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robin craig

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Everything posted by robin craig

  1. Found this clip but am unsure as to what exactly they are recovering. R
  2. Wishing all fellow Canadians a very Happy Canada Day! R
  3. Adrian, This is a can of worms that has been well thrashed to death by others over the last year at least on here. In short form the answer is no it would appear but some are and some have failed. I think someone else may link to the original thread, pull up a chair and get some sandwiches in as you are in for a long and opinionated read! R
  4. She does look rather smart now doesnt she! Andy, were the tractor unit and trailer a matched unit when they came to the collection or have they been married for expediency sake? What will you guys put on the trailer as a load? What about Whoopee lights on the cab? R
  5. Blimey, or may be Lord stone the crows, I'll go to the foot of our stairs! Cast aluminium? Wow, that will be a sizeable lump with some value to it. Do you know some thieves then? R
  6. And you want volunteers to do what? Not with that attitude sonny boy! R:cool2:
  7. You can tell the time of the year on HMVF just by the posts! The "my vehicle wont start" in the spring, "what im doing in the snow with my MV" for winter, "how do you keep your batteries" for the autumn and this thread for pre Beltring show season! R
  8. Based on another similar thread on the same vein I am in the process of sorting an evil lightweight masterplan to address this problem I have also, and yes Im a long way from the source also. The best plan I have so far is to vacuform said objects in two halves then mail them out nested inside each other. There were other options but it is looking best at this time. The thought process that upon receipt one would glues the two halves together and then fill with low expanding foam and trim off the spooged excess and paint to suit. Likely at the rate my world is unravelling, this won't happen until November / December time R
  9. I have watched this thread with interest and been waiting and waiting but no one has said it. So, being in danger of hijacking a thread here goes. Tax discs . .. Hmmm I think you are in danger of being a rivett counter. I am far more concerned with those who still have not got the message " Thou shall not drink and drive" I have a big issue with that and have put people on notice at shows that if they get into their vehicle I will call the cops, period. 8 hours bottle to throttle is basic rule, longer for others. R
  10. So Alien, you agree with our policy then for the most part then! While I could competantly weld said items I wont as it desecrates the vehicle R
  11. I would second the method used by Chris, from memory that is exactly how we have done ours, it did pain me to drill the two securing holes, as it goes against my credo. Added anti theft value as stated. R
  12. Dear Sharky, thanks for the info. our need to tow backwards was to slave it, and could not get near enough in the barn with the BV206. Many thanks R
  13. Barry, I'm assuming you mean bought from Withams or some such dealer of the day. If so I stand corrected. But still it is not how I want ours to look, but thanks anyway. R
  14. Barry, that is exactly what we will not do as it violates our policy of "no new holes, nothing welded on". How awful, dare I suggest that this is a thrasher at a ride and drive site? R
  15. James, just getting back to this workshop project, will be looking on Tuesday night when we do maintenance Robin
  16. We are formalising our procedures for training new drivers for our collection. Does anyone have any D + M course material in any format they are willing to sell / copy / trade? We have CVR(T) + (W), Ferret, Bedford, Land Rover 101, Hagglunds BV206, Stormer, 432, Supacat etc etc R
  17. In the manual it clearly states that the vehicle should not be towed backwards. Can anyone explain potential damage that would be caused by doing this over a short distance of about 50 feet at slow speed with gearbox in neutral? R
  18. I am very interested in this thread. I have a number of vehicles to install intercom function for driver and 2 others per vehicle and am just digging through notes. Don't stop! Robin
  19. In post number 61 Lee shows in his first picture a double turreted vehicle. Can anyone comment on it please? I have strange suspicions it may have been modified for EOD work as the weapons look like large calibre single shot firearms. R
  20. Really exemplary job you have done there, you were lucky to find an NOS unit like that. R
  21. Dear Gents, It has been a stressful week and I have not replied owing to that. Thank you to all those who have replied. The 434 stirrup type step looks ok but for those users, like us, who want more above that the problem has not been solved. We are going to look at this more closely and will report back to you guys on what we propose or do. Thanks for the input. R
  22. While not being able to offer any insight or help, I am none the less horrified to see the destruction and realise the amounts of money and time that will be taken to repair your pride and joy, hate seeing people's kit broken like that Robin
  23. Dan, sent email to you re lifting frame R
  24. Would you do this with your FV432? Robin
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