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Posts posted by sirhc

  1. You don't have to visit the Tank Museum, just ring them up and do it over the 'phone with a credit card. They'll email you scans of the record cards within a day, far easier and quicker than fiddling about with an FoI request.




    Record cards yes, but if it's a fairly recently released vehicle they probably won't have it yet. Even if they do have the record card they won't be able to give you the history from the last 20 or so years as that's all on the databases. FOI will give you this.

  2. I went down the Friday before the show to unload the Scimitar and mark out a space. Due to a delayed departure we didn't get down there until about 4pm, I think we managed to claim the last pitch in the Americas field which was just about large enough for our stuff. We had 2 CVRTs, 3 Land Rovers and 2 trucks in the same amount of space as most people had a Jeep and a caravan.


    I think they need to turn Americas field back into green camping, most visitors walking into the field were met with a load of cars and caravans which might make them turn around rather than exploring the rest of the field where there were a good number of interesting vehicles.


    Toilets in the Americas field were terrible. This seems like a backwards step, if the organisers had kept the same kind of trailer based toilets as had been present in previous years nobody would have had anything to moan about. As it is I now read more complains about toilets on here and on Facebook than anything else, which seems a shame as the show was good otherwise and this has been solved in the past. The main toilet blocks were well maintained and worth the extra walk, although for some people this could be a considerable extra walk! Shower pods were very good, always had hot water although there is a technique to ensuring your clothes do not join you in the shower... take a plastic bag to put them in!


    I enjoyed the atmosphere, especially the after hours drives around the showground. We took the CVRTs out a few nights and it was great to see the other traffic consisting of Shermans, FV432s and a convoy of WW2 German vehicles among others. This is the kind of thing that was missing at Folkestone and would not work there due to the poor layout.


    Arena needs some work, hopefully with the off road driving school gone it will be back to normal next year.


    Medway field was open and did have people camping in it. It is possible to get through into this field from the back of Americas field as well as down the road at the top of Monktons. There was a small car park in there and a few people camping, but it was mostly empty. I think moving all the caravans up to that field would address the complains about not enough space for actual MVs in some of the other fields.


    Final comment is on the revised entry/exit to the show. My brother visited us most days, staying at a hotel in Tonbridge. One day it took him over 2 hours to get out of the car park. With 2 small children this is not really acceptable. In previous years there was a separate exhibitors entrance which made more sense, this needs addressing for next year as making everyone exit through the Hop Farm itself is a nighmare.


    All in all not bad, but hopefully with a few improvements will be better next year. (We could do with less rain too please)

  3. My Ferret suffered from electrical gremlins, although mostly the lighting circuits. Try taking out every one of those plugs either side of the steering wheel and cleaning the contacts. Then try the ones at the back near the generator panel. My problems turned out to be corrosion inside the ignition switch box which was solved by replacing the insides with a later modification kit and changing all the wires and plugs. Hopefully yours is just a loose connection.



  4. Richard,


    These are conversions from the Pulse ambulances. Withams had loads of take off ambulance bodies a while back. I have seen these out and about... even saw one in McDonalds car park near Lincoln a few months back.



  5. The problem with Shielder is that while the wheels are the same as CVRT, you'll need Stormer track and sprockets. The gearbox is unique to that variant and not the same as CVRT or Stormer. I'm not sure how many parts are common between the engine and a diesel CVRT either. If you look on thexmod.com for SHD you'll find a selection of parts, but you may not like the prices as they are not aimed at collectors!

  6. I have tested a few wheels which have been re-rubbered and they have lasted well. I do not know the company who put the rubber on but if you have wheels to do I can put you in touch (unless Andy seees this)

  7. I saw the programme and looked into this. You can find some excellent vehicles on the US surplus auctions for good prices. The problem is only US citizens can bid and then there is the export to deal with. I am sure there are ways around it.



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