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Posts posted by paulob1

  1. see what I mean, there is absolutely no justification for it, no one knows why it is and there is not a legitimate reason for it...


    it is bureaucratic mumbo jumbo jobs for the boys .....because we have all these criminals driving without road tax and stealing millions from us, so lets get the people who are bad at paperwork paying for it by this method...they are not daft but they are ridiculous.


    And SORN stops them...? I think not...

  2. SORN is one of the most stupid interfering idiocies of the UK system, I can relate but not agree with them asking me to tell them it isnt on the road, but surely by me not having a tax disc that is automatic...why do I have to have a letter telling me to re sorn it every year then a letter telling me is has been done...it is jobs for jobs sake and totally idiotic...DVLA use the car and the owners there of, as cash cows so that the DVLA can employ more people it is as simple as that...

  3. I know not a lot of sense in all of this but it is all relative to use...for instance a tractor being used for farm work is capable of running on red, but if it is used for working on say hedges as a contractor which is not agricultural then it needs to run on white. Where a vehicle might be used for both then proof of purchase of the white diesel used whilst being used on the road for non agricultural will generally suffice...no need to flush...


    my FV432 is road registered and legal...

  4. no to the manoeuvring brake, will have a look next time i am in the cab...am thinking of building flat rack with a winch fitted for hauling dead trucks onto it...making up a couple of heavy duty ramps for when I need to load things and will likely get me a couple more pallets for various other tasks..


    Need to get some cheap now...


    Got the operators manual and a workshop parts manaul...need the service books next,...anyone know where i can get these from,...

  5. okay thanks for that...got a small oil leak from the side of the engine I THINK..just behind the starter where I think there is a pressure switch...not 100% sure yet but will have it checked. will get someone in to do a proper full service on her, will cost a few bob but i want this truck to remain reliable...

  6. Why not just ditch them and fit electric pumps, sounds like your drops could do with one as well !


    I was considering electric but these fuel lift pumps have worked for many years and are generally reliable when made properly...they are also highly resilient to rubbish in the fuel, UNLIKE electric pumps which will fail if they get any crap in there, they will also struggle when soaked in water and the location of the tank means they will get soaked in water so it is not the simplest of conversions.....

  7. My russian trucks all use the proverbial mechanical lift pumps, I need them to be repaired, there are kits available and new pumps but they are made in china and literally after a few weeks use fall apart...totally useless...I can get Russian ones, the best, but they take an age and cost a lot of money to get to the UK...


    the old russian ones have been on these trucks for 30 plus years and are all the rubber parts are failing but mechanically they are excellent...does anyone know someone who could repair about 20 or 30 of them for me...and do this on a regular basis as we upgrade them all...I need 10 doing, a friend needs well over 20 plus, and there are loads more to do...not going to make anyone rich but it will be a regular stream of business...

  8. got it stuck 100 yds into slab common, not sure the air was actuating the diff locks etc so i may be a bit ahead of myself...will not judge her until i know ...


    1. The air leak is fixed,

    2. The Oil leak is fixed

    3 The leaking from axles/hubs is fixed

    4. The brake lights are sorted, very odd these, staionary they work, once I am moving nothing...now it may be due to the air leak but all the dials are in the white safe zome, so not 100% sure what is going on yet...


    Anyway am happy with her, she has done a lot of work this weekend....down to portsmouth to collect truck, then to slab common with zil on back then to off to collect zil number two, then at end of day all back to site...a lot of miles, well over 200. i found the oil pressure switch fault, had come unplugged, also think the petrol tank guage is now sorted, still getting a small air leak into the diesel supply, i think, or the bouncing about blocked the fuel filter a bit as she would not start just once TODAY, QUICK PUMP ON THE fUEL PUMP and then she has ran all day without fault...odd...


    I am slowly getting used to her bouncing and sometimes jerky gearchange but otherwise I VERY VERY HAPPY WITH HER...

