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Everything posted by john1950

  1. I have not heard anything, It has 2 GMs fitted. I have not been back for a while.
  2. Hi if you mean the memorial it used to be near the old weighbridge in the harbour. If you mean the hull, it is in a storage yard on West Sleekburn Ind. Est. NE22 7LQ. It was in Blyth Harbour for a few years before moving to Amble where it had the fire.
  3. A few electrical connectors and cables, one L/Rover 12 pin trailer plug. Some wires/connections marked Ptarmigan.
  4. Find your local oil seal supplier they should be able to help. Firms like Bearing Services.
  5. Nothing is invincible. It is a sad fact but these are machines of war. Unfortunately when they go onto a battlefield they are at risk as are the crews.
  6. Unintended consequences of the legislation?
  7. I see Ajax is on the go again. They seem to have spent the time trying to mitigate the effects of the problem rather than solve the root cause. Issuing 2 types of ear defenders will help but if that is what is needed! So our modern army ends up having to use and make work on overweight outdated designed vehicle, let us hope the equipment that it is fitted with comes up to scratch. We are not the only ones with problems, the American army replacement for the Bradley is having problems with stability.
  8. To much ether = alcoholic. To much use dries bores/ liners of oil film, causing ring and surface damage in the longer term.
  9. As we suspected it is slowly turning into a war of the factories. To keep the front line supplied.
  10. I must clean my binoculars, or maybe buy a telescope. Its another one in the saved row.
  11. That is big project along with the what looks like a CMP and a Marmon.
  12. You very often find brass zips on overalls.
  13. You wold be surprised just what some of these people can find. It costs nothing to ask.
  14. Start with your local shop that does clothes alterations.
  15. We have people with the ability and willing companies, It is political foresight and willingness to expect the unexpected this country lacks. We support lame ducks and deride success in many cases. We cannot support the military with a just in time supply system used in the commercial sphere of operations. No politician seems to have any idea how many rounds a weapon of any class can fire or need to fire in a combat situation. They have not seen the Red or White ball express films of Diamond Ts pulling trailers loaded with ammunition heading for the front line. They never thought to ask where did they come from. A most recent debacle is HMS Leaky and HMS Wobbly both built with foreign design input from firms with no track record in design and installation of the items they were given a contract to install. Sorry if it looks like a rant.
  16. That is a bit of a killjoy attitude, When sitting around a campfire are all things discussed fact and not given to some artistic license and fantasy. Especially when some falling down water is added.
  17. A hole in the exhaust does not help, Spitting, start with timing and distributor/coil, then carb, and manifold. Then valves. E5 is good for a year but it pays to drain off the moisture before starting after a lay off.
  18. There are still steam engines running today from the 18 hundreds. So I see no reason why not.
  19. There have been reports lately of modern cars breaking down using e10.
  20. With the developments in metallurgy and composite materials as well as hull survivability design in the intervening years. We as a country should be in the forefront of mobile combat vehicle design and manufacture given the MOD budget. Which begs the question, what do these mandarins do with the money.
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