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Great War truck

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Everything posted by Great War truck

  1. Yes, it does look the same as the Holt. However the five ton ones were made by a variety of different companies (such as International), so it could be a design difference. I have found the same photo and there it is listed as a Holt, so maybe it was just a design change by Holt. This version was only experimental and was finished too late in the war to be used. Tim (too)
  2. Just been phoned by the National Trust who are putting on an event at Hughenden Manor (High Wycombe) on the weekend of 10 and 11 October and are looking for MV's (nothing like leaving it until the last minute). You probably know that Hughenden was a secret RAF map making site and the event will revolve around that. They have apparently some RAF reenactors and are looking for vehicles to compliment this. Interestingly, this site was covered in an After the Battle recently and shows the RAF using a Hillman Minx, a Bedford MW and a GMC CCKW353. The Trust so they will provide refreshments and some money towards petrol. I dont think they want many MV's, but a couple would help them. Is anybody interested? Thanks Tim (too)
  3. I am not very sure about price. let me take some photos of it. It is not in very good condition. Some silly so and so tried to cock it and then found that as it was not real it wouldnt and broke it. The it probably got dropped as the end of the barrel got broken off and was reglued. My mate who was in the movie said that they repainted the weapons every night as the paint wore off very quickly. It does have an original leather sling though. Tim (too)
  4. Just finished this Months MMI. A little disconcerted that Crompton has started collecting WW1 stuff!
  5. Is the brass radiator an earlier pattern one? That might also explain why they went from one head light to two. Many US trucks of this period started off with brass rads and then went to aluminium as it was cheaper and stronger. Tim (too)
  6. Yes, that one is the Berliet collection one. I always wonder why people do things such as write "Verdun 1916" on the scuttle. Seen similar things before. Cant imagine that was done during the war. Tim (too)
  7. I have a fibreglass Garand from Saving Private Ryan. Might sell it if anyone wants to make an offer. Tim (too)
  8. Fourteen! Well that makes it virtually common then! It certainly looks a lot roomier than than the Dingo. I presume that the Stuarts in the background were the ex Brazilian ones that were still in the UK when you bought it? Tim (too)
  9. There was a 5 ton Holt on E bay!!!!! And i missed it!! Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!
  10. Yes indeed. A pair of 5 ton Holts which when new would have looked like this: My figures say that 30 of them were sent to Hawaii and used for the movement of artillery. Here are some Holts in Hawaii, but i think that these are the larger 10 ton versions: I must have lent my Holt book to steve as i cant find it at the moment, but figures i have say 3,840 5 ton Holts had been delivered to the US Army by January 1919. They had a top speed of 7.4 miles an hour and they had clutch brake steering. Fantastic photos. Thanks. Tim (too)
  11. Wow! A genuine WW2 British Jerrycan for film prop or reenactment purposes. Just £32.50 http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=320430102905&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT
  12. Something is wrong with this and i couldnt see what it was . Now I have had a closer look i see that it is not tall enough. The thing has sunk into the ground by a couple of feet. Also the inside has been filled with concrete. So not only would the new owner have to get that out before they could move it, they would also have a great deal of rot to contend with as it has been sitting in what appears to be wet ground. Therefore the thing will need so much work doing to it, it is virtually beyond salvation anyway. You might as well make a new one. I would therefore reduce its value from $4,800 to about $200. The only bits worth saving are the Heil data plate and the door closing mechanism. A shame. Tim (too)
  13. I just finished reading "Stalingrad" by Antony Beevor. Gosh, that was depressing. I bought it second hand for next to nothing. I would never read it again so have passed it on to make someone else miserable. All war is terrible and horrible, but sometimes funny storys or amazing events happen which make it an interesting read. There was nothing like this in "Stalingrad", just a succession of horrible and brutal events for everybody on both sides. So, if you want to be depressed, i would reccomend it. Tim (too)
  14. Wow! I know a couple of people who would like it, but at $4,800 it is a lot of money just for the body.
  15. Strange. I have seen loads just like that at shows, but not many in combat photos. I wonder how much of that stuff stays on once you go off roading? Tim (too)
  16. Hi Marcel I have just found another photo. This one also has only 1 headlight. I had not noticed this before. How do you plan to restore yours? Thinking about it, there is a restored one at the Berliet collection. Are there any more that you are aware of? Tim (too)
  17. So how many Humber Scout cars survive, and where did you get yours from? Tim (too)
  18. I have gone through the Camions book and there is one picture of the Peugeot. Lots of pictures of trailers too, but nothing exactly the same as yours although there are several similar ones. Tim (too)
  19. yes, i think you are right. i will have a look through it later. I have this photo of a Peugeot. is this the same type as yours:
  20. Not sure. The wheels are similar but the spokes are a bit more curved. Also the hubs are not quite right for trucks. So my thought is that it was a commercially built trailer. Still, it would look nice behind all sorts of trucks. Thanks for posting that. Tim (too)
  21. Brilliant book that. I love it. Just need one dedicated to two gallon petrol tins now. Tim (too)
  22. Jack, buy them, buy them now. You can always repent at leisure! Tim (too)
  23. Have you got the book "Les camions de la Victoire"? Tim
  24. Very nice job there. I cant really do models anymore. They all seem very small indeed. Tim (too)
  25. With the diff just needing to be put back together (and all three of us in the same location at the same time to do it), Steve has been having a look at the carb. Now, we took this off the inlet manifold and it all looked very good. But on examining it further we see that it is actually a Zenith 36UY and not a bit like the one in the manual: which Ben confirms is a Claudel Hobson. We could probably make it run on the Zenith but probably not very well - as the engine was used of course to run a fire pump and not a lorry. So if anyone comes across a 36 Claudel Hobson, do please let me know. Thanks Tim (too)
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