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Posts posted by paulob1

  1. it will be used for sure but not one of the ones i need right now...and i plan to put a bigger one on the stolly, one that will give me front and back recovery options, but with the reduced weight, it may be more useful than I think, and with a number of pulley wheels I may be able to rig a reversable system for the standard winch...we will see once i have had a play...

  2. hi Oilly, yes mine have been lowered on stolly 1, which is used a lot on the road, stolly 2 I will see how she goes off road...she will drive all the time off road and whilst she has registration I doubt she will go on the road again...I can get loads of the russian tyres how many do you want is the question...all for around 120 -130 pounds each virtually brand new...I collect them tomorrow so will have pictures and more info once i have them here and am able to play with them...they will be off roading this weekend..

  3. If only you could speed in a Series 3 Land Rover.




    yes you try it in a zil 131 too, 45mph down hill...and a stalwart is better at stopping than it ever was at going...24 pistons all pushing on the wheel discs to make it stop and stop it does...mind you if you take your foot off the accelerator it stops about as quick anyway...

  4. now now Mike, we all know speed cameras are for our own good...and whilst they dont save lives or reduce accidents, they increase the cash in the governments coffers so that they can spend it on other things...all for the good of the people...you can see where this country is heading, i already have my vehicles...


    re-supply, ural, zil, star, berliet, daf, foden

    artillery fh77

    APC tracks 432 and MTLB

    engineering support 434

    APC wheeled Saracen


    just a few more to go and i am ready for anarchy and the revolution

  5. Personaly, I see an Annual MOT as a Reasonable thing to be in place. However, the types of vehicle we restore, are frequently better than new. IF, I may use that term! In which case a FAIR & reasonable REDUCED fee should be levied at that area. BUT, as we all know, there are SOME 'Restored, or Preserved' types that would DEFINATELY be in need of an Annual MOT!

    To Balance this requirement would be a VERY difficult thing enforce & Implement. No Matter What area of legislation in place, there will ALWAYS be an example of something slipping through the net. Or being an oddity that does not fall in one Catagory of another. So, i guess it is something we will all have to live with, like it or not!.....:-(


    we are the people, not VOSA, not the DVLA, you can see what power the people have with the things going on in the Middle east and North Africa...there is no need for an MOT annually on a vehicle that does less than 5000 miles a year...even 10,000 is nothing for most of our toys...if we the people want to make it so, then dont think that we have to 'live with it like it or not,' at all, we can make change happen...

  6. Interesting Mike. With regards to another thread that we were all concerned about. Remember the New legislation implementation thread? I recall one of the sub sections proposed was about overwidth vehicle banning recomendations.(Or words to that effect!) The 'Government Reps' said that this was all about bringing us into line with EU legislation. Well, If they want to strenuously keep annual testing. & the EU has Bi-Annual testing, Does that not go contradict what they have said? How can 'THEY' say that 'THEY' want to keep Annual testing if it clashes with the EU Ruling of Bi-Annualy? I would suggest that this statement from them smacks of 'Pick & mix' When it suits THEM. But according to the previous statement from 'THEM' we HAVE to fall inline with EU Legislation! Or am I missing something here? (Or a bit 'Fick!) :red:


    Because another section of EU Law is, The other EU coutries CAN have Handguns & Semi-Auto rifles over .22" Calibre. If we are ALL in the EU & 'APPANTLY' ALL members have to 'fall inline' with common ruling. How come we STILL are not allowed to own & shoot these class of Weapons, & own them Privately?... (OOPPS! Sorry if this has opened a can of Worms, BUT, isnt it a valid point?)...:-X


    taking guns off law abiding enthusiasts including our world class shooting teams, has stopped the criminal world from using guns...hasnt it...NOT, and for the same reason its nothing to do with the reasons they give re road laws, its about keeping jobs and cash coming in, this then justifies their own existence...its power in the wrong hands I am afraid...


    actually I should add that the reasons behind the gun law were typical labour government knee jerk reaction to a sobbing mother...sad for the mum but not the answer to the problem...as to vehicle safety it is fair to say that unloved vehicles on the road can cause trouble...are any of our vehicles unloved, I guess so but do we use these, I know there are bound to be some who abuse the rules but the tests will not remove these people from the system...it is the same fact as above, the rules only affect the honest and decent, they rarely have any effect on the true evaders and dangerous ones..


    New laws do not make the people honest...nor do they make the world a safer place..some think so but it does not...history has shown that contrary to all government attitude, laws just punish they do not teach educate or change opinion. the effort the government puts into telling people the law is in place is more effective than the law itself...and please dont ask me to start giving examples I could go on for an age...


    However I do not vote for a lawless society, but we do not need some 75% of the current statue book


    should add sorry OFF SOAP BOX NOW...

  7. a crane stolly 3.3m high on a foden, 2m plus? at a guess , thats likely welle over 5 m high scary job, would not like to drive that anywaher... I am collecting two stalwarts with my DAF DROPS next week, a 622 and a 623, the 623 will be on the trailer...will take some photos...

