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robin craig

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Everything posted by robin craig

  1. These are the supports at the top from the fan assembly to the engine block, buddy didnt have one of each so he butchered one to make it an opposte hand. I think I will remake this in steel and paint accordingly. I cant see any reason to go with aluminium, can you?
  2. This is all I have in my parts manual for the generator, not one page shows it, just the pulley that attaches to it at the belt. Item 35 is the duct we dont have and can only help the cooling of it as well so i will have to fabricate that also. R
  3. So here are some pictures of the butchered generator brackets that I have to either replace if anyone has them or re work so they are of a better fit and quality. R
  4. Thats brilliant Chris, i will post some more pictures of the mess im working with this morning. R
  5. Chris, Indeed the lighting should unscrew, the left side got caught before we could do that and broke the connector, I will show pictures later. I'm sure the drive coupling is from the btch you had made, likely you sold it to the person we bought our vehicle from. I am missing any parts pages for the installation of the generator, I have no FV parts numbers for the left or right brackets, nor do I have any parts numbers for the duct that drop down from the rear of the generator and connects sideways to the two round tubes with a flexible coupling. I am also missing any of the bracketry to hold the oil cooler on the left side of the hull to the cross beam above or to the left volute, I have the parts pages for this section. Anyone have any of these parts? R
  6. And here is the view or the rear of the Fox for those who have never seen this mechanical marvel / disaster. Anyone have any pictures of theirs in this state that I could compare some of the routing for hoses etc?
  7. well, its a few days since I cleared the decks to get at this job, sadly it was all delayed by the "buried tank" issue that I occured and has now been solved! I have also suffered "technical" issues with uploading images, that has now been solved too, yippeee. here is a picture of the offending shaft on the generator and the knackered threads. R
  8. I do have to laugh, years ago in the UK I worked for a company that transported "spent" nuclear material from Electricity De France in Pierelatte (sp) to British Nuclear Fuels Ltd in the UK. As part of "customer" relations I rode along in one of the trucks after it came through the port and went up to the BNFL facility just to see the UK side of what we did and meet the people I had telex (kind of antiquated electric type writer for the yung uns) contact with. Anyway, upon arrival I was issued hard hat and HI Vis jacket, before they were fashion items. We did the visit watching the verification process and the unloading and then came off the "raft" as they called it and went for a meeting. On the way we had to wash our hands and pass by a dosimeter. Well golly didnt the machine go ballistic when I presented my hands after washing. I was immediatly told to rewash and the hazmat personel were alerted and very soon on scene. There followed a frantic series of handwashing and retesting each with the same result and no change. Finally one of the chaps asked me if I had a watch with a luminous dial. I did, it was ex MOD. Once removed I passed the dosimeter but the watch failed. It was confiscated as being bad for my health. Since, I have had a child with no ill effects but it always amuses me as to how the watch was ever sold off in the first place Robin aka glow in the dark.
  9. Thats a mighty personal and rude question to ask R:-D
  10. What ever happened to all the large sized models that used to be in the windows of these offices in the 70s and '80s? Anyone have any pics or any of them in their basement? R
  11. How about some pictures of your steed sire? R
  12. Have you been taking lots of pictures and good notes as you go? Others will be interested to know how it all goes, we have one CVRW and two Ferrets in the collection and my personal two Canadian Ferrets are justa round the corner. . . . . so I guess I will be doing this in the coming future. R
  13. Well sir, I beg to differ. The Canadian Forces had an issue early on the service life of the AVGP fleet that was traced to exactly this issue. Bear in mind during long distance transport a we have over here there is a real risk. Even when such mundane items such as our turbo charged TS 90 tractor goes an hour and a half off site for major repair they always cover the exhaust for that reason. An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. Any of the reccy mechs care to chime in on this? R
  14. I think this is the best place to post this, but correct me if I am wrong. My mind was jogged by reading another thread here and hope that this post might save someone grief if they are a newbie to turbo charged vehicles. This was some information that I already knew but thought that others should be aware of. When transporting a turbo charged vehicle one should always ensure that the exhaust is EITHER facing backwards or that the exhaust is covered ie with a glove or rag and tapped in place. The reason if you have not figured it out, hence you have got this far, is that because some of your valves will be open the is a good chance that the pressure of air forced through the exhaust pipe will start the turbo spinning and without the engine running there will be no oil supplied to the turbo bearings leading to premature failure of the said turbo. Hope this helps someone R
