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Everything posted by john1950

  1. I think there is a Citroen half track on a large estate in Scotland
  2. Until the military vehicles get out into civvi life and start having problems no one wil know. Does anyone have a tame bod from an OEM or Dealer workshop to ask? I only know the first time I drove a MAN truck I could not open the truck front to check the oil, I would not start the days work until I had done. After a conversation which included doubts about my parents I went to the local dealers. Where it was found the cable for the lock was broken the bill went way into three figures and I was not flavour of the month. I do remember it needed a good glug of oil to get it onto the mark though.
  3. It is ok for basic stuff but these vehicles have engine management boxes missing and transmission controls. These are going to be mega money from MAN. You could buy 2 or 3 vehicles to get one missing piece then it would have to be coded to the vehicle. This stuff is 5th and 6th generation stuff. Send for the 10 year old they will know how to program it.
  4. One of the last companys I worked for had real time remote driver behavior monitoring, and did phone some drivers to tell to adjust there speed and or engine revs. Also Fridge temperature monitoring and also in real time vehicle manufacturer monitoring and security monitering. I always thought if they have the tech to watch they have the tech to intervene.
  5. A few more the first one is really usefull when working on batteries, and the last when a brew is handy.
  6. Have you any dry electrical spray it may just be the connector pins not contacting.
  7. Possibly the best chance is the Ground nut scheme area if any were left and are still hidden in the jungle. Pictures are good to look forward to.
  8. If the factory have the shutdown codes, It does pose the question, What if an aggressor got there hands on them. On a Mercedes I drove it had a manual get you to a safe place switch for the gearbox in the armrest, for use if the auto system shut down. In these days when vehicles automaticaly send fault codes to the factory, It seems they are sometimes reluctant to share this information with the people trying to fix the fault.
  9. I think there is no vlewing on site because they do not have the personel to cater for an influx of civvy buyers. Also costs associated with insurance etc.
  10. Any information on Vigor disposals would be appreciated if you have the time.
  11. Sorry its just a photo of a photo, of new build Shervic tractors in the factory.
  12. Vickers converted several before they produced the Vigor/Vicon range. They were marketed as Shervic tractors, made at Vickers Elswick works on the river Tyne.
  13. That would create quite some vibration and noise.
  14. You can never have to many spares. I presume SV is for Specialist Vehicles. Quite a difference in performance over standard.
  15. I see the 4d has the early hard fuel pump drive, these create a lot of noise and alter the injection timing as they wear. the later engines had a rubber drive coupling.
  16. One bear (Wojtek) made a good shell carrier at Monte Cassino, and other battles.
  17. A lot were built by Leyland so there must be someone in your part of the world with knowledge. Anyone at Bovington? On a lighter note maybe Paddington would know as I think some went to Peru.
  18. I am guilty of overthinking, suspension should not affect the track tension when the vehicle is sitting on the ground. They do not appear to have a lot of adjustment as taking links out was a regular job especially on early tracks. Slackening that adjuster rod should give you some track slack.
  19. An email to the German tank museum may shed some light. Its a 1950s design so should be mechanical.
  20. If you pull the idler back the coil springs on the suspension will take up the slack, will they have to be locked first? There is nothing easy when you are dealing with Tracks.
  21. Track tension seems to be coil spring so be very carefull. 64 bolts and all of the fluid and electrical connections have to come apart to let the rear come off. There were 3 different kinds of transmission fitted.
  22. When I lost T the last cat who just turned up on the doorstep and stayed about 15 years I said no more. He was a Norwegen Forrest cat. But after a few weeks I went to the shelter and he has now been here about 4 years. He is usually not for away if I am working. If I am at the keyboard he comes and lies on it as Big T used to. I sometimes have to take the laptop to the menders as it locks itself after his visit.
  23. After a nights soak in light oil and diesel splashed around it turns with no clunks. Just two of the tappets were reluctant to follow the the cambshaft. Thomas had got himself into the top of my shed and was rattling things around.
  24. I have at last started on the Morris engine and have got further than I thought without breaking anything but the china on the plugs.
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