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Posts posted by sirhc

  1. I agree the standard of CMV has gone downhill, we have gone from 2 monthly magazines which were mostly ok to 1 which is hard work not to launch across the room. Take pages 30 & 31 of the latest issue, there is an article about W&P. Rather than walk around the showground and take photos of the interesting, rare and well restored vehicles on display they have walked up to the first stall in the stalls area and taken photos of the half a dozen vehicles R&R were selling. This double page spread has 8 photos, 6 of them are the 6 vehicles on that stall! If that's not enough, the next page of the article has 5 photos, 4 of them taken in the stalls. (Incidently the same half track on page 30 is pictured again on page 72)


    I first thought this could just be laziness, but I guess it might be more likely that the editor doesn't know one vehicle from the next and the vehicles in the stalls often have something in/on/near them with a description?


    The Streaker article wound me up too. It appears to be well researched at first glance, but it does contain mistakes and again suggest laziness. The final paragraph says one survives according to the Alvis Fighting Vehicle Society website and asks where have they all gone. A call or email to the AFV society would have established that there were only 2, and they were both at Tanks, Trucks & Firepower last year.


    I did once write an article for CMV, it was supposed to be published and was even featured on the 'Coming next month' page, but it was never published and I don't know why, so I won't bother again.



  2. As you know ive been looking for a sabour for a while with little luck finding the right 1 . well i did fined 1 but the bloke changed his mined on the price a week or 2 later so i didnt end up getting it .


    However as ive been looking like crazy and come across a few good tanks at reasonable prices this abbots being 2






    Both i think worth a call and a look at . To big for me im defiantly looking at a CVRT the Abbot will not fit on my drive


    Date added: 18.05.2013, 05:16


    You might be lucky, but it is probably sold.

  3. Hi Andy, Thanks for your reply. No, not yet unsure how to set them up, how do they work?, I've put the helmet on and they seem pretty good just as ear defenders, (before their plugged in).


    I notice that on the side of the muffs their is a slider, which goes from 'open' to 'closed'. I wonder which is which, suppose I need to have a play!


    Thanks again, jim.


    If the headsets have a slider from open to closed on them I doubt they are ANR ones. Post a few photos to help ID them.



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