  9. Okay collected my truck then drove off to Withams to collect my Green Goddess..


    First impressions, its big hard and not very comfortable,,,it is very bouncy...


    after a few miles I readjust my east which reduces the effect of the bouncing on my right foot and smooths the ride a bit...still bouncy.


    Gear change a bit crude, well compared to my car anyway...but boy she is easy to drive...


    with the goddess on she is simplicity itself...


    top speed 50mph...absolute,...not a penny more, unless down a very steep hill...she seems really comfortable at exactly 50. Good acceleration but I find myself missing the gear lever and wanting to select the correct gear...she never seems to be in the right gear,...


    But overall a good buy, she will be a useful truck...not for carrying tall things but the 432 and other types will go on her with ease...she will be a fun truck to take out onto the fields now and again but dont think she is an off roader like the zils or urals,...a winch would be real useful...I have a monster winch will see if that can be made to fit...

  10. i have one coming from stoke..will collect on saturday, or friday.....you could not scan and email me a copy of the fuel system could you....the truck is at David Crouches right now...i will not see it until Friday. I hope its sorted by then


    looks like it was the actual connector in the chassis itself, it must have had a hairline crack...well again thats what I am told, we will see tomorrow....when i collect the old girl...

  11. i have one coming from stoke..will collect on saturday, or friday.....you could not scan and email me a copy of the fuel system could you....the truck is at David Crouches right now...i will not see it until Friday. I hope its sorted by then

  12. nope its non of that, there is a one way valve in the pump? or somewhere and this is now suspect...but I dont really know now as they have replaced that...so something very odd is going on..


    it works for a while then just simply stops, no fuel, even with the lift pump being fed by the can of diesel and nothing else in the line...well thats what the boys have told me...


    anyone got any other ideas...

  13. yep its still not working, looks like those connectors are the problem....the boys are replacing them now...it runs fine when you fill everything with diesel and get her running, but when she has been stood for a night she starts empties the injectors and stops...


    it has to be a very slow air leak

  14. Not a problem mate, i have had 3 years playing with these and their bigger brother (immlc) so if you ever need any other advise i will do my best to help.


    Mash thats great news...the IMMLC is the next one on the list along with a Foden Wrecker and a DUKW...well that will be it for next year unless a nice chieftain comes along..or another Berliet Wrecker...which may be added but next year is consolidation repair paint and get all my toys fully operational...

  15. I will wait until I have had it running for a bit and left it for a few hours before I fully conclude it is sorted...my experience with diesel systems is that they work forever until they stop working then it takes about the same time to sort out the problems...

  16. You mention something about a pallet, so maybe you mean a DROPS, not a DAF?

    If it's a DROPS, then it could be something electrical, affecting the stop solenoid on the FIP. It's been a while, and the grey cells are starting to go, but I'm sure you stop a DROPS on the key, and the DAF was a pull stop?



    Hi mine is a leyland DAF DROPS...it does start on the key so it could be something electrical...maybe the solenoid,it does sound odd that it should just stop and wont restart...but fiddling with the diesel supply did solve the problem for a day or so...or so it seems...but i am getting suspicious now...

  17. Well off i went on Saturday to collect my new baby, arrived at Dave's and straight into the cab switched her on fired her up and broom off she went...drove her 40 feet forward to drop the pallet off to load my car on...and drive away...the truck stopped...Dave comes up and tells me I can t have the truck yet as there is something wrong with it...hmm very very disappointed.


    Anyway Dave says he will fix it today, he hsa had the fuel lines all cleaned up already but does anyone know what it could be...a dodgy lift pump, some safety valve or anything else...i am just a bit suspect that it fired up so quickly then failed after a short while. if it was an air leak in the fuel system it would drain down after a few minutes or hours, if it was some sort of cut off emergency valve, could this be faulty, is there a power cut off of some sort like the FV432...


    Anyone got any thoughts on it...

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