  15. All The vehicles in the collection except for tracked armour are fully road registered. For display or parades we remove licence plates as a matter of course. Good question. R
  16. Funny you should ask this question. Last Friday night I attended a Robbie Burns dinner at the local Legion branch. One of the members is an ex pat Brit like myself. He spent 8 years outside the UK in the Irish Hussars as much as i could make out. He regaled us with tales of Ferrets ans Saracens and Saladins. As i was with other who were getting dis interested I didnt labour the point. But I will be going over to his place to get some oral history and will see what I can piece together. R
  17. Bienvenue au HMVF Jean, Robin in Ontario
  18. Well Tony, thats nothing new for me, i'm forever in that predicament. The net result was the septic was fine but the line from the house has an unfortunate dip in it likely due to settelement over the 15 or so years since the house was built, we have full basements here. The back fill tends to do that. Coupled with the fact no one is down at the house at this time of year there is zero movement in the line, so the ice has taken a hold. Had it steamed out this afternoon, all is now well. At least today I can say Im No 1 in the No 1 & No 2 bussiness! Robin
  19. Sorry it had a cr**py ending folks, yes the septic TANK sytem was full and I was the sanitation engineer! Hey, if i cant be working on MVs today then at least I can spread the joy around! Hope you see the sense of humour in it all, just couldnt resist doing it to you all! Oh well, vacuum truck rrives in the morning so all will be sorted. Robin:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
  20. As best I can I will try to tell it how it happened, the light was fading and myregular camera was having battery problems with the cold so I had to switch to my phone. At least the end result picture is nice and clear. You need to read the whole of the text without cheating and scrolling down to the end result for full effect. This afternoon I was tasked with finding a tank that had been buried about 15 years ago. I am in Eastern Canada and at the moment we are experiencing a less than harsh winter, so far. We all know that mother nature will turn on us at any moment and plunge us into a deep freeze. The frost is only about 3 inches into the ground. So, the hunt was on, records indicated the tank was buried less than a 8 inches from the surface. Using a pry bar and a sledge I probed the ground until I came up short after breaking through the frozen layer. Working over the area i managed to get an impression of the overall size and location. Next into play was our New Holland TS90 otherwise known as big blue, we have four of the blue machines in our stable. With pallet forks attached a gentle angle of attack and carefuloperation I was able to break open the ground over the tank to reveal the unfrozen layer below. The forks were swapped off for the bucket and gentle shalow passes were made until one of the lifting rings was struck by the bucket. Only a few more inches to go. Then the manual labour with the shovel to clean off the top.
  21. Sorry lads and lasses, the pictures didnt load last night but they seem to be here now. No work today on the Fox as I had to go on a tank hunt, bit of a tangent, but tanks are tanks. I have posted the tank hunt in the MV Chatter as it doesnt belomg here. R
  22. Welcome EHS from Canada. Good to see another Land Rover Lunatic here. It might interest you we have a Hagglunds BV206 out here Robin
  23. Is that a Chevy or GMC pickup in the corner of one of the pictures? R
  24. Ok children, are you sitting comfortably. This will be jottings and pictures of some of the minor work I am trying to get done before spring in our shop on the much unloved (by others) Fox. The initial problems was that the pulley came of the generator. That span around for a few revolutions and wore down the threads on the shaft. Subsequent investigation revealed that the pulley was a fabricated item and not OEM. We had to pull the rear end of the vehicle apart to get this far as the fan volute assembly had to come out. I was full of dread and loathing as I had heard tales of doom on this job. Infact apart from breaking some wiring connections to the rear left light cluster in a clumsy move by my then assistant it went well. We have noticed that the oil cooler is flopping around and needs a strap made up to mount it which I will do. Also the original mount for the genny was again less than OEM so I will have to sort that out as we go. Please note, I am not a mechanic by trade, just logical and the poor plug who has to keep our kit rolling. This is not my primary work task but is my primary love. We only have a few short weeks to get things done in the winter as we are a going concern as a farm amongst other things. If any of you have more knowledge please do not hesitate to chime in and point out any flaws in what I am doing. If you have pictures or parts, post the pictures and let me know you have for parts and we will see if I can buy them from you. I will post some pictures with this post of the vehicle at a local parade shortly after receipt on its one and only jaunt out before the trouble started. I will take some pics in the morning. R
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