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Everything posted by sirhc

  1. I think those Stollys in the photo are at Tanks A Lot. Chris
  2. sirhc


    I would advise anyone restoring a vehicle to buy an air compressor. Since having ours we've ended up using it for loads of jobs. Not just spraying paint, but spraying cleaning products, needle scacling and inflating tyres etc. We started out with the cheap Machine Mart kit and expanded it as we needed different or better tools. If you get a decent enough compressor you can even buy a spot blasting gun, which is like sandblasting but only blasts a confined area. If you're going to do a decent restoration, or intend to do another vehicle after it's well worth the money. Chris
  3. Jack, Well done, I look forward to reading it. I have also written an article for them, but it is as yet still un published and I have no idea when it will appear :cry: Chris
  4. The 24 volt electrics aren't really a problem, most trucks are 24 volts anyway. If you carry some spares like points and plugs you shouldn't get too stuck..
  5. Paul, If they don't take too long to come that'd be great thanks. Chris
  6. AT52447 They're about £10. I ordered one from John Deere parts but it hasn't showed up yet. Chris
  7. I want to join in with the photos of things on trucks!
  8. The biggest problem we'll have in the future is stupid politicians making stupid laws, making our hobby more difficult or expensive. Already in some european countries it's very difficult to own armour. The Americans can't buy any US armoured vehicles, only imported ones, and they can't re-import ww2 stuff without loads of problems. We're lucky that we still have regular sales of AFVs in this country, but how long will it last? They'll always be people who want to restore military vehicles, and many more who want to look at them. Chris
  9. sirhc

    What camera

    Canon Ixus, the 50 or 55 are both excellent. http://www.pixmania.co.uk/uk/uk/129002/art/canon/digital-ixus-50.html?itag=3903 Chris
  10. sirhc

    MoT Test

    It's spelt aRmour.
  11. Anti Freeze 12/72 - Date it was changed. Chris
  12. Rob, I've used the Deep Bronze Green and Sky Blue they sell. Both were good. Chris
  13. Anchor Supplies paint is rubbish, it's made by JW Land Rovers and doesn't give a good finish. It scratches easily and if not given about a week of constant sunshine and no rain it seems to wash off! Also the black is more slate grey. Did the Spartan with it, wish we hadn't. It will get repainted eventually with some decent paint. Cromadex make good paint and supply to most of the dealers such as A+S. I have been told these people make good Nato green but not tried it yet: Crosbie Coatings Ltd (01902) 352020 The IRR stuff goes grey and fades quickly if left outside and is supposed to be repainted regularly when in service. I wouldn't use it if I were you. Chris
  14. Forgot to say there's loads of tender photos here: http://gallery.sirhc.co.uk Chris
  15. We've bought loads from Withams, the Ferret and Fox were before they did the sales, but have bought a Spartan, FV432 and 2 trailers, along with several stillages of stuff from them in the sales. You do have to be careful with anything you buy, it's sold as seen. We like restoring vehicles, so expect to find things missing (engines!) or broken. Having had a vehicle restored by someone else before we will not go down that route again. Usually if it's come straight from the MoD it's not been bodged too much. I have heard the stories of people buying vehicles without seeing them and realising something major such as the engine is missing. Everything can look good in a photo, my advice is always go and check it out! Chris
  16. http://www.flo.mil.no/fap/start/aktuelt/article.jhtml?articleID=81669 My best guess! Chris
  17. Richard, It's a catcher basket for the GPMG mount. Wish I'd have seen this earlier as I could have taken a photo to show where it goes, maybe tomorrow! Chris
  18. Richard, I'm fairly sure that picture is based on yours. Chris
  19. sirhc

    MV insurance

    When I was 18 there was no problem insuring me on the Ferret. Suddenly this year, when I was 22 they said I needed to be 25! After we pointed out that they'd insured me for 4 years and we'd never made a claim, they agreed to insure me again. I think you'd have difficulty persuading them to insure a 17 year old, they said the rule had changed and it was hard to make an exception. Already having insurance was the key in my case!
  20. Why are the costs huge? Tim is right. Things are bigger, and heavier, but it's not a real problem. If you can use a spanner, a hammer and a grease gun you can maintain a tank. You may say track and roadwheels are expensive, they are, but it all depends on how many miles you put under them. Tyres are expensive too, especially Ferret tyres and the like. Chris
  21. Richard, There are a lot of good people on FH, sign up to the mailing list and get the emails in your inbox. Beware of the Americans though, they can be hard work at times. Chris
  22. Richard, The rear antenna mount looks like a mount for a flashing beacon to me, rather than an antenna. Is that a rubber cap at the top? I think it is for a spigot mounted beacon. http://www.justoffbase.co.uk/s.nl/sc.9/category.189/it.A/id.6461/.f What do you mean by 'can't get in' to Ferret Heaven? Chris
  23. It was cleaner to start with! Hopefully we'll get the gearbox changed over the next couple of weeks and we can see if it will finally move. We decided a while ago that we would name it 'Jigsaw' due to the thousands of bits we've had to assemble to get it into a running vehicle. Chris
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