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Posts posted by paulob1

  1. glad you tidied that up because your previous post was ambiguous, I could not understand if you were saying use the axles or not, to me it seems the only place to use on a really stuck truck...


    Now what do you do with a stalwart with no axles...do you use the lifting eyes on the front they are designed to carry the truck but I have no idea of their total loading, they look strong but so do many items until they fail...anyone know the loading on these...


    the awdc had a very scary moment recently when a plonker had fitted a towing hitch to the rear door of his landy, yes I kid you not, and when stuck and was hauled out, the recovery guy just assumed it was good, didn't recheck the rigging, and when it came flying it nearly took his head off, it was a very very dangerous incident....they now check everyones towing and recovery hitches for either chassis connections or they are told that recovery must only be by axles...


    it is a dodgy business and towing hitches are not good with kerrs ropes either in my experience...

  2. it is still in production but built by MAN now with a MAN engine...they have dropped the old star engine...no doubt due to emissions issues..or just because they have a better engine in produciotn, the basic design is still the same though.


    Mine has one or two mods like a front locking diff, useful in those really sticky situations and a twin exhaust, one with silencer, and one without, you switch between the two...it very noisy without the silencer but feels a bit more meaty, or is it just my mind playing tricks...


    Mine is a 74 model, early and in very good nick, i will spend a little time fettling the engine but everything else is basically fine...she just needs to be used and maintained...got the full rear tilt too...

  3. i think you will have seen my journey too far, recently driving my star 266 back to the UK.,..fun but troublesome...she is a lovelyt truck and i can recommend them to anyone, they have a 150 bhp normally aspirated 6 cylinder diesel engine and they are really smooth...Mine needs a bit of fettling as when she is running fine she has ample power, but every now and again she goes powerloss and gutless...am going to get the boys to cleam the injectors and maybe turn up the injection pum a bit to increase power...she should fly along with 170 bhp in her...you can fit a turbo and make 250 bhp out of them but am happy with 160-170...will post pictures when i am back in the UK...

  4. Okay, I have some 16mm, some 12mm and some 9mm (off my 9 ton crane) cable available, I want to make up my own ropes of differing lengths...what is the best way to do it. I also have a winch witha cut off cable, this is a 20 or 30 ton winch, not sure but it is sure massive...how do I terminate that...where can i get the thimbles etc etc...


    should I use the three grip method or is there a better way, ie four grips, or similar, something that I can do without any specialist tools or are there better ways...

  5. We have the recovery version, managed to find a manual on Ebay, its only available in French, still trying to track down a spares source in France


    Okay, drop me a PM and lets keep the ball rolling, where did you get your trucxk from, have you tried the Farm company, cant remmeber the name now but they sell a lot of french trucks but i can never get an answer from them...


    Does yours have the multifuel engine...do you know what the french mean bz multifuel...am thinking I CAN USE ALL OILS ONCE THEY HAVE BEEN FILTERED AND MIXED WITH A BIT OF RED DIESEL: Will also use contam from time to time but mostly I will make up my own mixes, as she is off road anyway for now...where are you located...

  6. bought myself a nice berliet, in need of a bit of love care and attention, and bits of body work but a fine truck in most respects...anyone know where I can get hold of manuals in English, spare parts, etc..

  7. There are generally no problems with non armoured or armed vehicles. Just hook up collect and return, the French customs can have their bad days, never seen that, and the Germans will always stop you for something because they are Germans...


    there are no extra expense, once in the UK get it mot'd then go off to the local dvla and get it registered...remember your form 414 but look at the DVLA web site for info. forgot to say you will of course have a 55 pound registration fee (i think) and off course if its older than 73 free tax or if not then a road fund licence to pay too...


    If you buy a gaz 69 i have all the contacts for you for spare parts etc,...and I recommend you get the zuk engine not the original russian engine...or if you really intend to run it about get a diesel engine fitted, I know a man that can in poland and he is very good...

  8. yes somewhere there are pictures...


    she isn't working in second, have done the brake band pumping thing, I can only assume the brake bands are buggered...or she isnt adjusting...any ideas on what to do next...

  9. there are 31 rules that apply to boats on open waterways....


    1 All permanently installed fuel systems and fixed engines must be

    designed, installed and maintained in a way that minimises the

    risks of explosion, or of fire starting or spreading....stolly complies.

    2 Fuel filling arrangements must prevent any overflow from entering

    the interior of the vessel. stolly complies.

    3 All fuel filling points must clearly identify the fuel in use. easily complied with...

    4 Marking must be provided to identify the location of fuel system

    emergency shut-off devices, or their means of operation, which are

    not in open view. easily complied with.

    5 All permanently installed fuel systems must be designed, installed

    and maintained to ensure fuel-tight integrity.stolly complies

    6 All permanently installed fuel tanks and fuel system connections

    must be accessible for inspection. stolly complies, if a bit tricky...

    7 .not applicable


    8 All electrical systems must be designed, installed and maintained

    in a way that minimises the risks of explosion or of fire starting

    and spreading. stolly complies

    9 All electrical systems must be capable of being safely and quickly

    disconnected from their power source(s) in an emergency. stolly complies

    10 Control and emergency devices, or their means of operation,

    must be marked when not in clear view, or when their function is

    not clear. easily complied with

    11 All battery compartments containing unsealed or open-vented

    batteries must be adequately ventilated to prevent a build-up of

    a flammable mix of gases. stolly complies

    Electrical propulsion systems

    12 All motors, controller equipment and charging equipment

    relating to electrical propulsion must be adequately ventilated.stolly complies



    items 18-29 refer to LPG and appliances, heaters etc...so not relevant.


    30 and 31 apply to environmental issue, no oil discharge into the river and bilge pumps and toilet outlets should not pollute the river...please...in the stolly the bilge pump only operates when needed so pollution is minimised...


    this answers your points I think....


    forgot to add 16 and 17 refer to having fire fighting equipment which it must have and it must be in good condition...

  10. If the spectators were members of the public who had paid to attend, and if one or more of them been killed, then by now the event organisers would be facing manslaughter charges.


    Based on the evidence of the video and the comments in this thread, I cannot see that the organisers would have any reasonable prospect of an effective defence to such charges.


    Risk management for an event like this now (in these times of profligate litigation) would be an absolute nightmare, but there would have to be procedures in place for protecting members of the public (and in fact other exhibitors) from ill-conceived actions of exhibitors. There is no evidence of this.


    This incident is a good example of a "near miss" that could so easily have had catastrophic results for any victims, for the organisers, and for the MV hobby as a whole. Best that we all reflect on what happened, what could have happened, and make sure that next time the lessons are heeded.


    Thank goodness everyone walked away unharmed.


    poppy cock....mostly anyway.

  11. not sure yet, I guess this will be the measure of them..it will cost me about 200 quid to get it back to them...but the local garage says the engine is filling with fuel which usually means the fuel pump is leaking into the engine...this would explain the high fuel consumption...so it may not actually be that bad...but its just why it stopped working, its very odd...


    if they just ignore it and say its my problem then I wont be buying my skot t 55 and other toys from them...they will lose out so hopefully they will sort it out for me..as top motodemonte they are very naughty but I suspect they didnt really do that thorough a check on it...caveat emptor I guess. I should have spent a day or two checking it over but i didnt...my fault really in trusting them. but I am a man of my word and I expect others to be so...often people aren't...

  12. now its over I am glad I did it,but it could have been so much easier if the two companies Pa Ko and Motodemonjte had been more thorough with the vehicles they sold. I should not have needed to check it and tell them what was wrong...and then for them to give them to me with a whole list of faults...but i guess thats the way they do it over there

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