  8. this is what we really need. And this applies to all non working vehicles, not commercially worked vehicles which should come under a different banner. it should apply to all ex military vehicles.


    All vehicles not used for commercial purposes, and not used as daily transport with limited mileage of say 7000 miles should be exempt tax and test. But should have a bi annual road safety check...this check being a simplified MOT.


    Road safety test.

    Brake test. Does it stop in a safe and orderly manner.

    Steering is okay

    Mechanical overview.

    lights work as fitted

    Seat belts if fitted

    do we really need much more...i understand we can go through a thorough check but some of our trucks would not pass an MOT brand new let alone 10 20 30 or even 50 years later...my zil 131's 60's and 70's trucks that work fine...but they would not pass an MOT I am sure..




    simple...if the vehicle is used for other uses ie daily commutes or actual work then all current rules should apply...

  9. that is my thought process, but on 30 vehicles and over 100 seats it gets complicated, expensive and questionable...


    for the foden, long journeys now and again, its getting them, for the diesel zils long journeys they are getting them the rest of the vehicles, that do very limited mileage, less than 500 a year, some less than 100 a year then likely these will stay without...

  10. been trying to fathom this all out, so if the thing is a heavy good vehicle before 1980 I dont need to retrospectively fit seat belts...but if they are fitted we have to use them. I am going to fit them to my foden plus a couple of extra seats and the daf has them, but will be getting two extra seats in the sleeping area, the zil 131's I am going to look into this and see if they have points then will fit them to these too...


    the regulations are an absolute mine field...1980's are bad news for HGV's thanks antarmike...

  11. anyone know the law on when it is compulsory to have seat belts fitted...I know its law to use them if fitted, but what is the law to have then fitted in my vehicles which are all 50's 60's and 70's vehicles...I have been looking it up and it seems that we should fit them to all our vehicles but cannot believe that...

  12. trhe guns appear to be very different, mine does not have steering via the small wheels but by hydraulic drive to the two big wheels, it drives only with the gun out front, and is trailed with the gun hanging out the back...very very scary...

  13. good day today, had her running driving, did the temprary weld on the ram, wont hold but will do until i collect the new ram, runs sweet, it isnt like the UK one, it does not turn around to be pointing forward to be towed, it just sticks out the back...scary or what...will be very interesting to take it on the road...still having a levelling issue though, something isnt wuiet right with the self levelling, it doesnt get to be level, it is moving freely one side but never stays level, I will work it out hopefully, drives lovely, nit of leakage on the lt hand lever so it starts to move when you engage the motor...not bad but may be just a switch sticking...she will get used a bit by me so hopefully i can sort those things out..the breech is gone and it is all welded up...so no pretend loading..shame was looking forward to doing that, still not managed to work the crane yet but will do

  14. Hi Dude

    I can help you with bits and bobs but my FH is difrent to yours but the principles should be the same Ask and i will try to help .


    Once my photocopyer is working i will photocopy the bits you need to know..... The very first thing i wouldnt do is drive it around with the wheel locks out as they can snap (steer wheels)

    I will see if i can do a few scans of the trail legs up and down and the safety locks underneath.

    But if you want to know anything just ask Bud:red:


    okay mine is up and running, need to temporarily fix the small wheel hydraulic arm as it was torched apart, have a new ram coming...


    wheel locks where are they..the steer wheels are the big or the small wheels, mine has two simple joysticks to drive I assume each large wheel and to do the steering, like a tracked vehicle or skid steer almost...is this correct...


    when i lifted the left small wheel the whole left hand side lifted up at the front...but not the right...is this to do with the position of the small wheels, ie if I bring the other one down will it equalise the unit..


    how do I shoot the gun...mine has a computer terminal type screen with loads of buttons, I will need to translate all of this...does yours have this...the periscopes automtically level themselves and everything seems to work apart from the computer which I have not yet worked out..mine has a crane on the side does yours...


    so much to ask...I know nothing about artillery...


    where are you located...

  15. ok she is up and running, simple controls but have yet to work out the levelling, I will, just takes a bit of time. When the blasted rain stops then I will get her running around...going to do a temporary weld on the broken ram until I get it replaced...just need to fire up the computer now and see what is going on with that...am very pleased...very odd fuel tank arrangement...two jerry cans on the gun turret mechanism...may change that for a small tank somewhere else...

  16. A bit off topic but I think 'old git' would have been that way all his adult life. These types are ones who just love to 'interfere' phoning the council because they don't like your green machine parked in 'their' road, or complaining that your MV lowers the tone. Its not that they are grey haired its just they get a kick out of it being smug. Our local MVT has mostly grey hair and there's not a git among them.


    my neighbour who lives 300 yards away from me has been writing to anyone he can think of complaining about anything he can make up...and I do mean make up, 13 years ago he called the council that my antennas were affecting his TV...I had not even switched them on at that time, technically impossible for it to affect his TV..but lie he did and the council wrote to me asking me to explain his lies...he has been doing that ever since...and the council still listen to him...

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