with the zils in the first journey then went back and collected the stolly and M817 I would have a full set of toys to play with...432 will have to stay home...if I have managed to buy my DROPS truck by then I may be able to bring the 432 on the back of that with the stolly at the rear on a trailer...


    lots of ifs and buts but I will be there with something...


    By the way am on my way today to collect the wheel if you are about...change of plans have emailed you but will call today...

  4. I would like to do a museum with working machines...every day someone went to the place there would be machines moving in the yard or off road, with commentary about it...machines do need to be under cover... museums dont make much money but they can spend an awful lot, that's my experience so far...and all I have done is a bit of research to see how viable it is to open and run one, SOMETHING I HAVE BEEN KEEN ON FOR MANY YEARS...

  5. the DVLA is not the LAW, it may seem like it at times because they are socio politically charged without proper regulation and think they can generally do what they want, tinged with a bit of European legislation which most of Europe ignores but the UK implement with zealous abandon...


    anyone who thinks that it is meant to be milimetrically exact falls into the exact same trap..nuts to believe that is how it is meant o be implemented.


    2.55m is the maximum width...why, because if all vehicles were wider it cost billions to operate a wider road system especially when in road works etc etc, it would be impossible to manage the road system as is, okay I agree this is good sense to have a guide line, if the few hundred military vehicles that are on the road constitute any proportion of the 22 million car users and over 40 million registered vehicles that it is worth considering banning them off the road is ludicrous. We demand no more consideration other than the fact that they are vehicles they will be used for pleasure mostly and bring pleasure to many people in the UK,...that should be enough to relax the rules..full stop...no more need for justification. nothing to do with historic or the fact the army used them at all.


    DVLA are not the LAW....and should not be trusted as they have no sense or perception or balance...they are not to be trusted with our roads...

  6. yes they are still running them,...and they have done some interesting upgrades as well...the GR.10's are a special airplane...it sure will be a shame to see them go after 30 years of development. they are still one tough bird to kick out of the sky and can still perform manoeuvres that no other plane can

  7. problem with contam is that it needs first clearing of any water, then it needs filtering to remove any other contamination...in the TK I would think as long as you ensure that you dont run on neat contam and always run a 50/50 mix you would always be fine..., even my zils will just about manage 50/50 and they are petrol engines...although they really only like about 10-15% maximum diesel in there...I always mix any contam with 50% petrol minimum, and if it is strongly diesel i will put that into the FV432...

  8. this is good stuff, I am on my way to buying a DAF and a TM...but the TM I mam getting is the 6 x 6, not the 4 x 4....I want a daf because of the cummins engine, totally unbeatable engine and its modernity, the TM because they are good trucks, and very underrated...but what compete dogs when compared to the trucks they have in Europe, the MAN range of trucks are brilliant and are like modern trucks, even the ones built in the 70's...guess thats why we have at last decided to buy a few for our army boys...crazy how we are so far behind the world these days...

  9. Tried that one myself on a brake caliper nipple years ago and snapped the bit, so had to buy a new caliper.


    It may work for you but the advantage of the Snap On Easy outs is that they are sharp on the splines and bite into the offending metal. They also used to come with a set of exact size drill bits to use before hand for a good fit.


    yes but where needs must the splined bits have worked for me everytime, didnt know that a specific tool existed, I too will be getting one of the snap on ones...

  10. My steering on the M62 is very odd, when you turn to the left the steering is lovely and light powered nicely, however when you turn to the right, the power assistance is gone...it leaked some steering fluid previously, from where i am unsure but the reservoir is full...anyone got any ideas what it could be...I guess i have a sticking valve somewhere but where...

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